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By 魔法少女兔英俊
拐跑王子殿下的亡靈女巫安妮,除了全大陸通緝, 現在身上又增加了名為「七大災」的滅世預言, 而唯一的解方竟然是……成為新任神明?? 為了尋找成神線索,安妮及里維斯深入海妖故鄉, 結果不只教會追殺上門,連之前得罪的黑狼王也蠢蠢欲動。 遇到威脅,亡靈女巫的原則就是── 一.律.收.編! 「遵從您的意志,主人。我是您的……乖狗狗。」 面對 Learn More
USUAL: RM43.10

NOW: RM 43.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.79 (-10%)

By 鈴木祐斗
鐵臂‧豹&狙擊手‧平助vs磁力殺手熊埜御!殺戮作風相異的三人,遠、近距離混合的激戰結果將會如何…?同一時間,在✕躲藏的廢棄倉庫,坂本等人還在趕路的時候,「某個人物」已經搶先與✕對峙!   首刷限定   壓克力繪板 約12.8*18.2*0.3cm   書盒尺寸:19*12*4cm Learn More
USUAL: RM68.00

NOW: RM 68.00 (-0%)

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By 和久井健/週刊少年MAGAZINE編輯部
第3彈『東京卍復仇者』公式角色書,本書主要內容是介紹橫濱『天竺』的成員,以及VS東京卍會的過程。除了主要角色的簡介,還有TOKYO 卍 REVENGERS EXHIBITION東京會場回顧,跟原畫展原創商品大公開。此外還附上『天竺篇‧第168話 Headliner』的全彩版漫畫。 Learn More
USUAL: RM21.00

NOW: RM 21.00 (-0%)

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By 金城宗幸 , ノ村優介
只有「一瞬間」才不夠!該追求的是「完全勝利」!德國靠著潔&雪宮的合作彈擊敗了英格蘭。為了在下一場靠自己的進球戰勝凱薩,潔企圖確立「100%」的理論,並努力做著更進一步的特訓。相較於他,臉上掛著悶悶不樂表情的則是還沒有機會上場的冰織。他暗藏在心中的「過去」,以及他對足球的「真心話」又是什麼──?下一戰,德國面對的是擁有馬狼的 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.00 (-0%)

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By 南勝久
 \野蠻//\滑稽//\大阪日常//   「我只是一個擅長殺人的專家。」     ——寓言 / 佐藤明 (假名)   \六秒殺人的傳奇殺手,弱點卻是超怕燙的舌頭//   \殺手工作留職停薪中,普通人的生活意外樂趣多多//   「看來扮演普通人的我也是專家呢!」     ——寓言 / 佐藤明 (假名)   \硬派寫實動作片+笑中帶淚的搞笑日常=看盡人生百態的黑色喜劇/ Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

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By 羽海野千花
 ★榮獲2011年漫畫大賞第1名、2014年手塚治虫文化賞!   ★單行本不斷再版,感動無數讀者的!!   ★不斷地邁步向前,在棋士的對戰中領悟人生。   「沒錯…我們要永遠彼此廝殺──在棋盤上。」   友誼更加前進一步的第17集登場!   【內容簡介】   同為島田研究會,也是勁敵的兩人,   進入對局白熱化的獅子王戰決勝淘汰賽──   零 Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.10 (-10%)

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By 芥見下々 
五條VS宿儺的最強決戰,以超乎想像的規模展開!在這場反覆的同時展開領域並修復燒毀的術式的戰鬥中,因為宿儺無法召喚魔虛羅,而五條也無法展開領域的關係,讓雙方的實力似乎不再維持均衡… Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 16.20 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

ONE PIECE 海贼王 BOX 36 VOL.1076-1099 JAP (E / C / M) 1076 The World That Luffy Wants! 魯夫所追求的世界 1077 The Curtain Falls! The Winner, Straw Hat Luffy! 閉幕 獲勝者草帽小子魯夫 1078 He Returns! The Shogun of the Land of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke 歸來 和之國將軍 光月桃之助 1079 The Morning Comes! Luffy and the Others Rest! 天亮了 魯夫等人暫時歇息 1080 A Celebration Banquet! The New Emperors of the Sea! 慶祝之宴 新一代的 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By 芥見下々
五條VS宿儺的最強決戰,以超乎想像的規模展開!在這場反覆的同時展開領域並修復燒毀的術式的戰鬥中,因為宿儺無法召喚魔虛羅,而五條也無法展開領域的關係,讓雙方的實力似乎不再維持均衡…   首刷限定   天逆鉾 約135×35mm 金屬   獄門彊 約30×30×30mm 金屬   手帕 約400×400mm 棉布   現場写真照片卡49枚 約54×86mm 紙質   書盒尺寸    Learn More
USUAL: RM239.00

NOW: RM 215.10 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 215.10 (-10%)

By 金城宗幸 , ノ村優介
 如果無法在這裡奮戰,就沒有世界第一(下一步)!   極限對決,利己主義(EGOISM)最高潮!   「新英雄大戰(NEO‧EGOIST LEAGUE)」第3戰在同分之中進入最終局面!   德國vs.英格蘭!完全判讀出克里斯進球機會的潔,   運用他的預見企圖反擊!然而此時前來   奪取主角寶座的,則是背負絕不能輸的「命運」的雪宮!   在「合理」與「理想」對 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.00 (-0%)

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By Kafka Asagiri
In Mersault, Dazai and Sigma are facing off against Dostoyevsky and the vampirised Chuya in a life-or-death battle of wits. During the battle, Sigma gets an inside look at the secret of Dostoyevsky’s Ability. Meanwhile, as the struggle over “One Order” continues at the airport, Atsushi battles the vampirised Akutagawa. As Atsushi remains confused about the right thing to do, the situation descends further into chaos elsewhere! Towards the end of the “One Order” s Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 12.60 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 11.20 (-20%)

By 真島浩 , 上田敦夫
FIRES vs. 土神龍多格拉瑪格,巨大地下迷宮之戰終於塵埃落定!當FT(妖精尾巴)與DIABOLOS,以及艾雷夫瑟利亞和賽雷涅同席對談的瞬間,納茲等人所接的「百年任務」即將迎向新局面!在與炎神龍伊格尼亞、金神龍比耶爾涅斯交戰時據說是不可或缺的,連神龍都能貫穿的「人界最強兵器」真的存在嗎?當FT(妖精尾巴)重新審視人類與龍族的未來,於基爾帝那大 Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-0%)

By A. C. Grayling
From the eminent philosopher, an answer to the big question: how should I live my life? How should I live my life? What values shall I live by? What sort of person should I be? What shall I aim for? In this summation of a lifetime thinking and writing about these great questions, A. C. Grayling explores with clarity and depth the ideas that each of us must use in answering them for ourselves. Drawing on the lives, experiences and works of a fantastically eclectic ran Learn More
USUAL: RM72.00

NOW: RM 72.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.60 (-20%)

Kamen Rider Geats × Revice The Movie Battle Royale 假面骑士极狐×利维斯剧场版 大逃杀 〈GEATS vs 利维斯 vs 龙骑〉冲撃的战斗现在开始。 JAP/CAN E / C / M “利维斯”真正的最后 “GEATS”最恶劣的游戏 “龙骑”紧急参战 以假面骑士利维斯“最后的故事”开始的第1部,然后GEATS×利维斯×龙骑共演突入“最恶劣的游戏”,≪无缝2部作≫构成的今作。 等待着被召集参与愿望大 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.90

NOW: RM 23.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 21.51 (-10%)

By Linda Yueh
The global economy has weathered the most tumultuous century in modern financial history. Since America's Wall Street Crash of 1929, the global economy has weathered the most tumultuous century in financial history. From the currency crises of the 1980s, to Japan's housing meltdown, the dot com boom and bust, the global financial crash and the COVID pandemic, crash after crash has sent shockwaves through our world. The Great Crashes tells the stories of ten of these histori Learn More
USUAL: RM72.00

NOW: RM 72.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.60 (-20%)

By 大野萌子
 ~萬人迷的神對應 VS 顧人怨的鹽對應~   暢銷書《換句話說圖鑑》作者教你掌握說話精髓,   全方位建立「相處起來很舒服」的好印象!   工作滿檔時,突然被拜託處理額外的工作,   若是直接回嗆:「為什麼非要我做不可?」   雖然保護了自己,卻會種下「讓對方不爽」的種子,   成為日後職場上的絆腳石。   不只是職場,和伴侶、 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Journey to the depths of the ocean as Ariel fights to be with the one she loves in this classic story of The Little Mermaid. Learn More
USUAL: RM16.90

NOW: RM 15.21 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 13.52 (-20%)

By Kurt Wagner
On October 28th, hours after completing a $44 billion takeover of Twitter, Elon Musk Tweeted to his millions of followers 'The bird is freed.' Musk's takeover of Twitter was one of the most audacious and remarkable deals in tech history. The Battle for Twitter takes readers back to the very beginning and how we reached this point. It looks at the origins of the platform, the vision of its co-founder Jack Dorsey, and how it became a battleground for ideas, controversies, and Learn More
USUAL: RM109.90

NOW: RM 109.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 87.92 (-20%)

By J. R. R. 托爾金
九行者 vs. 九戒靈 一場爭奪至尊魔戒的大戰隱隱展開 從魔多出發的黑暗騎士已遠達夏郡 集合巫師、矮人、人類、精靈和哈比人的護戒隊將前往東方   ──仗義直言的巫師甘道夫──   「沒錯,我,灰袍甘道夫。世上有許多為善與為惡的力量,有些比我還強大。我還沒有對抗過某些勢力,但我的時機即將到來。魔窟王與他的黑騎士已經出動。戰爭正蓄勢待 Learn More
USUAL: RM115.50

NOW: RM 115.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 103.95 (-10%)

By 張國立
✦✦✦✦揚名國際、華麗登上世界舞台的台灣懸疑推理小說!✦✦✦✦ 系列售出全球英、法、德、俄、荷、日、土、越等8大語種,影視改編火熱進行中 *國際暢銷新版─特別收錄作者後記,一窺創作幕後花絮* ──五件狀似自殺的「他殺案」,是否可以在退休日前破案── 取材自30年前震驚台法,造成國防、情報、政治、外交圈激烈動盪的未解懸案 橫越10,000 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 張國立
✦✦✦✦法國Gallimard、德國Droemer Knaur兩大出版集團慧眼獨具搶先中文版發行✦✦✦✦ 台灣讀者久等了!小說家張國立華麗登上世界舞台的《炒飯狙擊手》續作終於出版! 系列售出全球英法德俄等8大語種,影視改編火熱進行中 ──總統大選倒數7天,總統中彈,追凶查案,能在投票日前真相大白── 取材自20年前轟動寶島社會、引發國際關注,沒有一個台灣人 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 金城宗幸 , 三宮宏太 , ノ村優介
vs. Z隊戰,終於開幕!   追尋自己未知的   「自私(EGO)」吧!   靠著「最強三人組」凪‧玲王‧斬鐵的能力,   V隊早早地就確定能夠突破第一次選拔了。   最終戰挑上他們的隊伍,則是Z隊!   與潔世一所率領的「黑馬」的這一戰,結果將是──   而天才‧凪在這一戰中萌生的「新感情」的真相又是什麼?   天才覺醒!永別了,無聊! Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.00 (-0%)

By Normaliza Mahadi
Takut tak bila baca isu-isu rumah tangga yang bertebaran di media sosial? Kes cerai, kes nafkah, kes curang, kes mentua vs menantu, kes gaduh. Banyak lagilah. Kes sampai naik mahkamah pun ada. Siapa sangka mereka jadi begitu padahal mereka dahulu saling mencintai dan pernah berjanji setia sehidup semati. Mereka pernah bahagia. Tapi sekarang apa yang terjadi? Berita-berita sebegini seolah-olah menggambarkan betapa perkahwinan itu adalah satu hubungan yang banyak masalah, yan Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 24.00 (-20%)

By Sakujyu Koizumi
Once every hundred years, the animals battle it out to determine the undisputed, No. 1 King of the Beasts!! Match No. 1: Tiger vs Slow Loris Match No. 2: Hippopotamus vs Kangaroo Match No. 3: Crocodile vs Cassowary Match No. 4: Shark vs Bear Learn More
USUAL: RM45.10

NOW: RM 45.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.59 (-10%)

DISC 1 1 Mr. Vampire 僵尸先生 2 Mr. Vampire II 僵尸家族 3 Mr. Vampire III 灵幻先生 4 Mr. Vampire IV 僵尸叔叔 DISC 2 5 Vampire vs. Vampire 一眉道人 6 Mr. Vampire V : Magic Cop 驱魔警察 7 Mr. Vampire 1992 新僵尸先生 8 Encounter of the Spooky Kind 鬼打鬼 DISC 3 9 The Dead And The Deadly 人吓人 10 Hocus Pocus 人吓鬼 11 Encounter of the Spooky Kind II 鬼咬鬼 12 Spiritual Trinity 灵幻至尊 (人鬼神) DISC 4 13 Mad Mad Ghost Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 80.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 71.92 (-20%)

By Kafka Asagiri
Di Mersault, Dazai dengan Sigma dan Dostoyevsky dengan Chuuya yang telah bertukar menjadi puntianak, bertarung dalam satu perlawanan kepintaran mempertaruhkan hidup atau mati. Di tengah-tengah perlawanan, Sigma dapat melihat secara dekat tentang rahsia kuasa luar biasa Dostoyevsky. Pada masa sama, pertarungan merebut 'One Order' berlangsung di lapangan terbang dan Atsushi buat keputusan melawan Akutagawa yang telah menjadi puntianak. Atsushi terpinga-pinga antara tindakan Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By Zint
COLE VS SHAW Gegarkan Back School Colosseum! Cole, pelajar baru yang panas baran berani cari fasal dengan Shaw, jaguh terkuat sekolah legenda. Dah tiba masa diorang beradu tenaga! PUSINGAN PERTAMA, MULA! Boom, si pelajar gagah sedia mencabar pesaing cintanya, Farco di gelanggang demi merebut Julia. Ada berani ke? Bara semangat juang membuka siri terbaharu Under 18 Spirit! Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 11.20 (-20%)

Saihate no Paladin: Tetsusabi no Yama no Ou 世界尽头的圣骑士:铁锈之山的君王 Season 2 JAP/ENG (E / C) Two years had passed since he left the City of the Dead, and Will was seventeen by count. As a lord, he developed "Torch Port, a river port of light", and gradually the people's activities and smiles returned to "Beast Woods". However, out-of-season flowers bloom profusely, and an abnormality is discovered in the forest. Will and his friends head into the de Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 23.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 20.72 (-20%)

By Amy Goldsmith
An ocean-drenched, atmospheric horror debut! Liv's best friend disappears on their first night aboard their dream semester-at-sea program - but is he really sick, like everyone says, or is something darker lurking beneath the water? It should have been the trip of a lifetime. When Liv lands an all-expenses-paid opportunity to study aboard the luxury cruise ship the Eos for a semester, she can't believe her luck. Especially since it will offer her the chance to spend time wi Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 59.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 52.72 (-20%)

By Yangsze Choo
Some people think foxes go around collecting qi, or life force, but nothing could be further than the truth. We are living creatures, just like you, only usually better looking . . . Manchuria, 1908: A young woman is found frozen in the snow. Her death is clouded by rumours of foxes, believed to lure people into peril by transforming into beautiful women and men. Bao, a detective with a reputation for sniffing out the truth, is hired to uncover the dead woman's ide Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 80.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 71.92 (-20%)

By Goldy Moldavsky
From the New York Times–bestselling author Goldy Moldavsky comes a charming rom-com about your average high school senior in search of . . . a husband? Seventeen-year-old Jimena Ramos is your typical teenage New Yorker—dazzling, fearless, and determined. When she discovers she's been living her life undocumented, she decides there's only one way to keep it on track: marry an American. Maybe Jimena can find a husband on a dating app? Maybe she should try approaching this Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 75.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 68.31 (-10%)

By 金城宗幸 , ノ村優介
 「新英雄大戰(NEO‧EGOIST LEAGUE)」全貌解禁!   足球最火熱的地方就在這裡!      靠著潔&國神的合作彈,德國(巴斯塔慕尼黑)拿下第一戰。   在尚未消散的熱氣之中,繪心又將親口揭露   「新英雄大戰(NEO‧EGOIST LEAGUE)」的驚人事實!   在自己的價值將會對全世界公開這條規則當中,   每個人都分別重新擬定生存戰略,凱薩與潔的 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.00 (-0%)

By 水泉
特裝BOX豪華內容物   1.【愛藏版】沉月之鑰第一部 卷一至卷八(含各卷首刷贈品明信片+海報)   •卷一首刷贈品:「水泉老師手寫台詞角色明信片」2枚與小海報1張   •卷二首刷贈品:「水泉老師手寫台詞角色明信片」2枚與小海報2張   •卷三首刷贈品:「水泉老師手寫台詞角色明信片」2枚與小海報2張   •卷四首刷贈品:「水泉老師手寫台詞 Learn More
USUAL: RM608.00

NOW: RM 608.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 608.00 (-0%)

Success Plus is a series of comprehensive, effective revision guides based on the new Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). Success Science Form 2 provides in-depth coverage of the learning standards outlined in the Form 2 Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) and contains special features which have been carefully designed to enhance students’ understanding of each topic. Elements of the Summative Assessment (Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik) are integrated in t Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 15.00 (-25%)

MEMBER: RM 15.00 (-25%)

By 臼井儀人
還記得那個我行我素不受控制的五歲男孩嗎?30年前的笑料,完整回歸!本集內容有:動感超人VS叉高泳裝魔王、全家人去關島旅行、修理排雨溝、尋找鄰居太太的涼鞋、新之助縫抺布、媽媽的朋友惠子來訪、松坂老師相親記、看動感超人電影等等。 Learn More
USUAL: RM32.00

NOW: RM 32.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.00 (-0%)

Success Plus is a series of comprehensive, effective revision guides based on the new Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). Success Mathematics Form 2 provides in-depth coverage of the learning standards outlined in the Form 2 Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) and contains special features which have been carefully designed to enhance students’ understanding of each topic. Elements of the Summative Assessment (Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik) are integrated Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 15.00 (-25%)

MEMBER: RM 15.00 (-25%)

Success Plus is a series of comprehensive, effective revision guides based on the new Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). Success Mathematics Form 3 provides in-depth coverage of the learning standards outlined in the Form 3 Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) and contains special features which have been carefully designed to enhance students’ understanding of each topic. Elements of the Summative Assessment (Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik) are integrated Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

NOW: RM 15.00 (-25%)

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Success Plus is a series of comprehensive, effective revision guides based on the new Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM). Success Science Form 2 provides in-depth coverage of the learning standards outlined in the Form 3 Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) and contains special features which have been carefully designed to enhance students’ understanding of each topic. Elements of the Summative Assessment (Ujian Akhir Sesi Akademik) are integrated in t Learn More
USUAL: RM19.90

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By Dr KS Wong
The Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic created an unprecedented chain of circumstances across the globe that were extremely volatile, presenting considerable uncertainty, creating immense confusion and infinite ambiguity. Business owners and management had to make decisions on situations never encountered before. One circumstance after another produced scenarios that required business operators to "reset" their thinking in the different spheres of business management. Learn More
USUAL: RM68.00

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By 鈴木祐斗
神神迴vs四村、大佛vs藝妓的廝殺對決,讓京都街頭被血花染紅!本是師徒關係的四村與神神迴,兩人之間有何壯烈的過去…?同一時間,動盪不安的JCC裡,坂本與京的戰鬥迎向最終局面! Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By 金城宗幸 , ノ村優介
 「藍色監獄(BLUE LOCK)」計畫(PROJECT)第二階段(Phase 2)   「新英雄大戰(NEO‧EGOIST LEAGUE)」第一戰開踢!     vs.西班牙‧FC巴洽之戰終於要開始了。   面對開場坐在板凳上的潔,風風光光以先發之姿   登場的蜂樂展現出超進化!復活的國神   同樣風格陡變,「天才」凱薩的實力也終於要解禁,   就在比賽呈現出「藍色監獄(BLUE LOCK)」史 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

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By 饶国林/周文杰
兽王打算利用致命病毒,来制造生命武器?! 椰子蟹因吃下含有致命病毒的黑斗鸡,而被兽王发现带走,并利用海王领域的技术从中提取该病毒来制造生物武器,以老鼠作为媒介散播出去。收到消息的X探险特工队必须取出样本制作疫苗防止疫情爆发。这次他们能否突破重重难关,成功化解危机? Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

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By 呂昇達
這是一場關於甜點的冒險, 一段充滿創意、熱情和美味的旅程。   ★全書共4大單元,47款烘焙明星商品   ★按照80/20法則設計的食譜方程式   80%簡易版親民的家庭配方   單元1~3 ╳ 由超人氣烘焙名師呂昇達,精心設計38款秒殺系美味甜點!   20% 職人爆紅甜點全攻略   單元4 ╳ 由9位職人主廚各自領銜發想,獨家打造名店暢銷單品!   Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

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By 和久井健
最新時空穿越懸疑漫畫第30集!   「第二代 東京卍會」vs.「關東卍會」,漸入佳境!   武道終於和麥基展開對峙!   起動了「黑色的衝動」與揭曉了麥基的過去。   在壓倒性的劣勢下,武道的未來視〈VISION〉出現異狀……?   武道的心情能夠傳達給麥基嗎?   決定命運的最終決戰開始動了起來! Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By Robert Waldinger Marc Schulz
In a crowded field of life advice and even life advice based on scientific research, Schulz and Waldinger stand apart' Angela Duckworth, author of Grit What is the key to a good life? It is a question that preoccupies us all and one that the longest and most successful study of happiness ever conducted strives to answer. In this groundbreaking book, directors of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, bring together over 80 years of researc Learn More
USUAL: RM94.90

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By 翁弦尉
這本有聲有色的中、短篇小說結集以實驗創作的後設手法,在跨越身體和慾望的邊界之餘,也穿越不同年代、國家和城鄉疆界,對個人vs國家、自由vs極權、民主vs專制和同志vs非同志的諸種二元對立話語進行心理寫實的描繪和解構。 《那裡》的空間向度橫跨新馬、台港、中國和英美等地,時間向度從21世紀初的島國和帝都穿越20世紀上半旬的民國和南洋。形形色 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

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By 和久井健
最新時空穿越懸疑漫畫第28集!為了療癒三天戰爭留下的傷口,武道與過去的同伴們成立了新的隊伍,打算向麥基復仇!「第二代 東京卍會」vs.「關東卍會」。武道最後的重要一戰。兩個「東卍」將展開一場重要決戰! Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By 金城宗幸 , ノ村優介
來吧,日本足球即將進入新時代!自私的靈魂們將開啟那扇大門!每個人都展現出突破極限的球技的「藍色監獄(BLUE LOCK)」vs. U-20戰!在糸師兄弟的恩怨逐漸深化,同時場上不斷出現無法預測的超次元球技的同時,凪、蜂樂、潔……所有人都想搶到「只為了自己的」進球!繪心甚八的夢與執念能否徹底摧毀日本的足球?然後決勝彈又將是誰踢出──「藍色監獄 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

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By 金城宗幸 , ノ村優介
來吧,日本足球即將進入新時代!自私的靈魂們將開啟那扇大門!每個人都展現出突破極限的球技的「藍色監獄(BLUE LOCK)」vs. U-20戰!在糸師兄弟的恩怨逐漸深化,同時場上不斷出現無法預測的超次元球技的同時,凪、蜂樂、潔……所有人都想搶到「只為了自己的」進球!繪心甚八的夢與執念能否徹底摧毀日本的足球?然後決勝彈又將是誰踢出──「藍色監獄 Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By Xiao Jiangnan
In the vast universe, space robots possess extraordinary skills. Suddenly, a distress video comes from Sparkle the space probe. What is happening in space? What secrets are hidden in the electronic ball left by the mechanical Mother Planet for Super Brainz? Can Impfinity crack it? Can the alien robots and the Earth’s Plants Heroes join hands to fight against the enemy? And why do Solar Flare and Penelopea scramble to enter the horrible No Man’s Land?   Let’s open th Learn More
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By Pilkey , Dav
The Cat Kid Comic Club is in crisis! After learning that one of their comics will be published, the baby frogs are filled with anxiety and doubt. How will they get their creative groove back? Will Naomi or Melvin emerge as a leader? Will Flippy convince them to finally straighten up and fly right? The story is hysterical, thought-provoking, and full of action-packed mini-comics: ""Frogzilla vs. Mechafrogzilla,"" ""I Am Dr. Fredric Wertham,"" ""Two Birds,"" and ""RoboChubbs."" Learn More
USUAL: RM57.90

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By 高松智史
如何讓自己的思考比別人有價值? 2023年日本超熱門商業書!半年熱銷15萬冊! 橫掃AMAZON總榜等五項分類榜暢銷NO.1! 收錄99種超實用情境,超過100張豐富圖解! 史上內容最全面,最好理解的BCG主題書!   客戶的難題=「沒有答案的」遊戲。   商業顧問的思考不靠「才華」,   而是「扎實的技術」。   .接軌世界頂尖商業顧問的思路,工作能力大增 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

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By 荒川弘
得知阿薩驚人的過去之後,就在尤爾抱持著沈痛的感覺時,戴拉來到影森家。   雖然東村與影森家分別抱持著不同的主張,但宣言要迎戰所有敵人的尤爾,離開影森家,並且前往戴拉的家。   但是他們卻在那裡遇到凶殘的使者「手長腳長」!   左右大人VS手長腳長,開戰!   血緣造成血戰。新王道的使者之戰,第4集!   首刷限定   特典 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

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By 和久井健
最新時空穿越懸疑漫畫第29集!   武道最後的一戰   「第二代 東京卍會」vs.「關東卍會」開打!   在火拼過程中   情勢逐漸對關東卍會有利,   武道看見未來畫面〈VISION〉而感到不寒而慄!   浮現在眼前的最糟糕結果是……? Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

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By 吳若權
●心理勵志.人文社科雙料暢榜作家吳若權跨領域全新作品● ●首度結合「心理 x靈性x商管」,追求幸福的時間之書● 年少的浪擲歲月,是因為無知; 大人的揮霍青春,是想要無憾! 【限量贈】 ●作者親簽╳璀璨人生金句卡 吳若權親筆簽名,搭配8款時間金句,隨機出貨。 規格:14.8*10.5cm/輕柔粉橘、淡雅粉綠雙色進口卡紙,隨機出貨 ●特製時間 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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By 吳若權
●心理勵志.人文社科雙料暢榜作家吳若權跨領域全新作品● ●首度結合「心理 x靈性x商管」,追求幸福的時間之書● 年少的浪擲歲月,是因為無知; 大人的揮霍青春,是想要無憾!   所有時間管理的觀念與技巧,   並非指導你如何駕馭時間,   而是讓你學會透過時間與自己保持和諧的關係。   吳若權斜槓多重身分,在作家、講師、廣播、顧 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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By 金田陽介
在菁英貓・克勞德的教導下,廢物魔女・絲碧卡成功考上了名校・戴安娜學校。   但是絲碧卡等人前去參加冬季魔法集訓時,卻遇上緊急狀況!   為了抓走絲碧卡,邪教徒攻擊集訓的地方。   面對這突如其來的危機,克勞德為了保護學生而應戰,但卻因為耗盡魔力而變回貓…   邪教徒VS.6位學生!   以羈絆的力量突破危機吧!   任務是讓克勞德 Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 愛波.艾略特.肯特
占星流年、流月、流日怎麼看 有什麼特別需注意的地方,如何趨吉避禍、預先準備?   ★讀懂「行運占星」入門書   ★每年、每月的個人運勢預測(以上昇星座為第一宮推算)   ★因應大環境變動、個人事件   ★占星師天空為限、安格斯、蘇飛雅,專文推薦   自古以來,「天上」行星的位移,牽制著「地上」人們的生命事件,   「劇本」已經 Learn More
USUAL: RM100.10

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By 許斐剛
日德之戰第4場比賽是由種島/切原組合VS俾斯麥/齊克弗利特組合。   在雙方國中生球員都無法動彈的情況下,   比賽的賽末點看似已經由俾斯麥把發球擊向切原不在的無人場區而順利拿下分數……!? 本書特色   ★引領網球運動風潮,各種創新表現與招式也蔚為話題,現任日本職業網球選手錦織圭從小就是忠實讀者。本作無疑是具代表性的經典漫 Learn More
USUAL: RM15.00

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By Slaium
The Beastmaster is up to no good once again? ! In the underground cockfights in Java, Indonesia, the Beastmaster attempts to abduct a black chicken with a deadly virus. Jason fought hard to stop him and was seriously injured. The X-Venturers rushed to support him after receiving the distress signal. Meanwhile, in order to understand the plea for help from an orangutan, Tazen takes the risk of imbibing Anna's potion... Learn More
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