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' Stefan Petrucha 'Found 13 Related Products
By 薩爾·迪·斯蒂法諾
啞鈴.彈力帶+減脂飲食 3週x 3階段阻力訓練,鍛鍊肌肉、高效燃脂   ★ 營養學界、健身界共同推薦   ★《肥胖大解密》作者森傑.方、「美國第一健身強人」麥克.馬修斯,強力推薦。   ★ 美國亞馬遜書店五星好評暢銷書   ◎ 阻力訓練,打造體態的祕密武器   瘋狂做有氧運動,累到氣喘噓噓卻又瘦不下來?如果有氧運動不是減脂的最佳方案 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

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By 史提芬·瑞克勒斯
動漫迷必收!重量級夢幻大作,來襲! 《AKIRA 阿基拉》、《機動警察劇場版》、《攻殼機動隊》 《大都會》、《惡童當街》、《福音戰士新劇場版》…… 從手繪時代到數位時代, 影響全世界的日本科幻動畫經典, 收錄近400張珍貴草稿、原圖、分鏡、取材照, 揭開美術設定與場景設計背後的創意過程!   「動畫」(Anime)日本最成功的文化輸出之一。數十 Learn More
USUAL: RM195.00

NOW: RM 195.00 (-0%)

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By 卡莉娜·斯蒂芬諾娃
  看見你的Little Me,找回獨一無二的Real Me!   每個人都有自己的小矮人,   只是在喧囂匆忙中,漸漸看不到了……   ★在迷失年代尋找真我,適合9歲到99歲閱讀的心靈成長寓言!   ★暢銷全球,韓國《朝鮮日報》總編選書、巴西大學生必讀作品!   ★李崇建(薩提爾教育家、作家)、羅怡君(親職溝通作家與講師)好評推薦!      媲美 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

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By 亞倫·卡爾
全球熱賣數千萬冊, 戒菸權威亞倫.卡爾幫助5000萬人戒除成癮問題。 本書為暢銷書《1000萬人都說有效的輕鬆戒菸法》最新實踐版, 不僅有助於解決香菸、電子煙、口嚼菸、香菸沾粉、 口含菸和其他尼古丁產品上癮的問題,也能保證過程輕鬆,甚至愉快。   這才不是什麼洗腦術,這是科學+心理學,   是唯一合理並且有效的戒菸方法。   你不 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 55.00 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 49.00 (-20%)

By Hyun Yunzz
Sengsara di alam realiti, melangkaui aurora halusinasi yang tiada infiniti. Dia didera, dikurung dalam bilik bawah tanah oleh keluarga sendiri sejak kecil. Gadis ini bangkit semula dengan mewujudkan sebuah permainan video yang mustahil sehingga mematikan ramai manusia. Dia mencipta satu watak permainan video Owarinashi yang tertanam pelbagai memori indah untuknya alami. Dia mahukan kebahagian seperti Faye Mnemosyne. Enam orang lelaki terkurung di dalam bangunan usang keran Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

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By 史戴凡諾斯·詹內奇斯
  經歷社會的嚴苛考驗、生活的翻江倒海,史戴凡諾斯告訴你:   每一個看似平凡的生活點滴,都能成為改變生命的魔幻時刻!   並用心獻給你:   99個在逆境中帶給你希望和力量的無價心靈禮物!   「每一天」都是禮物,開心地打開它,別虛擲了   「生活」本身也是禮物,好好地度過,別錯過了   「Be a good man,Everything will be good.」   ─ Learn More
USUAL: RM47.75

NOW: RM 47.75 (-0%)

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By Stefan Petrucha
The tenth title in Titan Books' Marvel fiction reissue program, featuring the Captain America story, Captain America: Dark Designs. SUPER HEROES SURVIVE. IT'S WHAT THEY DO. BUT SO DO THE VILLAINS THAT HAUNT THEM. Steve Rogers knows the art of survival better than most. Decades under ice will do that to a man. But the Avengers chipped more than rock-hard morality and super-strength out from under that permafrost. When Cap takes out a terrorist cell threatening to poison the Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

NOW: RM 45.90 (-0%)

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By 史蒂芬妮·史塔爾
  你曾經有以下的「症狀」嗎?   ◆覺得自己完全墜入愛河,極度渴望著對方。   ◆除了對方以外,幾乎什麼也不想。   ◆會理想化對方,幾乎把對方給捧上天。   ◆孜孜不倦地期待一個快樂結局,期待對方最終還是會確實地投入這段關係中。   ◆利用一些招數或追求完美來取信於對方。   ◆故作冷漠,或是試圖引起對方嫉妒,藉此抓住對方 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

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By 比爾·艾迪 , 喬姬·蒂斯達夫諾
懂點心理技巧,就能超越許多人! 書市唯一、顛覆傳統MBA的全新衝突管理法則 「每個上班族桌上,最好都有這本書。」   ★溝通權威‧企業內訓顧問教你駕馭各種人   ★榮獲公理好書獎、Amazon網路書店長銷書   如今,有高衝突人格傾向的人愈來愈多。正是這些人讓你容易壓力大、情緒差。      什麼是高衝突人格?他們一開始看起來可能很可靠甚 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

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By Stefan Hertmans
WINNER OF THE VONDEL PRIZE 2017 LONGLISTED FOR THE 2017 MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE Selected as a Book of the Year 2016 in The Times, Sunday Times and The Economist, and one of the 10 Best Books of 2016 in the New York Times Shortly before his death, Stefan Hertmans' grandfather Urbain Martien gave his grandson a set of notebooks containing the detailed memories of his life. He grew up in poverty around 1900, the son of a struggling church painter who died you Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

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By 史蒂芬·茨威格
世紀末最後的精神貴族 茨威格用盡生命最後的氣力,寫給世界的遺書   一戰後,他告別唯美,冷靜潛沉,寫出《一位陌生女子的來信》   二戰後,他信念崩潰,傾盡心念,刻下《昨日世界》的字字句句   只因為,文字是他向世界訣別的唯一方式   《昨日世界》藏著一個時而甜蜜,時而黑暗的夢幻人生   當他的世界像被炸成碎片的藏寶盒   茨威 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.45 (-0%)

By Emily Finch , Stefan Fafinski
The best-selling legal skills textbook in the market, Legal Skills is the essential guide for law students, encompassing all the academic and practical skills in one manageable volume. It is an ideal text for students new to law, helping them make the transition from secondary education and giving them the skills they need to succeed from the beginning of their degree, through exams and assessments and into their future career. The first part covers 'Sources of Law' and Learn More
USUAL: RM109.90

NOW: RM 109.90 (-0%)

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By April Genevieve Tucholke
A host of the sharpest young adult authors come together in this collection of terrifying tales and psychological thrillers. Clever readers will love teasing out the references and can satisfy their curiosity at the end of each tale, where the inspiration is revealed. From bloody horror, to the supernatural, to unsettling, all-too-possible realism, this collection has something for anyone looking for an absolute thrill. The full roster of authors includes Stefan Bachmann, Lei Learn More
USUAL: RM44.95

NOW: RM 44.95 (-0%)

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