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' Hijanah Hazalif 'Found 6 Related Products
By Hijanah Hazalif
This book is specificaly and specially written for every heart that yearns to be heard, to be understood and to be cared for. I personally created this book for everyone to know that even if i may not know you personally, I always have a special heart for everyone that continues to support my journey, praying for me and followed me throught my journey as a sister, mother, wife and most importantly a friend. I hope that from reading this book, you will find solace and peace. Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

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By Hijanah Hazalif
May we heal… Letters from my heart, I just need you to stay Learn More
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By Aisyah Hijanah
Have you ever wondered why you can’t achieve your dreams while some people can easily achieve theirs? This book will help you understand yourself better instead of comparing yourselves to other people. At the same time you’ll get guidance to acknowledge about business, studies and especially how to manage your time in these 3 areas at the same time (business, family & study). This will eventually help students who would love doing business during studying, at the same t Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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By Hijanah Hazalif
Accepting and loving yourself is where all the healing begins. Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

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"Biarpun engkau pergi terlalu awal, Pemergianku dirindui sepanjang hidupku. Engkau pergi bukan membawa diri, Tetapi membawa seluruh isi hidupku bersama. ""Kenapa terlalu cepat Allah tank semua benda? Bukan abi seorang! Tapi semua benda! Allah memang kejam!"" Seorang lelaki berdiri, lengkap berbalut kain putih, tapi koyak rabak di seluruh tubuh badan. Ah! Darah penuh melekat di setup inci kain itu. Baunya usah dicakap, tak ubah seperti bangkai binatang! Wajahnya menakutkan! Learn More
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By Hijanah & Hazalif
Tatkala Tuhan memerdekakan seseorang hamba kerakusan dunia, maka dia berlari keluar daripada penjara 'Syaitan' yang bersalut duka demi menjadi pengganti sang ayah yang mati kerana agama. "Kenapa kalimah Allah ada di pergelangan tangan aku?" "Mengapa muncul lelaki bercahaya dalam mimpiku? Siapa dia?" Aisyah Hijanah, wanita berjiwa lemah, kudratnya keletihan dek sering jatuh tersungkur. Rambutnya ditarik bertubi-tubi, kepalanya ditebuk sehingga dibuang kemanisan dunia, Learn More
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