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' Vincent Ralph 'Found 30 Related Products
By Lisa Swerling , Ralph Lazar
This is THE new happiness book. From Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling, famed illustrators and New York Times bestselling authors of Me Without You, this adorable gift book illustrates 500 things to be happy about. Happiness is . . . an unexpected bouquet, watching the sea, fixing something, a good high five, and so much more! The charming, make-you-smile illustrations hit just the right note—not too sappy, not too sweet—and remind us that there are dozens of things to be hap Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

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By Vincent Ralph
From New York Times bestselling author Vincent Ralph comes Secrets Never Die, a chilling new YA thriller about four teens whose dark secrets come back to terrorize them. Some secrets should never have been buried . . . We call it the Dark Place. I don't know who built it or when but, for us, it's special. One night every year Sam Hall and his friends hold funerals for their secrets in an abandoned hut in the woods that they call the Dark Place. But this year, their secrets Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

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By Firas Firzana
Racun serangga menjadi senjata utama bagi Ezril untuk membunuh lipas, secara kasarnya orang akan berkata yang Ezril fobia dengan lipas tetapi sebenarnya Ezril yang mempunyai kehebatan deria bau yang sangat kuat terhadap keberadaan lipas. Di tambah lagi dengan adiknya, Fahmi yang suka membuang plastik makanan ringan sesuka hati dan menyebabkan biliknya menjadi sarang lipas. Kelasnya diserang lipas sebesar tapak tangan, dan Ezril berjaya mendapatkan salah satu kaki lipas itu. D Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.10 (-10%)

By Rosemary Sullivan
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER 'Hums with living history, human warmth and indignation' New York Times Less a mystery unsolved than a secret well kept The mystery has haunted generations since the Second World War: Who betrayed Anne Frank and her family? And why? Now, thanks to radical new technology and the obsession of a retired FBI agent, this book offers an answer. Rosemary Sullivan unfolds the story in a gripping, moving narrative. Over thirty mill Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

NOW: RM 56.66 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 50.36 (-20%)

By 喬希·林克納
  「偉大的事物,是由一連串的小事組成的。」   (“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”)   —文森.梵谷 (VINCENT VAN GOGH)   「77%的經濟成長來自於平常的小創新,而不是激進的創新」。改變世界也許是性感的,真正驅動我們經濟的卻是「微創新大突破」。   —史提芬.湯姆基(哈佛大學經濟學者)   這也是為什麼作者要以「微創新 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 宇文正
一本寫給五年級世代的情歌之書 時間是公平的,青春總會離開你,也會離開我 所以,唱歌吧!在忘記之前 一首歌一首歌地唱寫入回憶   「歌聲,是打開這每一樁記憶的鑰匙。」——宇文正   每個年代都有屬於自己的一首歌。五年級的宇文正在《我們的歌》,寫下成長中影響她最深刻的首首歌曲,也訪談身邊同樣在民國五○年代出生、長大的「五 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By Nick Eliopulos
Book one in the new OFFICIAL Minecraft fiction series for readers age 7+ - the Stonesword Saga Join Morgan, Ash, Harper, Po, Jodi and Theo as they return for another adventure in the world of Minecraft. Someone - or something - has turned the Evoker King to stone. Do the gang have what it takes to solve the mystery and return the Evoker King to normal? Theo's coding skills might just be what the gang need, but does he have what it takes to be a part of the team or will his Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

NOW: RM 52.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.25 (-10%)

By Nick Eliopulos
Ash, Morgan, Harper, Po and Jodi are back for their fifth adventure in the world of Minecraft. When Morgan and his friends receive an unwelcome visit from the elusive Evoker King, the find themselves on a quest to find a secret item hidden in the depths of an unknown dungeon. But not is all as it seems, and they must gear up for an epic journey rife with danger, dragons and mysterious foes. Meanwhile, in the real world, the school play seems to be full of its own traps and Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

NOW: RM 52.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.25 (-10%)

By 威廉·戈茲曼
  吳一揆(中信金控總經理):今天全球是一個複雜經濟體的組合,這個全球文明必須面對金融創新給這個世界帶來的基本問題:如何平衡當下與未來的需求?如何避另一次金融災難的發生?以及如何讓金融創新的利益讓社會每一個人受益?這些問題或許透過威廉‧戈茲曼這本書,可以在金融創新的歷史發展軌跡上找到許多有用的指引。   金融是一部時光 Learn More
USUAL: RM89.30

NOW: RM 89.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.37 (-10%)

This set includes 12 books and 1 interactive poster.  This set includes 12 books and 1 interactive poster. Titles include: • Leonardo da Vinci • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart • Vincent van Gogh • Pablo Picasso • Stephen Hawking • Charles Darwin • Albert Einstein • Galileo Galilei • Maria Montessori • Marie Curie • Coco Chanel • Frida Kahlo Learn More
USUAL: RM430.80

NOW: RM 129.00 (-70%)

MEMBER: RM 129.00 (-70%)

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By Nick Eliopulas
The gang from Woodsword Middle School have re-entered the world of Minecraft, and this time they're taking the plunge to discover the secrets of the ocean biome. When the friends follow a treasure map, they find their underwater quest ties in perfectly with their new school science project. But trouble quickly threatens to sink them in both worlds! For fans of the Minecraft game, Jumanji and Wreck it Ralph. Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

NOW: RM 52.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.25 (-10%)

By 中島輝
  堅信自己,你無所不能   最值得傾聽的聲音,就在內心   深刻影響尼采、賈伯斯、歐巴馬,被譽為「美國成功哲學始祖」   給予無數人力量的偉大思想家   ────愛默生────   累計諮商人數超過1萬,其中95%痊癒   行過地獄之路,透過自學與實踐而重生的「奇蹟諮商心理師」   ────中島輝────   「我們在聽從他人之前 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 浦上滿
葛飾北齋──站在巨浪頂點的浮世繪大師 從《北齋漫畫》踏入北齋的奇想創作世界!   世界第一藏家,帶你認識讓莫內、梵谷傾心的北齋魅力   一窺掀起西方日本主義風潮,影響當代漫畫、動畫   流傳逾一世紀的繪畫指南──《北齋漫畫》   ★全彩收錄74幅珍貴的初版印刷《北齋漫畫》★   葛飾北齋(1760~1849)是日本藝術史上最具代表性的浮 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 徐竹
你可以不用那么坚强,好好喘口气,也许你会走得更远更有力量、更自在做自己。 你最近是什么状态?多少生活的辛苦总是自己扛?咬唇挺过从不流泪? 如果难过,就狠狠地大哭一场;如果累了,就暂时放下休息一下。 有一首歌是这样唱的:「每一次都在徘徊孤单中坚强,每一次就算很受伤也不闪泪光。」我们的生活,并不是每天都充满阳光,有时也会 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

By 倪益江
曾经的他,自小家里经济条件不理想,所以他,只能羡慕别人驾着名车上学,而自己却要搭巴士;只能用着残旧不堪的手机,却在一旁羡慕别人经常更换新款手机。 然而他,却以自身的力量,去克服同年的伤痛、不断地学习自我增值,最终他从默默无闻的“庶民”成为了马来西亚现今最年轻的房产明星导师。他就是倪益江Vincent Nee! Vincent的创业过程并非一帆风 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 60.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.00 (-10%)

By Authors
The first OFFICIAL Minecraft novel for young readers 7+ It's Ash's first day at Woodford Middle School and she's very nervous. But fellow student, Morgan, isn't doing a good job of making her feel welcome. He liked things before Ash arrived. When Doc Culpepper, the science teacher, asks Morgan and his friends to test her new Virtual Reality Minecraft Project, they can't wait! Inside the world of Minecraft, the friends build and gather to make a castle and survive the night Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

NOW: RM 52.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.25 (-10%)

By 文森·阿米耶
  只要簡單幾步驟,一鍋到底,享受美味好時光!   從充滿巴西風味的椰奶鯛魚,到印度王公的甜點荳蔻布丁,   跟著法國主廚的鑄鐵鍋食譜,就能煮出異國風味的頂級饗宴!   鑄鐵鍋耐高溫,導熱功能良好,特別適合需要燉煮的菜餚,在調理時保留最多風味。書中收錄食譜從各式肉類、蔬菜到海鮮及水果,鹹甜皆備,每一道都帶給你無比的味覺享 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Palo Santo is the second studio album by the English electronic trio Years & Years, released by Polydor Records on 6 July 2018. Executive produced by the band, it is the follow-up to their debut album Communion (2015). After the success of their Communion, the trio felt pressured in making Learn More
USUAL: RM55.90

NOW: RM 50.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 47.52 (-15%)

By 雅麗珊卓·吳爾夫
  矽谷,一個顛覆全球產業,也顛覆主流文化與社會體制的創新創業之都。   矽谷現在流行什麼?創業家的生活都是怎麼過的?如何在矽谷存活?   跟著《華爾街日報》記者的深入報導,   一窺這個日夜不輟孵化出全球尖端科技的眾神之谷。   一項挑戰傳統的獎學金計畫   PayPal共同創辦人、Facebook第一位外部投資人彼得.提爾(Peter Thiel),在2 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 陳楊文
  低糖、多動、減體重   適合每個人的「減重練習提案」,3日立即有感,   透過大數據「可視化」的指標,打造不復胖的年輕體態。      ◇第一本利用大數據成功減重的新類型健康叢書。   ◇作者以科學實驗的精神,研究國內外醫學報告、嘗試各種專業減肥建議,摸索出自己(與家人、社群)身體力行驗證有效的自然減重法。   ◇個人 Learn More
USUAL: RM52.35

NOW: RM 52.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.12 (-10%)

By 中島輝
★ 日本亞馬遜讀者一致好評、五顆星感動推薦 ★ 日本知名心理諮商師──中島輝10年親身實證成果 ★ 愛默生思想深刻影響尼采、賈伯斯、歐巴馬、宮澤賢治等人。 ★ 愛默生被思想界授予「美國的文藝復興領袖」的桂冠。   當你想參與聊天,卻不敢向他人表達真實的看法,   不停想著或許自己是錯的,擔心被說想太多,   這或許是因為我們太習 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Sydney Finkelstein
'Superbosses shows the incredible impact that great managers can have, both on their employees and on entire industries. Finkelstein has written a true leadership guide for the Networked Age' Reid Hoffman, cofounder and chairman, LinkedIn; coauthor of The Alliance 'Superbosses is the rare business book that is chock-full of new, useful, and often unexpected ideas' Robert Sutton, author of Scaling Up Excellence and The No Asshole Rule 'One of the most important, gr Learn More
USUAL: RM59.95

NOW: RM 59.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.96 (-10%)

By Ryan Holiday ,  Stephen Hanselman
The beloved classic daily devotional of Stoic meditations—the only authorized print edition in the US and complete with a ribbon marker—with more than two million copies sold! Why have history's greatest minds—from George Washington to Frederick the Great to Ralph Waldo Emerson, along with today's top performers from Super Bowl-winning football coaches to CEOs and celebrities—embraced the wisdom of the ancient Stoics? Because they realize that the most valuable wisdo Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By 陳子李
  只是想,和老外說說話⋯⋯   只是想,自己到國外走走⋯⋯   只是想,多交幾個外國朋友⋯⋯   只是想,自由自在的用英文聊聊天⋯⋯   我只是想聊聊天,   幹嘛學那麼多文法、背那麼多單字?   這時候你只需要:《想要和你用英文聊聊天》。   一本簡單到不行的英語會話書!   讓你和老外用LINE聊到HIGH、用Skype聊到很Happy!   無 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.35

NOW: RM 53.00 (-9%)

MEMBER: RM 47.00 (-19%)

By 文生·布古德
剪‧貼‧折‧畫,150個瘋狂搞笑創意遊戲, 讓孩子變身無敵小超人,和超級英雄們一起上天下海! ~想像力向宇宙無限延伸~   一本讓孩子瘋狂搞笑的創意遊戲繪本!   從耳熟能詳的超人、蜘蛛人、科學怪人、蝙蝠俠,   到超級口水大王、貪心大胃王、神勇盲劍客、超級臭屁等,   花招百出的奇怪英雄們,將帶領孩子進入百無禁忌的幻想世界。   Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By 彭明輝
人生如果是一個(),你想填入什麼? 用心學習,安心長大? 考上名校,找到好工作? 及早退休,實現環遊世界的夢想?…… 生命其實無限寬廣,每一個人都有機會快樂做自己! 人生的()完全看你想填什麼、怎麼填! 不管世界發生什麼變化,不管考試有什麼新花樣,你一定可以找到自己的舞台! 《生命無限寬廣》可以讓年輕人和他們的師長看清楚:職場 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 安德魯‧索柏 , 傑洛‧帕拿
★亞馬遜書店「溝通技巧類」暢銷榜 No. 1   想知道如何讓產品賣得更好?   該如何跟盛怒下的老闆溝通?   想瞭解怎麼跟任何人都聊得來?   《紐約時報》、《富比士》、美國《商業週刊》競邀的人際溝通專家教你   33種情境×9類需求×337個中英對照問題   讓你跟誰開口都沒問題!   問對問題,比答對答案更有威力!   善用發問的力量, Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By 品牌製作人 賴玉琳
全面公開── 從零出發建立品牌,將產品熱銷到全世界 同樣一件商品,為什麼有人賣得好,有人賣不好? 賴玉琳告訴你,品牌行銷是營運成功的關鍵利器! 本書不空談理論,全部是真實的經驗案例, 讓你快速掌握品牌行銷的要義,在營運實作上延伸應用。 最有用的行銷實戰手冊,讓你生意做不完! 市面上的行銷書常常滿紙理論,鮮少實務,品牌製作人賴 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.80

NOW: RM 45.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.22 (-10%)

By Rebecca Donovan
Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan is a US bestselling phenomenon. An utterly addictive and heartbreaking novel that will leave readers breathless and desperate for more. All fans of Jodi Picoult and new adult author fiction such Colleen Hoover's Slammed, Tammara Webber's Easy and Abbi Glines' Vincent Boys will love Rebecca Donovan's incredible writing. A must-read. A passionate love. A brutal betrayal. Unwavering hope. In a town where most people worry abo Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

NOW: RM 42.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.25 (-10%)

By 梁志援
《和孩子一起學習正面思維》是參考「積極思考之父」Norman Vincent及「正面心理學之父」Martin Seligman的思考理念所設計的課程,並透過許多生動有趣的故事來讓孩子懂得: 1.思維的神奇力量。 2.思維能改變命運。 3.什麼是正面思維? 4.負面思維是怎麼形成的? 5.如何捕捉及停止負面思維? 6.如何運用正面思維技巧? Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

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