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' Matthew Reilly 'Found 88 Related Products
By 提姆·歐萊禮
  「你看待世界的方式,會限制你的視野。   科技帶來的真正機會,是擴展了人類的能力。」-Tim O’Reilly   未來,你的優勢在哪裡?   軟體科技革命教父歐萊禮顛覆你對世界的想像,   公開他如何理解與預測創新潮流的方法   給所有在AI時代力爭上游的人一套全新能力。   掌握開創誘人價值的行動法則,就是你的新機會!   《連線》《金 Learn More
USUAL: RM92.40

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By Andrew Matthews
“Being Happy!” is about why you spill spaghetti bolognaise only down the front of your BEST suit. It’s about why some people always seem to be in the right place at the right time – and how you can be like them. It’s about why you can drive an old wreck for fifteen years and never scratch it … and then dent your new car after two days. It’s about understanding yourself, being able to laugh at yourself, becoming more prosperous and being able to forgive yourself. Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

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By 馬修·利伯曼
  我們如何洞悉他人心思?   這是與生俱來的本能,還是一萬個小時的練習?   又為什麼我們總需要被人喜愛、甚至是「被討厭的勇氣」?   社會認知神經科學之父,剖析社會腦經典之作!   ★大腦不僅是為了思考,更是為了「與他人連結」而建立。   演化對社交思考的賭注,遠遠超越我們所想像的程度……   ★亞馬遜網站讀者5顆星一致好 Learn More
USUAL: RM76.85

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By Ryoko Iwata
~一本地表最強飲品插畫書~ 如果咖啡是你食物金字塔的基礎,那這本就是屬於你的書了! 但警告!請輕啜慢飲,書裡面含有大量咖啡因! 你知道嗎?關於你手上的那杯咖啡, 有好多值得瞭解的「酷事實」!   ●現在地球上每天都要生產16億杯咖啡,是繼石油之後全球第二大交易產品,少了咖啡,全世界都會停擺!   ●目前全球最貴的咖啡,是來自大 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

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By 梅爾·羅賓斯
★TED最受歡迎演講之一,點閱率超過13,000,000次★ YouTube、FB、Twitter……全球社群百萬網友實證推薦 Instagram標籤近5萬筆 #5SecondRule   當腦中有個想法,   如何讓自己立刻行動不拖延?   只要在心中倒數5……4……3……2……1,衝了!   就能把自己像火箭一樣順利發射出去,   無論什麼目標,屢試不爽!   想想看,你是不是都有以下經驗:   早 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

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By 達拉斯‧哈特維格 , 梅麗莎‧哈特維格
在進行生酮,讓身體能改以酮體做為主要能量來源之後呢? 為什麼比起斷醣的生酮飲食,低醣的原始人飲食是更好的選擇?!   •紐約時報暢銷書   •美國amazon網站上3524名讀者留言,4顆半星評價   •歐美眾多名流、明星奉行並實踐,熱火老將雷槍艾倫(Ray Allen)、梅根‧福克斯(Megan Fox)、馬修‧麥康納(Matthew McConaughey),都是原始人飲食的終 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 37.00 (-40%)

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By 羅伯·麥修斯
  最受歡迎與肯定的得獎科學作家,寫給現代讀者的:   ◎大數據時代必備的解讀力   ◎後真相世界亟需的思辦術   千金難買早知道的恐怖黑天鵝,誰都會遇到──勝出的能力哪裡來?   左右為難的To Be Or Not to Be,你我都會有──決斷的勇氣何處尋?   唯有機率思考,是你不犯錯的武器!   從買樂透到買保險、從看新聞到看醫生   食衣住 Learn More
USUAL: RM62.15

NOW: RM 62.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.94 (-10%)

By Todd Rose
'Must the tyranny of the group rule us from cradle to grave? Absolutely not, says Todd Rose in a subversive and readable introduction to what has been called the new science of the individual ... Readers will be moved' Abigail Zuger, The New York Times 'Groundbreaking ... The man who can teach you how not to be average' Anna Hart, Daily Telegraph 'Fascinating, engaging, and practical. The End of Average will help everyone - and I mean everyone - live up to their potenti Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

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MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By H. G. Wells
'No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's' Exploring the primordial nightmares that lurk within humanity's dreams of progress and technology, H. G. Wells was a science fiction pioneer. This new omnibus edition brings together four of his hugely original and influential science-fiction novels - The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Learn More
USUAL: RM71.50

NOW: RM 71.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 64.35 (-10%)

By Albert Camus
With the intrigue of a psychological thriller, The Stranger--Camus's masterpiece--gives us the story of an ordinary man unwittingly drawn into a senseless murder on an Algerian beach. With an Introduction by Peter Dunwoodie; translated by Matthew Ward. Behind the subterfuge, Camus explores what he termed the nakedness of man faced with the absurd and describes the condition of reckless alienation and spiritual exhaustion that characterized so much of twentieth-century life. Learn More
USUAL: RM70.50

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MEMBER: RM 63.45 (-10%)

By Matthew Santoro
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Learn More
USUAL: RM64.95

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By 馬修·克拉伯
唯有這一本! 財經媒體大推,中國統計權威第一手解讀 這麼完美的經濟數據,你不覺得怪怪的嗎?   「一本探討中國數據的好書,極具參考價值。」~中國經濟季刊主編Tom Miller   知名統計專家,首度揭開中國數據內幕!   總體經濟兩套帳、貿易數據灌水、股市將持續疲弱   中國十三億消費人口,引發全球企業的「中國夢」症候群。對於 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.35

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MEMBER: RM 57.92 (-10%)

By Matthew Dixon , Brent Adamson , Pat Spenner
The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling sales classic The Challenger Sale'A handbook of practices that will help you get into your customers' heads, deliver good value, and win the sale' DANIEL H. PINK, author of To Sell is Human and DriveFour years ago, the authors behind The Challenger Sale overturned decades of conventional wisdom with a bold new approach to sales. Now they reveal something even mor Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

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By Andrew Matthews
how to find the love of your life - how to find the work you love - why some people always fall on their feet – and how you can be like them. - how to change your thoughts to change your reality ABOUT THE AUTHOR Andrew Matthews is one of the world's most widely read self-help authors. Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

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MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

By Deborah Harkness
Look for the hit series “A Discovery of Witches” streaming on Sundance Now and Shudder, and coming to television this April on AMC and BBC America. Fans of the All Souls Trilogy sent this highly anticipated finale straight to #1 on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list. Bringing the series’ magic and suspense to a deeply satisfying conclusion, The Book of Life is poised to become an even bigger phenomenon in paperback. Diana and Matthew time-travel back from El Learn More
USUAL: RM37.95

NOW: RM 37.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.16 (-10%)

By Andrew Matthews
Hebatnya Kehidupan menyingkap kenapa kejadian-kejadian yang sama asyik berlaku kepada diri anda: Ia menerangkan: kenapa bil-bil anda datang berkelompok kenapa orang kaya semakin kaya Ia menceritakan: bagaimana mencari kekasih hati anda bagaimana mencari pekerjaan idaman anda kenapa sesetengah orang bernasib baik - dan bagaimana anda boleh menjadi seperti mereka Hebatnya Kehidupan menerangkan bahawa yang penting: bukan APA yang anda Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

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MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By 米奇‧艾爾邦
【有一天,天堂會自己找上門。】 如果有一天,天堂來電,你願意相信嗎? 該如何相信? 《最後14堂星期二的課》作者米奇‧艾爾邦最新懸疑力作。 榮登《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜、Amazon.com讀者評論4.3顆星。 引人入勝,魔幻奇異。書中的神祕謎團令人手不釋卷,也反思人與人之間聯繫的力量。 「有人懷念的靈魂,未曾真正離開。」 「如果,生命的終點 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

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By John Grisham
THE MULTI-MILLION COPY BESTSELLER John Grisham's first and most shocking novel, adapted as a film starring Samuel L. Jackson and Matthew McConaughey When Carl Lee Hailey guns down the violent racists who raped his ten-year-old daughter, the people of the small town of Clanton, Mississippi see it as justice done, and call for his acquittal. But when extremists outside Clanton - including the KKK - hear that a black man has killed two white men, they invade the town, det Learn More
USUAL: RM37.95

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MEMBER: RM 34.16 (-10%)

By 夏鉑坦真仁波切
★亞瑪遜網路書店(Amazon)五顆星評鑑、蟬聯美國亞瑪遜網路書店「宗教、心靈」與「心靈健康」類暢銷排行榜第二名。 ★感動西方世界無數讀者的「日常」心靈生活書! 你,曾安靜享受自己的呼吸嗎? 16個章節不講高深道理,簡單清楚提供我們日常生活指引之道 由外:面對工作、愛情、人群、生死… 至內:自我困境、煩惱、壓力、自由之心… 實踐 Learn More
USUAL: RM42.90

NOW: RM 42.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.61 (-10%)

By Stephen King
For readers new to The Dark Tower, The Wind Through the Keyhole is a stand-alone novel, and a wonderful introduction to the series. The Dark Tower is now a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba.The No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller The Wind through the Keyhole is a perfect bridge between the fourth and fifth novels in Stephen King's epic masterpiece. A story within a story which features both the younger and Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Matthew Pearl
A city held to ransom. A brave few determined to fight. A race against time. Spring 1868, and the population of Boston is being terrorised by a series of mysterious attacks: first a magnetic storm causes ships in the harbour to collide in flames, then in another bizarre catastrophe every piece of glass in the financial district spontaneously melts - clocks, windows, eyeglasses. The city's fate relies on four young students: Civil War veteran Marcus Mansfield, brash Bob Ric Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 35.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.31 (-10%)

By Andrew Matthews
A book about conquering hard times. Here are stories of everyday people people that lost every cent and people that lost entire families. These are stories of people that were almost beaten by *, alcohol or outrageous misfortune. These are stories of people who were flat on their back and they got back up. These are stories of everyday people, like you. That's why this book is so inspiring. Happiness in Hard Times features Andrew Matthews' famous cartoons. Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

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By Andrew Matthews
Following on from the titles Being Happy, Making Friends and Follow Your Heart, this book brings together all the summaries and slogans from these books in one little pocket volume. Learn More
USUAL: RM21.50

NOW: RM 21.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.35 (-10%)

By Andrew Matthews
The concepts in this book ring true with practical, applicable advice, and Matthews's lucid writing and witty stories help bring his message into sharp focus. Follow Your Heart is everything you could ask for in a self-help book. It is about doing what you love, dealing with bills and disasters, discovering your own power, and finding peace of mind. Start down the road to changing your life because as Matthews says: "Our mission in life is not to change the world--our mission Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

By Julian Matthew Edwin

NOW: RM 8.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.01 (-10%)

By Julian Matthew Edwin

NOW: RM 8.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 8.01 (-10%)

By Deborah Harkness
Book one of the New York Times-bestselling All Souls trilogy—"a wonderfully imaginative grown-up fantasy with all the magic of Harry Potter and Twilight” (People). Now “[a] hot show that’s like Twilight meets Outlander” (Thrillist) streaming on Sundance Now and Shudder, and coming to television this April on AMC and BBC America. Deborah Harkness’s sparkling debut, A Discovery of Witches, has brought her into the spotlight and galvanized fans around the world. Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

NOW: RM 42.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.25 (-10%)

By Deborah Harkness
The #1 New York Times–bestselling sequel to A Discovery of Witches, book two of the All Souls Trilogy—“as enchanting, engrossing, and impossible to put down as its predecessor” (Miami Herald). Look for the hit series “A Discovery of Witches” streaming on Sundance Now and Shudder, and coming to television this April on AMC and BBC America. J. K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Anne Rice—only a few writers capture the imagination the way that Deborah Harkness has wit Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

NOW: RM 42.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.25 (-10%)

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