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By 游伯龍 , 陳彥曲
  啟動快樂好命活泉!   這是一本絕佳好書,它可啟動快樂好命的活泉!境由心生,快樂或痛苦,常常只在我們的一念之間,端看自己能否轉化而已。我們的腦神經結構有如一張綿密、細緻的智慧電網,運用習慣領域 (Habitual Domains, HD)的原理加以調整、運用,就能發揮人人原本具有的最大潛能,透過知命、轉命、造命的過程,創造成功、幸福的人生。    Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

By 丹尼爾‧高曼
在每一天的生活中,我們品嘗著自己的喜怒哀樂,以為這些情緒不過如同流水, 來去無痕,或者以為這只是善變的心情,與工作、學習無關。 不過,EQ大師丹尼爾.高曼用大腦科學實證告訴我們,情緒是智能的一部分,是大腦與心互動的結果,而這一切,不但影響我們在學校的表現,也影響未來的工作與人生! 本書提出的大腦科學線索,讓你用全新角度看 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By 三原淳雄
NO.1 投資家的簡單賺錢法 全國第一本 巴菲特超級圖解入門 保證讀得懂! 保證學得會! 保證用得上! 從價值選股到核心投資 效法股神巴菲特,配置投資組合 就憑這本最易懂、最易行的股民必讀聖經 跟著全球富豪一起同步致富! 巴菲特說故事 有一個石油探勘業者被召喚到天國,聖彼得告訴他:「雖然你可以住進天國,但是由於石油相關業者居住 Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By 陶傑
「英語講得再好,也不會變成英國人」 與英人對答,口音不是最重要,而是學會英國人那套委婉之詞,選擇最溫文得體的詞彙傳達最刻薄或憤怒的涵意,方是精髓學問。 《陶傑上等英文詞典》精選作者解析英文詞彙的篇章,全書按字母順序排列,讓讀者一邊細緻品味英語文化的A至Z,一邊了解常見英文字的真正涵意與英國地道用法。 第一章–為環保, Learn More
USUAL: RM57.20

NOW: RM 57.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 51.48 (-10%)

By 萊恩·霍利得
很多時候,踏不出那一步,可能不是能力問題,而是心態。 真正扭轉了自己的思維觀點意識,才能啟動強大的內在意志。   ★《高速企業》、《富比士》、《哈芬登郵報》、《出版人周刊》、《Bigthink》一致強力推薦的從思考到行動的技術   ★《Business Insider》評選為企業家必讀書籍之一,翻譯成17國語言,熱銷全球!   ★Amazon 讀者評價4.6顆星    Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By 金成載
  身為韓國NO.1國民MC代表的劉在錫,總是用盡全力以歡笑帶給觀眾幸福。   希望讓這個世界歡樂聲永不間斷的他,未來的演藝挑戰將永不會停止……   不管是在《家族的誕生》與BIGBANG大聲的呆瓜兄弟組合、與李孝利頻鬥嘴的國民兄妹搭檔,又或是在《Happy Together》中身穿桑拿服、頭戴捲毛假髮的大叔模樣,還是在真實綜藝節目《無限挑戰》裡,帶給觀 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 尾田栄一郎
 因為種種卑鄙手段而無法選擇逃走,難道他真的會就此成為政治婚姻之下的道具嗎?另一方面,魯夫等人為了救回香吉士而和BIG MOM的幹部開戰,他們的命運又將會如何呢?一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 尾田榮一郎
魯夫和娜美被BIG MOM給抓住了。在搶救香吉士的過程中,碰上各路人馬各懷鬼胎,政治婚姻背後隱藏的驚人真相也將曝光!!香吉士被逼到了絕境,此時心中所想的是…。一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事!! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.00 (-0%)

By 尾田榮一郎
暗殺BIG MOM的計畫大白!要對擁有強韌肉體的BIG MOM造成傷害,就必須攻擊某個弱點…… 面對此難題,魯夫他們能否順利完成計畫呢! 一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.00 (-0%)

By 尾田栄一郎
作戰失敗!魯夫、培基與凱薩三人暗殺BIG MOM受到阻擋,聯合軍陷入絕境當中!眾人擋不住BIG MOM抓狂般的攻擊,思考該如何逃脫,但…!一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

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By 航海王新說考察海賊團
  奪回香吉士!   情感糾葛、錯綜複雜的全新篇章,如火如荼進展中!   香吉士即將脫離草帽一行人,加入BIG MOM海賊團?!   佐烏篇、圓蛋糕島篇出乎意料的超展開!   多佛朗明哥政權瓦解、多雷斯羅薩王國復國,總算可以齊聚一堂的草帽一行人,即將展開嶄新的冒險。殊不知,緊接著卻在佐烏迎來了衝擊性的發展──香吉士被迫與四皇BIG MOM Learn More
USUAL: RM33.00

NOW: RM 33.00 (-0%)

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By Fahd Razy
Ikuti pengalaman menjadi budak medik yang berwarna-warni bukan sekadar merah darah dan putih white coat. Dunia budak medik tidak semuanya pelangi- bahkan lebig banyak guruh dan ribut. Keringat dan air mata. Hidup dan mati. Tanggungjawab. Kerja keras. Kegagalan. Ujian demi ujian. Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By 尾田榮一郎
香吉士一行人為了阻止犯貪吃症的BIG MOM,拼命趕工製作蛋糕。 另一方面,魯夫與不敗的將星卡塔克利持續上演死鬥,他能夠有獲勝的機會嗎? 極限戰鬥揭曉的時刻最後終於來臨!一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.00 (-0%)

By 尾田榮一郎
草帽一行人的海賊旗飄浮在海面上……難道他們擋不住BIG MOM海賊團的攻擊,葬身海底了嗎?緊湊的圓蛋糕島篇完結!--然後進入各勢力各懷鬼胎的「世界會議」篇!一場爭奪「ONE PIECE」的海上冒險故事! Learn More
USUAL: RM19.00

NOW: RM 19.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.00 (-0%)

By 巴頓·畢格斯
一檔好股票是你所能想像的最棒的財富製造機器, 但是,股市要求你具備勇氣和耐心。 影響力匹敵金融巨鱷索羅斯、老虎基金羅伯森 他的一句評論,足以引發華爾街乃至全球投資界的騷動 華爾街避險基金教父──巴頓.畢格斯,經典再現!   當市場上的避險基金操作手法逐漸大同小異時,誰又能真正勝出大賺一票?   不只投資業界人士必讀,所有關心 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 亞當斯 , 湯普森 , 哈斯
  本書是《微積分之屠龍寶刀》續集,內容從瑕積分、極座標、無窮級數的收斂、空間向量,到參數曲線、多變數函數、偏導數、多重積分、向量場。   想換一種方式,理解這些令人頭疼的課題嗎?歡迎你拿起《微積分之倚天寶劍》,跟隨三位寶貝作者的腳步,一同披荊斬棘,度過危機。 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By Andrew Graham-Dixon
Discover the history of art movements from classical Greek art to the Italian Renaissance, the Pre-Raphaelites, and the masters of Impressionism with a brand new edition of this classic bestseller.Truly comprehensive in scope, Art shows you masterpieces from over 700 artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, and Van Gogh. An invaluable reference book for any art lover, it showcases the works; everything from Italian baroque painting and African art to contempor Learn More
USUAL: RM174.00

NOW: RM 174.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 156.60 (-10%)

By Eric Barker
Much of the advice we've been told about achievement is logical, earnest...and downright wrong. In Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker reveals the extraordinary science behind what actually determines success and most importantly, how anyone can achieve it. You'll learn: - Why valedictorians rarely become millionaires, and how your biggest weakness might actually be your greatest strength - Whether nice guys finish last and why the best lessons about cooperation com Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

NOW: RM 42.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.25 (-10%)

Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category.DKfindout! Dinosaurs teaches kids everything they would want to know about the prehistoric world. With beautiful photography, lively illustrations, and key curriculum information, the DKfindout! series will satisfy any child who is eager to learn and acquire facts - and keep them coming back for more!For any child that can't get enough of these fearsome beas Learn More
USUAL: RM46.50

NOW: RM 46.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.85 (-10%)

By Henry James
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.`The place, with its grey sky and withered garlands, its bared spaces and scattered dead leaves, was like a theatre after the performance-all strewn with crumpled playbills.'Revered as one of the greatest ghost stories ever told, James's The Turn of the Screw is an eerie Victorian masterpiece.When an inexperienced governess goes to work at Bly, a country house in Essex to Learn More
USUAL: RM14.50

NOW: RM 14.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.05 (-10%)

By Eric Garcia
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Is it possible to have it all? If by 'all' you mean a succession of irritants building up into one great mess, then that's exactly what Cassandra French has got. A mother who's under house arrest for fraud. A blonde, yoga instructor of a friend wh Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 17.00 (-53%)

MEMBER: RM 17.00 (-53%)

By Mitch Albom
The gift of heaven on earth. It will become the biggest story in the world . . . When the residents of a small town on Lake Michigan start receiving phone calls from the afterlife, they all become the subject of widespread attention. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax? Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, is determined to find out. This is a story about the power of belief - and a page-turner that will touch your soul. The internationally bestsellin Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Cecelia Ahern
A box of possessions.A father with no memory.A daughter with just one day to piece together the past.When Sabrina Boggs stumbles upon a mysterious collection of her father's belongings, her seemingly uneventful life suddenly alters and shifts.In the single day she has to search for answers about the man she thought she knew, a man who can no longer remember his own story, Sabrina uncovers far bigger secrets than she could have imagined. And discov Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

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MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By Lindsey Kelk
The perfect London read for this summer! Angela's back on home turf - and in her biggest romantic scrape yet...Angela Clark has fallen in love with New York - and it's starting to love her back. But when she's summoned home to London, she's at risk of losing her shiny new life to never-ending English rain, warm beer and bad memories. Talk about stepping back in time There's Mark, the ex-boyfriend - who she ran to New York to get away from. There's Louisa, her best friend, wit Learn More
USUAL: RM34.90

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MEMBER: RM 31.41 (-10%)

By Chris Crutcher
"A truly exceptional book."-Washington PostThere's bad news and good news about the Cutter High School swim team. The bad news is that they don't have a pool. The good news is that only one of them can swim anyway. Bestselling author Chris Crutcher's controversial and acclaimed novel follows a group of outcasts as they take on inequality and injustice in their high school. "Crutcher's superior gifts as a storyteller and his backgroun Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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By James Patterson
Every cop wants to be part of NYPD Red. It is the elite team in New York's police department, handling the cases involving the most important and high-profile individuals in the city. It's Detective Zach Jordan's dream job, but he's about to step into a nightmare. In the middle of a New York film festival, a maniac begins a very public and very brutal killing spree targeting Hollywood's biggest stars. Zach is assigned a new partner, Detective Kylie MacDonald, who is Learn More
USUAL: RM31.90

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MEMBER: RM 28.71 (-10%)

By Jonathan Freedland
THE FIRST TWO MURDERS WENT UNNOTICED. BUT THE NEXT WAS HER SISTER...A terrifying yet unputdownable thriller from No. 1 bestselling author and award-winning journalist Jonathan Freedland. SHE CAN'T SAVE HER SISTER Journalist Madison Webb is obsessed with exposing lies and corruption. But she never thought she would be investigating her own sister's murder. SHE CAN'T TRUST THE POLICE Madison refuse Learn More
USUAL: RM36.90

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MEMBER: RM 33.21 (-10%)

By A. J. Finn
THE NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. GET READY FOR THE BIGGEST THRILLER OF 2018! What did she see? It's been ten long months since Anna Fox last left her home. Ten months during which she has haunted the rooms of her old New York house like a ghost, lost in her memories, too terrified to step outside. Anna's lifeline to the real world is her window, where she sits day afte Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Karin Slaughter
The latest novel in the Will Trent series from No. 1 bestselling author, Karin Slaughter. A body is discovered in an empty Atlanta warehouse. It's the body of an ex-cop, and from the moment Special Agent Will Trent walks in he knows this could be the most devastating case of his career. Bloody footprints leading away from the scene reveal that another victim - a woman - has left the scene and vanished into thin air. And, worst of all, the warehouse belongs to the city's bi Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Bella Andre
Maya Jackson doesn't sleep with strangers. Until the night grief sent her to the nearest bar and into the arms of the most explosive lover she's ever had. Six months later, the dedicated arson investigator is coming face to face with him again. Gorgeous, sexy Logan Cain. Her biggest mistake. Now her number-one suspect in a string of deadly wildfires. As leader of an elite fire-fighting crew in Tahoe, Logan won't back down from a blaze - or a woman. Maya Jackson may have Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By Julie Shaw
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. It's 1971 and seventeen-year-old Christine is about to give birth to her son. When her family throw her out, Christine has the biggest fight of her life to bring up her son safe on the infamous Canterbury Estate in Bradford, rife with crime, al Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 17.00 (-60%)

MEMBER: RM 17.00 (-60%)

By Andrea Gonzales , Sophie Houser
A New York Public Library Best Book of 2017Perfect for aspiring coders everywhere, Girl Code is the story of two teenage tech phenoms who met at Girls Who Code summer camp, teamed up to create a viral video game, and ended up becoming world famous. The book also includes bonus content to help you start coding!Fans of funny and inspiring books like Maya Van Wagenen's Popular and Caroline Paul's Gutsy Girl will love h Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By The Brothers Grimm
`Once upon a time...' Once upon a time there was a book, and inside the book were princes who had been turned into frogs or ferocious beasts, princesses so beautiful they astonished the sun, faithful sweethearts and evil stepmothers, giants taller than mountains and a boy no bigger than your thumb, houses made of bread and cake and birds made of gold - in fact, all manner of mysterious, monstrous and magical things. The book is in your hands. Read it happily ever after. Learn More
USUAL: RM41.90

NOW: RM 41.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 37.71 (-10%)

By Erin McCahan
With rave reviews pouring in, this smart, bighearted love story is now available in paperback. Great for fans of John Green and Rainbow Rowell! Sixteen-year-old Josie knows a lot of languages: she speaks High School, College, Friends, Boyfriends, Break-ups, and even the language of Beautiful Girls. But none is her native tongue. The only people who speak that are her best friend Stu and her sister, Kate. So when Kate gets engaged to an insufferable guy, how can Josie see it a Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

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MEMBER: RM 35.96 (-10%)

By Hiawyn Oram
Generations of readers have entered the magical world of Narnia with its talking animals, giants and dwarfs. Now, with this new series of picture books, younger children can share the magic. Set in C. S. Lewis's much-loved Narnia, characters old and new have thrilling adventures that children are sure to enjoy.It's early morning in the marshes and Puddleglum the Marsh-wiggle and Lally the little Wigglet are fishing peacefully when they hear the unmistakable sound of Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

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MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Sara Raasch
Game of Thrones meets Graceling in this action-packed fantasy--the highly anticipated final book in the New York Times bestselling Snow Like Ashes series by Sara Raasch. Perfect for fans of An Ember in the Ashes and A Court of Thorns and Roses. Angra is alive, his Decay is spreading--and no one is safe.Meira will do anything to save her world. With Angra trying to break through her Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Rick Riordan
Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award 2017 for Best Middle Grade & Children's!Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragnarok.It's up to Magnus Chase and his friends to stop Loki's plans. Along the way, they will face angry sea gods, hostile giants, and an evil fire-breathing dragon. But M Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

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MEMBER: RM 35.96 (-10%)

By Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan's Norse hero faces his greatest challenge yet in the final instalment of the series.Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragnarok. It's up to Magnus Chase and his friends to stop Loki's plans, but to do so they will have to sail across the oceans of Midgard, Jotunheim and Niflheim Learn More
USUAL: RM44.95

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MEMBER: RM 40.46 (-10%)

By Derek Landy
Just when you think you've saved the world... "You will kill her?" the Torment asked. Skulduggery sagged. "Yes." He hesitated, then took his gun from his jacket. "I'm sorry, Valkyrie," he said softly. "Don't talk to me," Valkyrie said. "Just do what you have to do." Valkyrie parted her tunic, and Skulduggery pointed the gun at the vest beneath. "Please forgive me," Skulduggery said, then aimed the gun at the girl and pulled the tr Learn More
USUAL: RM52.50

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MEMBER: RM 47.25 (-10%)

By Marty Neumeier
Not since Strunk and White's ELEMENTS OF STYLE has a book compressed so many insights into so few pages. With his trademark simplicity and wit, Marty Neumeier has written and illustrated a concise guide that can be read quickly over a lunch break or savored slowly over a lifetime. Part 1, "How can I innovate?" offers insightful guidance such as "Feel before you think," "See what's not there," and "Ask a bigger question." Rule #1 gives the paradoxical advice: "Break Learn More
USUAL: RM91.00

NOW: RM 91.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 81.90 (-10%)

By Edward Tse
In China's Disruptors, Edward Tse takes an unprecedented inside look at rapidly emerging Chinese entrepreneurs and their game-changing impact on both China and the world. In September 2014, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba raised $25 billion in the world's biggest ever initial public offering. Since then, millions of investors and managers worldwide have pondered a fundamental question: what's really going on with the new wave of China's disruptors? Over the past two de Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

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MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Steven A Silbiger
USUAL: RM59.90

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MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By John Chambers
Legendary Silicon Valley visionary and one of the world's greatest business leaders, John Chambers shares the playbook and philosophy that transformed Cisco into a global tech titan and now inspire a new generation of leaders. With numerous start-ups moving from zero to a billion to bankruptcy in a matter of years, it's clear that sustaining a business in the digital age is no walk in the park. Over 20 years, John Chambers transformed a company with 400 e Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

By Todd Rose
'Must the tyranny of the group rule us from cradle to grave? Absolutely not, says Todd Rose in a subversive and readable introduction to what has been called the new science of the individual ... Readers will be moved' Abigail Zuger, The New York Times 'Groundbreaking ... The man who can teach you how not to be average' Anna Hart, Daily Telegraph 'Fascinating, engaging, and practical. The End of Average will help everyone - and I mean everyone - live up to their potenti Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Niall Ferguson
Once vast swathes of the globe were coloured imperial red and Britannia ruled not just the waves, but the prairies of America, the plains of Asia, the jungles of Africa and the deserts of Arabia. Just how did a small, rainy island in the North Atlantic achieve all this? And why did the empire on which the sun literally never set finally decline and fall? Niall Ferguson's acclaimed Empire brilliantly unfolds the imperial story in all its splendours and its miseries, sho Learn More
USUAL: RM54.95

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MEMBER: RM 49.46 (-10%)

By Bryan Magee
The Story of Philosophy is the ultimate exploration of 2,500 years of Western philosophy. From the Ancient Greeks to modern thinkers, The Story of Philosophy brings a stunning and simple approach to tackle history's biggest ideas. Professor Bryan Magee takes you from the origins of philosophy to the present day, from Plato to Popper and into the future. This essential guide is fully updated to include thoughts on our modern society, exploring science and democracy, and pos Learn More
USUAL: RM98.95

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Featuring a foreword by James Naughtie.Turn the pages of the most famous books of all time and marvel at the stories behind them. Over 75 of the world's most celebrated, rare, and seminal books are examined and explained in this stunning treasury.Books That Changed History is a unique encyclopedia spanning the history of the written word, from 3000 BCE to the modern day. Chronological chapters show the evolution of human knowledge and the c Learn More
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This definitive guide to the people, aliens and droids of the Star Wars (TM) galaxy is packed with Star Wars facts, and is now bigger and better than ever before. New additions include characters from Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens, including the menacing Captain Phasma!Want to know how tall Darth Vader is? Or what species Darth Maul is? Look no further than DK's Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia. This handy guide is full of fun Learn More
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Fascinating Facts: Solar System is an exciting introduction to the planets of our Solar System, with fascinating facts about Earth, the Milky Way and space. Discover how many moons orbit the dwarf planet Pluto, and learn all about the biggest star in our Solar System, the Sun. This colourful and engaging Solar System book offers hours of fun learning and is also a great support for schoolwork, projects and home learning. Learn More
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By Gary Vaynerchuk
Four-time New York Times bestselling author Gary Vaynerchuk offers new lessons and inspiration drawn from the experiences of dozens of influencers and entrepreneurs who rejected the predictable corporate path in favor of pursuing their dreams by building thriving businesses and extraordinary personal brands.In his 2009 international bestseller Crush It, Gary insisted that a vibrant personal brand was crucial to entrepreneurial success, In Crus Learn More
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By Jaeyong Song , Kyungmook Lee
Learn how to manage, lead, and succeed . . . the Samsung way.Based on ten years of research and interviews with 80 top executives, the award-winning The Samsung Way is the first definitive guide to the groundbreaking management principles that transformed a lagging electronics company into one of the most successful brands in the world.Combining professional insights from Samsung insiders with practical applications for managers, executives, and CEOs, this po Learn More
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By Dr. Dave Alred
'A hush descends. All eyes are on you. One shot for glory. Your palms are clammy, your heart rate's up. But you've got this. You will throw the paper ball into the bin first time...' Pressure is a constant in all our lives. The pressure to hit a deadline, deliver a speech, cook for a dinner party. But how would life look if we could harness pressure and turn it to our advantage? Dealing with pressure is a skill just like any other. Even sports stars rely on tried-and-te Learn More
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By Mitch Albom
Will you do my eulogy? With those words, Mitch Albom begins a remarkable eight-year journey to honour the request of a beloved rabbi. Feeling unworthy of such a responsibility, Albom sets out to know the man better and unexpectedly finds himself drawn to two seemingly disparate worlds: Christian and Jewish, African-American and white, impoverished and well-to-do. Over the course of his exploration, he is compelled to consider life's biggest questions. On Albom's voyage of Learn More
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By Mitch Albom
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher or a colleague? Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it? For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that Learn More
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By 5 Seconds of Summer
This book is pretty much our official story so far. It really does only seem like last week we played our first gig in at the Annandale hotel in Sydney. Since then we've been given the opportunity to turn into the people and musicians we wanted to be.The people who gave us the opportunity were the fans. So this book is like a thank you. We want everyone to know the story of how four western Sydney teenagers picked up their instruments and dreamt of being one of the Learn More
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By Farnoosh Torabi
In Psych Yourself Rich, TV's newest personal finance star shows how to develop the mindset, discipline, and spirit you need to build a strong financial foundation so you can grow wealth on your own terms, without fear, anxiety, misery, boredom, or even advanced math!? Farnoosh Torabi (as seen on NBC's Today Show, Yahoo! Finance, and SoapNet's Bank of Mom & Dad) combines the latest behavioral psychology with real attitude, without lectures! Ps Learn More
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By Mihaela Noroc
Photographs and stories of 500 women from around the world, based on the author's hugely popular website.Since 2013 Mihaela Noroc has travelled the world with her backpack and camera taking photos of everyday women to showcase the diversity and beauty all around us. The Atlas of Beauty is a collection of her photographs that celebrates women from fifty countries across the globe and shows that beauty is everywhere, regardless of money, race or social s Learn More
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By Charles Moore
The sensational second volume of Charles Moore's bestselling authorized biography of the Iron Lady In June 1983 Margaret Thatcher won the biggest increase in a government's Parliamentary majority in British electoral history. Over the next four years, as Charles Moore relates in this central volume of his uniquely authoritative biography, Britain's first woman prime minister changed the course of her country's history and that of the world, often by sheer force of will. Learn More
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By Vivi Greene
America's most famous pop star flees the spotlight to recover from her latest break-up in Maine - only to fall for a local boy and be faced with an impossible choice at the end of the summer: her new guy, or her music. Multiplatinum pop icon Lily Ross's biggest hits and biggest heartbreaks (because they are one and the same): 1. AGONY. (That feeling when her ex ripped her heart out of her chest and she never saw it coming.)2. GHOST Learn More
USUAL: RM44.90

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By Jenny Han
If you loved The Kissing Booth and Jenny Han's smash-hit Netflix movie To All The Boys I've Loved Before, you'll adore this gorgeous, funny, romantic series! This special three-in-one edition features exclusive special content, including Conrad's letters to Isabel.One girl. Two boys. And the summer that changed everything . . .Every year Isabel spends a perfect summer at the beach. But this summer is different. This is the s Learn More
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