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' Sandy 'Found 19 Related Products
By Anthony Doerr
Beautifully written and compelling, About Grace is the brilliant debut novel from Anthony Doerr. Growing up in Alaska, young David Winkler is crippled by his dreams. At nine, he dreams a man is decapitated by a passing truck on the path outside his family's home. The next day, unable to prevent it, he witnesses an exact replay of his dream in real life. The premonitions keep coming, unstoppably. He sleepwalks during them, bringing catastrophe into his rea Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

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By Cecelia Ahern
Every wondered where the lost things go? A redemptive and captivating novel from the bestselling author Since Sandy Shortt's childhood schoolmate disappeared twenty years ago, Sandy has been obsessed with missing things. Finding becomes her goal - whether it's the odd sock that vanished in the washing machine, the car keys she misplaced in her rush to get to work or the graver issue of finding the people who vanish from their lives. Sandy dedicates her li Learn More
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By Jenny Han
From the author of To All The Boys I've Loved Before (now a smash-hit Netflix movie), this is the perfect funny summer romance for fans of The Kissing Booth and Holly Bourne. One girl. Two boys. And the summer that changed everything . . . Every year Isabel spends a perfect summer at her favourite place in the world - the Fisher family's beach house. It has everything a girl could want: a swimming pool, a private stretch of sandy beach... and two (very cute) boys: Unavai Learn More
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By 蘇珊‧麥尼 , 珊蒂‧史汀‧巴叟勒繆 , 瑪莉‧布朗妮
{禪繞畫,現代人最需要的 靜‧心‧劑}   ★風靡英美各國的禪繞畫(Zentangle®),不需要特殊技巧,只要會握筆,就可以畫!   ★由3位禪繞藝術領域中的頂尖作家──蘇珊‧麥尼、珊蒂‧史汀‧巴叟勒繆和瑪莉‧布朗妮(全都是禪繞認證教師),將會引導你進入這個領域。   ★還有其他來自世界各地的禪繞認證教師,也會在書中分享他們的藝術作品 Learn More
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一个人可以贫困、低微,但是不能没有梦想,因为只要梦想还在,我们就有希望改变自己的困境。 700万粉丝翘首以盼,人民网夜读栏目重磅推出,励志榜样李尚龙、奇葩说辩手傅首尔、自媒体达人李月亮、慈怀读书会文化总监韦娜、喜马拉雅主播Sandy双双、环球旅行达人小灯泡儿等22位作者联合创作。 翻开本书,和这些作者一起聊聊梦想,聊聊现实,从他们的 Learn More
USUAL: RM42.00

NOW: RM 42.00 (-0%)

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By 蘇盈如
【第1本為臺灣工作者量身打造的轉職專書‼】   職場上的你是否──   ✓低薪瞎忙 ✓找不到天職 ✓老是換工作 ✓面臨中年危機 ✓想到海外發展   10大關鍵技能+8大軟性技能+32則真人職涯路徑,   國際獵頭教你跳脫框架,漂亮轉職!   人人都在問:「未來工作在哪裡?」你是不是也經常自我懷疑:「再不換工作我就沒機會了!」即使心 Learn More
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NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

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By 吳姍儒
  「你的價值,不需要由任何人定義;   你的存在,本來就值得你自己的青睞。」   吳姍儒Sandy Wu首本散文力作!   二十歲下半,三十將至,寫給半生熟女人們的溫柔宣言。   在人眼中,25歲是女孩,而35歲卻得是成熟女人。   30歲,成了一道關卡,一旦跨過,好像「只能成熟」。   但明明,自己還是原來的小女孩啊!對自我、人生的 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 關中
為什麼美國的民主如此倒退,甚至國家陷於分裂的危機?! 這次的大選,有人說川普是被疫情打敗,川普自己也認為如此, 但更嚴重的是這個疫情揭露了一個早已破碎的國家真相── 腐敗的菁英階層、僵化的官僚體制、殘酷的貧富差距、系統化的種族歧視、 政治上的對立和政黨的惡鬥! 這些問題都存在已久,但執政者只能坐視其惡化,而拿不出解決辦法。 Learn More
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By Foldermate
Foldermate - WeWrite Sporty series spiral note book with super sandy squared embossment cover . Premium quality and perforated paper 80gsm, 70 sheets, ruled. Inner clear pocket for storing loose paper, removable ruler as a bookmark. Dual spiral wire bound. Size available - A5 Colour available - red / blue Learn More
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By Foldermate
Foldermate - WeWrite Sporty series spiral note book with super sandy squared embossment cover . Premium quality and perforated paper 80gsm, 70 sheets, ruled. Inner clear pocket for storing loose paper, removable ruler as a bookmark. Dual spiral wire bound. Size available - A5 Colour available - red / blue Learn More
USUAL: RM13.90

NOW: RM 13.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.51 (-10%)

By Foldermate
Foldermate - WeWrite Sporty series spiral note book with super sandy squared embossment cover . Premium quality and perforated paper 80gsm, 70 sheets, ruled. Inner clear pocket for storing loose paper, removable ruler as a bookmark. Dual spiral wire bound. Size available - A6 Colour available - yellow / red / blue Learn More

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By Foldermate
Foldermate - WeWrite Sporty series spiral note book with super sandy squared embossment cover . Premium quality and perforated paper 80gsm, 70 sheets, ruled. Inner clear pocket for storing loose paper, removable ruler as a bookmark. Dual spiral wire bound. Size available - A6 Colour available - yellow / red / blue Learn More

NOW: RM 8.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.01 (-10%)

By Foldermate
Foldermate - WeWrite Sporty series spiral note book with super sandy squared embossment cover . Premium quality and perforated paper 80gsm, 70 sheets, ruled. Inner clear pocket for storing loose paper, removable ruler as a bookmark. Dual spiral wire bound. Size available - A6 Colour available - yellow / red / blue Learn More

NOW: RM 8.90 (-0%)

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By Colour Bubbles Workshop
Brenda is a Capricorn who is typically unsociable. However, she cherishes her best friend, Sandy, and would do anything for her. One day, Brenda finds out that Sandy never really saw her as a friend and was only taking advantage of her. Brenda is hurt and even rejects Water Lord's request to guard the Capricorn magic gemstone. Menawhile, an encounter with a mysterious fortune teller leads to her experienceing a series of physical changes ... Learn More
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By 何聖君 , 王怡
為什麼放棄容易,堅持很難?為什麼懶散容易,自律很難? 為什麼變胖容易,變瘦很難?為什麼分心容易,專注很難? 這些問題看似毫不相關,其實背後都遵循「熵增定律」   你也許在諾蘭導演的電影《天能》聽說過「熵」(Entropy),   但你未必清楚運用「熵」的力量能改變你一生。   人活著就是在對抗「熵增」,   每天只要改變一點點 Learn More
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SABIKUI BISCO 食鏽末世錄 VOL.1-12 END JAP / ENG (E / C) A plague-like wind blows across the arid, sandy expanse of a post-apocalyptic Japan. As it sweeps over the living and nonliving alike, rust is all that remains in its wake. The cause of the catastrophic state of the world is believed to be mushroom spores. Bisco Akaboshi, known as the "Man-Eating Mushroom," is a wanted criminal archer whose arrows instantly grow mushrooms wherever they land. However, he is in truth Learn More
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By 唐納·米勒
  商學院要教兩、三年的內容,本書找到最精華的部分……沒有一句廢話。──樊登   想賺錢、晉升、轉職、創業、事業成功……   只要在早餐桌旁花短短的時間閱讀本書,   就能輕鬆掌握最重要的商業技能,   成為公司搶著要的價值驅動型人才。   ★工作生活家主理人 白慧蘭、暢銷作家 何則文──專文推薦   國際職涯教練 SandySu 蘇盈如 Learn More
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★【影像故事 : 鰭的異想世界】 ●作品1:暹羅鬥魚有很多形態和顏色,但攝影師維薩魯特.安卡塔瓦尼最愛的是這種以尾巴輪廓為名的半月鬥魚。 ●作品2:安卡塔瓦尼說,這條墨綠色的雄魚對拍照來說是個挑戰,因為與其他品種相較之下,牠的體色黯淡無光。不過,搶眼的魚鰭加上戲劇化的姿態成就了這張照片。 ●作品3:安卡塔瓦尼表示,使用高速快門並搭配頻 Learn More
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