100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' N.F Afrina 'Found 4 Related Products
By N.F Afrina
Sarah Amani is a Worldsmith. At eighteen, she accidentally conjured a mythical world called Lagenda with the help of a past lover, Malik. Five years had passed and she was on a straight path to healing and moving on. She made sure nobody could enter Lagenda again and only allowed people to come in as wanderers by giving them petals as tickets. It was her way of ensuring that Lagenda remained hers without destroying it. Just when she thought she could leave her past, she was Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 36.00 (-20%)

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By Eina Afrina
"Cinta tak perlu sempurna, tapi cinta sejati melengkapkan segalanya." Kata orang cinta itu boleh dipupuk, disemai agar bercambah dalam hati. Tapi tak semudah itu bagi Hazreen. Hakimi bukan pilihan hati dan rasa cinta itu tak pernah kunjung tiba meskipun sudah puas menunggu. Yang peliknya, bagaimana dia boleh setuju saat mereka hendak ditunangkan dahulu? Ashril pula, lelaki berlagak yang tak sudah-sudah cari pasal dengan Hazreen. Lelaki itu bagaikan magnet yang kadang Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-0%)

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By 克莉司德‧布提可南
★《想太多也沒關係》法國版上市即榮登Amazon.fr心理類第1名,銷售突破100000冊。 ★《想太多也沒關係》韓文版,迄今銷售超過12萬本,目前仍盤踞yes24.com心理類第2名。 給在職場中不順利、在戀愛中受傷、為人際關係苦惱, 因想太多而厭倦人生的你,如何適應社會的聰明祕訣! 如果你對於《想太多也沒關係》深表同感, 那麼你一定能在《想太多也沒關係 Learn More
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NOW: RM 34.00 (-24%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-40%)

By 克莉司德‧布提可南
★法國版上市即榮登Amazon.fr心理類第1名,銷售突破100000冊。   ★韓文版迄今銷售超過12萬本,目前仍盤踞yes24.com心理類第2名。   ★蘇絢慧 諮商心理師/心理叢書作家 暖心推薦   「我為何總是愛胡思亂想呢?」   對於每件事總是纖細敏感的你,   所有煩惱,都來自於想努力活得跟別人一樣「理性、冷靜、客觀」,   一旦你接受「自己很特 Learn More
USUAL: RM44.65

NOW: RM 44.65 (-0%)

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