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By Abeben , Adnin Roslan
Sesungguhnya alam kehidupan, tak ubah seperti alam persekolahan. Ada suka, ada duka, ada gembira, ada hiba. Dan sesiapa sahaja yang ditakdirkan, untuk turut menjadi sebahagian, daripada alam pengajian, baik kawan mahupun lawan, maka harus untuk kita, sedaya upaya menunaikan hak mereka. Sebagai kenalan, sebagai sahabat, sebagai saudara seagama, dan sebagai sesama hamba, kepada Allah yang Maha Esa. Kerana kehidupan ini sebuah kampus, mentarbiah dan mempersiap-siagakan, untuk ki Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

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By 王忠豪
城市女孩丹怡,因家庭变故搬到宁静的乡镇生活。 憧憬崭新生活的她却屡遭困境打击:原生家庭的枷锁、与邻居阿当的误会、校花莉莉的刁难、同学们的冷嘲热讽…… 丹怡命运的齿轮会如何转动? 而她的身世又隐藏着什么秘密? Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By Ben Oliver
Squid Game meets Black Mirror in an electrifying new YA story from the author of acclaimed The Loop series. Fifty minors facing life imprisonment will be given a second chance through a new reality show, The Kill Factor. Contestants will be led through a series of games, each aimed to teach and reform. But only one will win the prize, while the rest will face life in solitary confinement. Winning means freedom, and the kind of money that would change everything for arsonist Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

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By 班傑明.哈迪
(原書名:我的性格,我決定:更有自信、更高EQ、打造理想人生的性格養成計畫) Amazon年度暢銷書★★★★★五顆星評價 人生無法打掉重練,但性格可以! 百萬讀者見證有效的改造計畫   他,父母從小離異,父親從此深陷毒癮,家中成為毒蟲出入的地方。他覺得自己像是走在鬆軟的沙土上,腳步永遠踩不穩;他結交一群同樣飽受精神創傷的朋友,終日 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

USUAL: RM206.90

NOW: RM 206.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 186.21 (-10%)

By Robin Benway
"Blood is blood... and one way or another, we all bleed." Drizella and Anastasia know only one thing for certain: they will never end up bitter and cruel like their mother, Lady Tremaine. But fuelled by their mother's tendencies to pit her daughters against each other, Drizella and Anastasia soon find themselves locked in a complicated waltz of tenuous sisterhood. In the weeks leading up to the royal debut party, the sisters get a taste of what life could be like free from Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

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By Ben Le Fort
Stop falling for nonsense advice peddled by "#finfluencers" online and start investing successfully. Whether you're an investment veteran or just starting out, this concise, finance-focused guide will unpick risky "get rich quick" myths, explain proven investment strategies using real-life case studies, and grow your confidence in the markets. Learn about: • How to achieve a new investment mindset; one that's analytical, well-informed, and cultivates beneficial qualities Learn More
USUAL: RM75.50

NOW: RM 75.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.95 (-10%)

By Carissa Broadbent
The Hunger Games meets vampires in the first book of the bestselling Crowns of Nyaxia series by Carissa Broadbent, a heart-wrenching, epic fantasy romance of dark magic and bloodthirsty intrigue. Human or vampire, the rules of survival are the same: never trust, never yield, and always ― always ― guard your heart. The adopted human daughter of the Nightborn vampire king, Oraya carved her place in a world designed to kill her. Her only chance to become something more tha Learn More
USUAL: RM99.90

NOW: RM 99.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.91 (-10%)

By Don Bentley
Jack Ryan, Jr. is the one man who can prevent a second Korean War in the latest thrilling entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. When the leader of North Korea is catastrophically injured, his incapacitation inadvertently triggers a "dead-man's switch," activating an army of sleeper agents in South Korea and precipitating a struggle for succession. Jack Ryan, Jr. is in Seoul to interview a potential addition to the Campus. But his benign trip takes a deadly turn Learn More
USUAL: RM46.95

NOW: RM 46.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.26 (-10%)

By 班傑明·葛拉漢 , 史賓瑟·梅瑞迪斯
★★★價值投資之父、巴菲特導師 班傑明.葛拉漢的經典作品★★★ ★★★投資必讀《智慧型股票投資人》另一力作★★★ ★解讀財務報表最基本也最重要的永恆指南★ 「最穩健的投資,是依賴於企業充足的財務能力。」──班傑明‧葛拉漢   20世紀最偉大的投資人班傑明.葛拉漢,   用最短篇幅,直搗價值投資核心。   既然股市波動難以掌握,   Learn More
USUAL: RM50.80

NOW: RM 50.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.72 (-10%)

By 柏南克
你不是不懂經濟,而是沒弄懂危機中的聯準會! 張忠謀、陳南光等重量級人士 聯袂推薦 2022年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、 聯準會前主席柏南克,探討二十一世紀貨幣政策 最新力作! \\解答全球最受關注的央行動向與決策//   自上世紀大通膨,到本世紀金融危機與新冠疫情,   全世界都在看,聯準會的下一步會怎麼做?   但不斷跨越政策紅線的聯準 Learn More
USUAL: RM104.70

NOW: RM 104.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.23 (-10%)

By 華倫·班尼斯
領導學之父華倫.班尼斯的傳世鉅作 出版三十週年,全新經典譯本! 現代管理學之父彼得.杜拉克讚譽:「這是華倫.班尼斯畢生最重要的一本書!   ☆英國《金融時報》五十大商業好書   ☆全球管理學大師—彼得.杜拉克(Peter Drucker)、湯姆.彼得斯(Tom Peters)、查理斯.韓第(Charles Handy)一致讚譽   ☆領導學永恆經典——成為領導者最需要閱讀 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By 班傑明·富蘭克林
翻轉、狂印、近300年人氣不墜! 一生受用的540句智慧格言, 每日1句, 做個人,發個家,平個天下!   ★增訂10個重要祕訣、逾60句格言。   ★俏皮藍長銷版封面   誰是「窮理查」?   讓李嘉誠、查理•蒙格、巴菲特、卡內基都說讚   1732年12月9日,富蘭克林以窮理查為名,生平第一次出版了自己編寫的年曆──1733年的《窮理查年鑑》,並在空白 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 赫曼·西蒙 , 班傑明·德林
  ☆隱形冠軍之父指出企業未來10年的新方向!   過去30年,隱形冠軍搭上全球化的浪潮快速成長,其中許多公司,無論規模大小,業績成長都超過10倍。   如今,全球化停滯,地緣政治風險驟升,氣候變遷、能源消耗、貿易摩擦等挑戰不斷,為成長帶來新的障礙。隱形冠軍該如何維持高成長率?新的商業機會又在哪裡?   隱形冠軍之父西蒙說:「隱 Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

NOW: RM 84.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 76.23 (-10%)

By 班·卡爾森
高收入,不代表就是有錢人; 低收入,也不會讓你一直是窮人。 儲蓄與複利是邁向財務自由的頭等艙車票! 領到第一份薪水就該懂的理財技巧, 把存錢當成訂網飛!   存錢不會讓你超級有錢,但退休後的老本有6成要靠儲蓄。   對於退休,你是否曾有這種疑惑:   .退休前要存多少錢?   .退休後會花多少醫療費?   .什麼時候該領勞保退休 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

Award-winning mental health campaigner Jonny Benjamin, MBE, and co-editor Britt Pflüger bring together people from all walks of life – actors, musicians, athletes, psychologists and activists – to share what gives them hope. This joyful collection is a supportive hand to anyone looking to find light on a dark day and shows that, no matter what you may be going through, you are not alone. Jonny Benjamin is known for his book and documentary film, The Stranger on the Brid Learn More
USUAL: RM64.90

NOW: RM 64.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.41 (-10%)

By 伊本·亞歷山大
一個你我這輩子都看不到的世界! 一位哈佛神經外科權威見證天堂、療癒了靈魂缺口的奇蹟故事! 一部關於瀕死體驗的突破性著作! 一場探索靈魂、叩問生命真義的珍貴力作!   ‧紐約時報、亞馬遜網路書店雙料冠軍   ‧Amazon讀者書評超過16,000則,平均4.5顆星   ‧全美暢銷突破200萬冊   ‧打破唯物思維的最佳見證   一位科學家真實的 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By Ben Lamorte
Take your OKRs coaching skills to the next level with this practical handbook. In The OKRs Field Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Objectives and Key Results Coaches, Ben Lamorte, a seasoned coach and management science expert, provides a structured approach for implementing objectives and key results. This book provides tips and tools that enable you to coach your OKRs clients with confidence. Lamorte analyzes foundational questions that must be answered prior to deploying OKR Learn More
USUAL: RM124.55

NOW: RM 124.55 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 112.10 (-10%)

By Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett
Album Info: Celebrating 10 years since they first recorded together, Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga returned to the studio for another collaboration featuring the very best of the Cole Porter Songbook. Continuing the musical legacy that began with “Lady Is A Tramp,” followed by the GRAMMY winning album, Cheek To Cheek, this new recording captures the evolution of the singular creative and personal relationship of these two world famous artists. Tony, who turns 95 on August 3 Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 68.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 64.52 (-15%)

By 班傑明·富蘭克林
「我是費城的印刷工班傑明.富蘭克林。」 這是他遺囑的第一句話。 但他從天空中奪取了閃電, 從君主手中奪得了權杖!   這是世界上最優秀的自傳——   美國傳記文學的開山經典代表   200多年來長銷不衰的勵志奇書   改變美國人命運、讓美國躍升國際強權的鉅著   華盛頓與卡內基、愛默生、巴菲特推崇必讀、影響無數人命運的精神讀本    Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett
USUAL: RM175.90

NOW: RM 175.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 158.31 (-10%)

By 班傑明·葛拉漢
  「閱讀葛拉漢,是正確的投資起跑點。」——股神華倫.巴菲特   ◎投資應放在「股票原本的價值」,在價格「遠低於」價值時買進。   ◎股民應遵循兩個原則:一是嚴禁損失,二是不要忘記第一原則。   ◎股市短期看來是投票機,長期來看則是體重機。   以上這些耳熟能詳的致富金律,都來自價值投資之父班傑明.葛拉漢。   他是華倫. Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By Ben M. Bensaou , With  Karl Weber
Drive and leverage continuous innovation to meet the challenges of digital disruption, changing markets, evolving customer needs, and increasingly fierce competition A major question on the mind of every business leader today is: What can I do to create extra value for my company and the customers we serve? Built to Innovate takes you through the process of answering this critical question and executing it with skill and precision. It explores the nine essential practices o Learn More
USUAL: RM92.00

NOW: RM 92.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 82.80 (-10%)

By Ben Brooks
A field guide for parents about the secret lives of 21st-century teenagers - from relationships to self-harm, from drugs to sexting - and how you can help them and yourself through these turbulent years. "When I turned into a teenager, I watched my parents panic with questions they were unprepared for: is the computer killing his brain? is he watching porn? are those cuts on his arms? what the hell do we do now? The child-rearing Learn More
USUAL: RM64.90

NOW: RM 64.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.41 (-10%)

By Brit Bennet
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S FAVORITE BOOKS OF THE YEAR NAMED A BEST BOOK OF 2020 BY THE NEW YORK TIMES * THE WASHINGTON POST * NPR * PEOPLE * TIME MAGAZINE* VANITY FAIR * GLAMOUR “Bennett’s tone and style recalls James Baldwin and Jacqueline Woodson, but it’s especially reminiscent of Toni Morrison’s 1970 debut novel, The Bluest Eye.” —Kiley Reid, Wall Street Journal “A story of absolute, universal timelessness …For any era, it's Learn More
USUAL: RM54.50

NOW: RM 54.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.05 (-10%)

By Harlan Coben
#1 New York Times bestselling author Harlan Coben proves that the past never truly fades away in this shocking thriller--now a Netflix original series and a Netflix Book Club Pick! Megan is a suburban soccer mom who once upon a time walked on the wild side. Ray used to be a talented documentary photographer, but now finds himself in a dead-end job posing as a paparazzo. Broome is a detective who can't let go of a cold case. Each is hiding secrets that even those closest to Learn More
USUAL: RM56.50

NOW: RM 56.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 50.85 (-10%)

By 班傑明·哈迪
如果你曾努力嘗試改變人生卻發現窒礙難行, 這本書一定能幫上你的忙!   「性格」的迷思無所不在,   阻礙我們的學習、職涯、擇偶,甚至人際關係。   從現在開始,忘掉那些愚蠢的刻版印象和無謂的性格分類,   不論心理測驗怎麼描述你、同學或同事怎麼定義你,   跟隨本書提供的實用策略,積極推動自己做出改變!   本書作者班傑明 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Ben Hubbard
A Financial Times Book Best Book of the Year 2020 A Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year 2020 The gripping, untold story of how Saudi Arabia's secretive and mercurial new ruler rose to power. Even in his youth as a prince among thousands of princes, Mohammed bin Salman nurtured sweeping ambitions. He wanted power - enough of it to reshape his hyper-conservative, insular Islamic kingdom. When his elderly father took the throne in 2015, MBS got his chance. As the Learn More
USUAL: RM57.95

NOW: RM 57.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.16 (-10%)

By Peserta Bengkel Tulis Buku Sampai Terbit
Merasa cukup itu merupakan nikmat. Mensyukuri kurniaan itu suatu keperluan. Membandingkan rezeki kita dengan rezeki orang lain bukanlah suatu perbandingan yang tepat. Jadi, apakah itu rezeki? Konsep sebenar rezeki yang diolah dengan ringkas dan menarik. Melatih kita memupuk rasa cukup dalam diri dan mengajar kita mensyukuri apa sahaja yang diberi Tuhan. Rezeki itu nikmat, syukur itu ubat. Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By Peserta Bengkel Tulis Buku Sampai Terbit
Ada orang mengharapkan rezeki itu berharta, kaya raya dan hidup mewah dengan segala-galanya. Ada pula yang memandang rezeki itu hidupnya tenang. Ibadahnya mudah. Perjalanannya bahagia sentiasa. Bagaimana rezeki itu perlu disyukuri? Atau bagaimana rezeki itu layak kita miliki? Membaca buku ini membuatkan kita terfikir panjang. Begitu luas rupanya konsep rezeki ilahi. Seluas lautan dalam. Seluas langit terbentang. Bahkan, sebenarnya lebih luas lagi! Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By Buster Benson
This is a life-changing book. Read it three times and then give a copy to anyone you care about. It will make things better' - Seth Godin, author of This Is Marketing Why Are We Yelling? is Buster Benson's essential guide to having more honest and constructive arguments. Have you ever walked away from an argument and suddenly thought of all the brilliant things you wish you'd said? Do you avoid certain family members and colleagues because of bitter, festering tension that Learn More
USUAL: RM72.90

NOW: RM 72.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.61 (-10%)

By Bridget Welsh , Vilashini Somiah , Benjamin YH Loh
Sabah’s 2020 election was Malaysia’s first pandemic election. While attention centres on the election’s impact on the spread of Covid-19, this collection brings together scholars, journalists and social activists who were on the ground in Sabah to analyse what happened, why and the broader implications of the outcome for Sabah and Malaysian politics. The book is the first in-depth study of a Sabah election. It is also multidisciplinary – with authors from different pe Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 48.00 (-20%)

By 本·霍羅維茲
矽谷教練比爾.坎貝爾: 「霍羅維茲是我共事過最優秀的執行長。」   跟海地革命之父、日本武士、成吉思汗與美國監獄黑幫幫主   學習打造企業文化的關鍵原則,設計量身訂做的理想文化   同樣是成功的企業,為什麼蘋果要花50億美元打造新總部,但亞馬遜卻力行節儉策略?   同樣是新創公司,為什麼Google希望員工長時間在公司工作,但是Slack執 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 馬克·貝尼奧夫 , 莫妮卡·蘭利
★《紐約時報》、亞馬遜書店 暢銷書 道瓊科技新股王Salesforce創辦人 《哈佛商業評論》全球十大高績效執行長 馬克‧貝尼奧夫的未來成功企業願景 每個員工都是改變世界的開拓者   在快速變動的複雜新世界,企業如何持續追求成長與創新?全球最創新企業執行長貝尼奧夫認為,答案是招募開拓者,打造一個人人懷抱使命感的企業文化。   Salesforce是全 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 卡爾·貝內迪克特·弗雷
「技術創新的長期利益,能抵銷短期的經濟動盪與政治風險嗎?」 ★對未來產業與工作型態的全面歷史考察★   AI未來賽局、5G晶片大戰、物聯網革命……   當前技術發展比歷史上的任何時期突破得更快,摩爾定律依然有效,   成功的創新者從緊密的全球經濟網絡中獲得利益,   與此同時,隱含更多經濟、社會,以及政治上的不穩定因素。      Learn More
USUAL: RM97.00

NOW: RM 97.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 87.30 (-10%)

By 凱瑞
分心、遺忘、愛睏…… 不是我們的錯! 傳統的苦讀方法之所以無效, 正是因為大腦根本不是這樣使用。   本書作者根據「學習科學」,整理出符合多數人大腦的學習方法:   ● 聽音樂讀書,比安安靜靜念書效果更好。   ● 固定時間、地點的讀書習慣,其實不利大腦儲存資訊。   ● 什麼都還沒念,就先來個考試,對學習幫助很大。   ● Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 班傑明·富蘭克林
瘋轉、翻印、近300年歷久不衰! 「窮理查」憑的是什麼? 他就是頭像被印在百元美鈔上的那個男人! 一句句又酸又賤又爽的醒世格言, 改變美國,也改變了全世界!   ★1733年至今,最完整「窮理查格言」讀本……   ★獨家收錄24幅復古味十足的窮理查格言繪圖……   ★講到心坎裡、刺到骨頭裡,街頭巷尾人手一本還不夠,還要COPY下來貼家裡!? Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.31 (-10%)

By Hallie Rubenhold
An angry and important work of historical detection, calling time on the misogyny that has fed the Ripper myth. Powerful and shaming' GUARDIAN Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Catherine and Mary-Jane are famous for the same thing, though they never met. They came from Fleet Street, Knightsbridge, Wolverhampton, Sweden and Wales. They wrote ballads, ran coffee houses, lived on country estates, they breathed ink-dust from printing presses and escaped people-traffickers. What they had Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Harlan Coben
Adam Price has a lot to lose: a beautiful family, a big house, a good job - a perfect life. But then he meets a stranger in a bar and learns a devastating secret about his wife. With the mirage of perfection shattered, Adam finds himself caught up in something far darker than his wife's deception. And if he doesn't make the right moves, the conspiracy he's stumbled into will not only ruin lives - it will end them. Learn More
USUAL: RM52.90

NOW: RM 52.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.61 (-10%)

By 瑪格麗特·羅賓絲婷
暢銷十餘年,《出版人週刊》《波士頓週日環球報》好評推薦 你有多重潛能,不知如何玩轉或安放多樣興趣?老在各種職場轉換工作? 你需要專治熱情花心症、多面向發展自我可能性的方法與指引   這本書將會帶領你認識許多和你一樣的「多面向發展人才」,提出「冰淇淋哲學」,帶領你擇取幾種你(目前)最感興趣的「熱情焦點」,同時掌握幾種你喜愛 Learn More
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By 班·普拉特
緊實肌肉/雕塑身型/強化肌力/提升靈活度 從初學到進階、從自練到教學,全都適用! 標示各動作牽涉的肌肉,讓你鍛鍊不再徒具其形, 避免錯誤動作導致受傷,助你達成絕佳健身成效!   ***   挑選適用的器材,正式訓練前提升身體活動度,   推式、拉式、蹲式、弓箭步到核心等正式訓練,   訓練結束後必不可省的伸展操,盡收此書!   Learn More
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By 班·梅立克
  溫克沃斯兄弟:   「比特幣若不是毫無價值,就是終有一天會值得天價。」   哈佛大學畢業的高材生、奧運划船選手――泰勒與卡麥隆.溫克沃斯這對孿生兄弟,結束與臉書執行長馬克.祖克柏漫長、煎熬的官司大戰落敗後,原本計劃以創投家身分東山再起,卻發現自己成了矽谷瘟神,沒有初創家膽敢接受他們的資金,就怕因此惹惱祖克柏。   Learn More
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By 班·林區
  基因不能決定命運!   28天這樣做,關掉生病的基因!   ★亞馬遜4.8顆星高評價   ★★同時攻占《華爾街日報》、《今日美國》、《華盛頓日報》、亞馬遜暢銷排行榜   ★★★眾重量級醫師給予一致的肯定   過敏、肥胖、憂鬱症、阿茲海默症、癌症等許多重大疾病都是源於遺傳基因,導致長期病痛與用藥,無法有效根治。全美最強的預防醫學 Learn More
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By Val Emmich , Justin Paul , Steven Levenson , Benj Pasek
Even in book form, Evan Hansen's story sings. Required reading, especially for anyone who's ever needed to be found' - Becky Albertalli, author of Love Simon Dear Evan Hansen, Today's going to be an amazing day and here's why... When a letter that was never meant to be seen draws high school senior Evan Hansen into the Murphy family's grief over the loss of their son, he is given the chance of a lifetime: to belong. He just has to stick to a lie he never meant to tell. T Learn More
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By 班恩·倫索
偶爾迷惑於方向不清、目的不明,擔心力氣能量白白浪費嗎? 不論組織與個人,唯有認準目的,才能有意義前進 國際知名領導力專家教你找到目的,實現目的, 本書就是你的「目的教練」   ★全球知名企業皆採用的「目的領導法」   寶鹼、可口可樂、聯合利華、博姿藥妝、安理國際律師事務所、馬莎百貨、勞斯萊斯、洲際飯店集團、英國電信……的激勵 Learn More
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By Ben Wong

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By Ben Wong

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By 保羅·尼文 , 班·拉莫
什麼是OKR? 為什麼越來越多全球知名企業捨棄KPI,採用OKR? 如果KPI讓你做出好績效, 那麼OKR讓你打造奇蹟團隊!   ★ OKR訓練、培訓和認證的全球先驅Okrstraining.com,OKR最權威的全方位指南   ★ 繼KPI之後,最受重視、討論度最高的的目標管理法   ★ Intel、Google、Amazon、Panasonic、Adidas、ebay⋯⋯都在執行的OKR模式   如果你有以下目標,必讀本書!    Learn More
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By 潘·強森班奈特
  ★ 美法狂銷 ★   ★ 紐約時報極致好評推薦 ★   《為什麼你的好意害了貓?》   第一本全面透析貓咪聖經,   美國最具權威的貓行為專家教你如何正確理解貓咪思維、判讀貓咪行為語言、   提供安全且舒適的貓咪生活環境、自主檢查貓咪健康狀況……   如果你不懂貓,那你應該認真研究這本書的每一個主題,好讓自己具備貓咪的正確觀 Learn More
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By 班諾·柯恩
這輩子至少一次——大膽想!大膽做! 從國際名導變成計程車司機,瘋狂、幽默、荒唐事蹟震驚國際媒體 《紐約時報》、《費加洛報》爭相報導   法國導演變為計程車司機   他是一位法國導演,是國際影展的常勝軍,因為劇本創作需要,決定到紐約「臥底」開計程車。當他向家人公布這個瘋狂計畫時,妻子噗哧大笑,兒子默不吭聲,女兒則擺起臭臉說: Learn More
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By 彼得·班奈特 , 史蒂芬·博睿 , 莎拉·菲
活用間歇性斷食   改善過敏、減少慢性病風險、提高免疫力、專注力   「現代生活有個不幸的現實,就是我們的高度毒性暴露情形。來自工業廢棄物的環境汙染,營養不良所累積的代謝性毒素,抗生素造成腸道細菌異常等,都會增加毒性,損害健康。由班奈特和博睿兩位自然醫學醫師所提出的指導和智慧,提供排毒和恢復活力的一條康莊大道。」--美國 Learn More
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By Ben Wong

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By 艾莉卡·班納
授權美、英、巴、義、荷、韓等六國語言,現代人最需要的處世指南。 你對世界的憤懣質疑,答案可以找馬基維利。 為什麼500年後的今天,我們應該認識馬基維利?   馬基維利(NiccoloMachiavelli)活在義大利文藝復興時期。   文藝復興?多麼令人嚮往的年代呀……那你就錯了。   那是個亂世,義大利半島分裂了一千年,列強都想征服占領,半島上    Learn More
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By Ben Wong
Dee menghantar Robotzilla untuk menghuru-harakan Tenggeran Rocky. Dee mengugut untuk memusnahkan empangan lalu menyebabkan seluruh bandar ditenggelami air sekiranya Datuk Bandar tidak mahu menyerahkan satu bilion ringgit kepadanya. Walaupun memiliki kuasa daripada telur emas, Chuck tidak dapat menumpaskan Robotzilla. Apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh Chuck untuk melemahkan lawannya yang perkasa itu bagi menyelamatkan seluruh bandar daripada ditenggelami air? Learn More

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By Ben Wong
Doktor Mingo mencipta sejenis cecair hijau yang dapat menukarkan benda hidup menjadi raksasa pemusnah. Malangnya, eksperimen tersebut tidak berjaya dan Doktor Mingo hendak menghapuskan ceccair itu. Pen dan Guin membuang cecair hijau itu di kawasan perkuburan yang terpencil. Cecair hijau itu tumpah ke tanah dan meresap ke dalam kubur-kubur di situ. Tanah di kawasan itu mula merekah dan beberapa zombi bangkit lalu mengancam penduduk. Zombi-zombi itu mula menguasai bandar dengan Learn More

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By 本·帕尔
为何我们在嘈杂的房间里也能听到有人叫自己的名字? 遇到危险时,喊“着火了”为什么比喊“救命”有用? 黑色星期五是如何成为消费节日的? 超级玛丽游戏为什么能够经久不衰? 这背后都隐藏着用户注意力的行为设计机制。《抢占注意力》一书结合心理学、脑科学和行为设计学的最新研究成果,揭开了人类注意力的秘密,从七个方面阐述了注意力的触发 Learn More
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By Ben
三位灵狐失控了!得到月神杖之后的三尾灵狐,完全变了样。冲着陆娜、夜道明和蓝诗凯一连串的攻击!在大家都被灵狐打得遍体鳞伤时,月神杖竟然把陆娜吸进去了! 灵狐和陆娜之间,月神杖会选择谁呢?月光之女即将诞生。 Learn More
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By 本·霍羅維茲
  創業難,守業更難!   從0 到1 還不夠,   更需要從1 到100 的經營智慧。   Facebook、Google、Twitter 三大執行長一致好評推薦!   ★《財星》、《經濟學人》等重量級媒體好評推薦   ★《金融時報》與麥肯錫共同評選:年度最好的18 本商業書之一   ★《商業內幕》年度最佳商業書籍   ★《企業家》雜誌年度25 本必讀商管書   本書猶如商場 Learn More
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By 潘·強森班奈特
  ★ 美法狂銷 ★   ★ 紐約時報極致好評推薦 ★   第一本全面透析貓咪聖經,   美國最具權威的貓行為專家教你如何正確理解貓咪思維、判讀貓咪行為語言、   提供安全且舒適的貓咪生活環境、自主檢查貓咪健康狀況……   如果你不懂貓,那你應該認真研究這本書的每一個主題,好讓自己具備貓咪的正確觀念;如果你認為你懂貓,那你更應該 Learn More
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By 潘·強森班奈特
★ Amazon 4.7顆星一致好評 ★ ★ 紐約時報盛讚推薦 ★   美國最具權威的貓行為專家   (同時也是暢銷書Think Like A Cat作家)   回答150個關於貓咪行為的疑難雜症!   成功導正、停止貓咪惱人行為的關鍵就在於「理解」,   便溺訓練、情緒溝通、環境打造、飲食須知、健康隱憂……全面解答。   一書在手,徹底搞懂家中貓主子的每一聲「喵」! Learn More
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