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' AcePremier 'Found 62 Related Products
By 陸汶宗 醫師
◉ 《强心茶》◉ 《保脑汤》◉ 《护眼方》◉ 《偏头痛有效方》◉ 《通心汤》◉ 《安神汤》 ◉ 《二金汤》◉ 《散结汤》 ◉ 《养肝茶》 ◉ 《保肝绿豆汤》◉ 《四神汤》◉ 《抗敏健脾汤》◉ 《胃病汤》◉ 《湿疹汤》◉ 《减脂消食方》◉ 《润肺汤》◉ 《化痰方》◉ 《寒咳方》◉ 《护嗓神方》◉ 《止咳验方》◉《酸枣仁汤》◉《祛湿三妙散 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

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By 俞熙敏医师
这是一本寻医指南 还没去看医生前,请先看这本书…… “我的身体是不是有问题,该去看医生吗?” “真的无法根治?必须一辈子依赖西药?” “是否应该找中医调理?还是只有西医能治?” “可以同时接受中医调理和西医治疗吗?” “为何身体会无端端出现各种失衡和病痛?” 越来越多人被这些问题困扰着,可是却无法找到明 Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 55.00 (-8%)

MEMBER: RM 48.00 (-20%)

By Ali invest , 言月
想要在债券投资领域脱颖而出?《胜券在握》是你的必备指南!这本书不仅是新手通往债券投资成功之路的入门攻略,更是一本从入门到精通的完整指南。从基础概念到高级策略,一切尽在《胜券在握》。别再觉得债券投资复杂难懂,让我们手把手教你如何在这个债券投资领域中取得成功! 债券不仅仅是为你带来3%-5%的利息,如果你能掌握本书中的债券投资策 Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.00 (-20%)

By 琳達夫妻
琳达夫妻给上班族的理财忠告 审计合伙人兼首席财务官 + 注册财务策划师 = 一对平凡且富足夫妻 教你从毕业到中年,实现富足人生的4大思维 在步入中年之际,写下人生上半场心路历程的回顾与记录 期许在这个困惑与忙碌的社会,为上班族点起一盏希望之灯 【本书卖点】 ——了解积极的财务管理态度 ——学习简单而有效的投资策略 ——掌握努力工作 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By James Clear
Dalam buku ini, seorang penulis dan penceramah yang terkenal dalam topik pembentukan tabiat, James Clear bakal menjelaskan secara dasar tentang perubahan kecil yang sering kali dianggap remeh tetapi sebenarnya memberikan hasil yang luar biasa dalam kehidupan. Tabiat Atomik, sebuah buku yang akan membentuk semula cara anda berfikir tentang kemajuan dan kejayaan serta memberi anda alat dan strategi yang anda perlukan untuk mengubah tabiat anda sama ada anda pasukan yang ingin m Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.92 (-20%)

By Hector Garcia , Francesc Miralles
Menurut kepercayaan orang Jepun, setiap manusia mempunyai ikigai mereka sendiri - alasan untuk hidup. Dan menurut penduduk yang paling lama hidup di dunia dan tinggal di perkampungan Jepun, mereka mendapati bahawa ikigai ialah kunci kepada kehidupan yang lebih bahagia dan lebih lama. Melalui buku Ikigai ini, penulis Héctor García dan Francesc Miralles telah menemu bual penduduk sentenarian di sebuah perkampungan Jepun dengan peratusan tertinggi penduduk yang berusia lebih s Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-20%)

By Vex King
Jualan RM1,000,000 adalah impian dan gol Bagaimana anda boleh belajar untuk benar-benar mencintai diri sendiri? Bagaimana anda boleh mengubah emosi negatif kepada emosi positif? Mungkinkah kita boleh mencari kebahagiaan yang kekal? Dalam buku ini, pakar Instagram, Vex King, akan menjawab semua soalan ini dan banyak lagi soalan lain. Vex telah mengharungi pelbagai dugaan dalam hidup dan beliau telah mengambil iktibar daripada pengalaman lalunya. Dalam buku ini juga, Vex King a Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By 萧伊妗
《新生代父母必读的8堂理财育儿课》培养3-18孩子财商的启蒙之书 *马来西亚第一本针对不同年龄段的儿童理财书 附有★理财游戏 ★示范案例 ★疑难与迷思解答 *涵盖新生代父母最关心的财务规划议题 ★教育基金★退休金★投资★保险★遗嘱 “把孩子养成小富翁,你也能成为大赢家!” ——特许注册财务规划师 萧伊妗 ——总结十年理财教育经验 作者萧伊妗 Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Neil Dagger
This is the definitive guide on how to make money quickly and easily with ChatGPT (Updated for GPT-4) By following this step-by-step guide you will be able to: ✔ Create passive income sources that keep on giving - in minutes. ✔ Impress your customers by getting their projects finished extremely fast with high quality (with zero effort!) ✔ Research, create and promote engaging content effortlessly. ✔ Get time back to focus on what really matters. We currently live Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Chris Fenning
Get people's attention and get your message across at work. Learn the simplest way to improve your business communication skills. There is no fluff and no vague advice, just practical step-by-step methods you can start using today. This multi-award-winning book teaches specific methods for having short, clear business conversations, emails, meetings, interviews, and more. Check out the reviews to hear from the real people this book has helped. Communication should be clear Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Wallace D. Wattles
The step-by-step scientific approach to attracting financial and spiritual wealth • This is the 100-year-old book that inspired Rhonda Byrne's bestselling The Secret • Explains the precise series of practical steps that, if followed, guarantee prosperity • Reveals the secrets that underlie today’s success and prosperity movements In his bestselling book, Wallace D. Wattles explains that “universal mind” underlies and permeates all creation. Through the process Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By Nate Dallas
What if anxiety isn't a disease? What if it's a product of a healthy system, signaling you that it's now time to make some changes? If you could pause your hectic life for a moment to listen to your inner voice, what would it say needs modification? If there were a guide to assist in systematically evaluating critical aspects of life, one at a time, would you use it? If it contained practical solutions to improve health, mindset, finances, relationships, and habits, where wo Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Joseph Nguyen
Learn how to overcome anxiety, self-doubt & self-sabotage without needing to rely on motivation or willpower. In this book, you'll discover the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to achieve freedom of mind to effortlessly create the life you've always wanted to live. Although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. This book offers a completely new paradigm and understanding of where our human experience comes from, allowing us to end our ow Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Patrick King
Speed read people, decipher body language, detect lies, and understand human nature. Is it possible to analyze people without them saying a word? Yes, it is. Learn how to become a “mind reader” and forge deep connections. How to get inside people’s heads without them knowing. Read People Like a Book isn’t a normal book on body language of facial expressions. Yes, it includes all of those things, as well as new techniques on how to truly detect lies in your everyday li Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

By 洪俊得 博士
成就非凡的成功者,难道都是金手指引领的吗?创业路上,难道他们未曾遭遇挫折?90后的洪俊得博士以自己的亲身经历向我们证明:绝非如此。 在《实战成功学》这本书中,洪俊得博士用自己的人生故事告诉我们:成功并非天赋,而是选择和行动的结果。他的成功旅程并非一路坦途,而是一条布满挑战、需要不断自我克服的道路。他之所以能达到今天的高度 Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By John M. Jennings
This is not a typical investment book. It is an experiential guide on cultivating the mindset and behavior necessary to weather inherently uncertain and unpredictable markets. It doesn’t just tell you how to invest but how to think better about investing. Referencing studies on psychology, decision making, and investment behavior, Jennings provides a no-nonsense analysis of the financial markets and a road map to navigating its inevitable twists and turns. Jennings u Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Designing the Mind & Ryan A. Bush
The Instant Cult Classic on the Art of Reprogramming Your Own Psychological Software A bold and fascinating dive into the nuts and bolts of psychological evolution, Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture is part philosophical manifesto, part practical self-development guide, all based on the teachings of legendary thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Lao Tzu, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Abraham Maslow. The ideas and techniques it offers are all integrated into a vital th Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Jenn Granneman
An introvert guide and manifesto for all the quiet ones—and the people who love them—on dating, relationships, work, careers, and more. On behalf of those who have long been misunderstood, rejected, or ignored, fellow introvert Jenn Granneman writes a compassionate vindication—exploring, discovering, and celebrating the secret inner world of introverts that, only until recently, has begun to peek out and emerge into the larger social narrative. Drawing from scientific Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Derek Borthwick
Would you like to skyrocket your communication skills in your career, personal and intimate life? Would you like to be able to draw people towards you like a magnet? This book is NOT just another communication book and is NOT just a book of tips. This is the ultimate communication system for talking to anybody, anywhere and in any situation. Using the scientific principles of communication and ©POWER2MIND technology, it will have you talking and communicating to anyone wi Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Jeff Keller
This is a "success manual" that gives readers a step by step plan for taking control of their lives and unleashing their incredible potential. The book consists of 12 Lessons: Your Attitude is Your Window to the World; You're A Human Magnet; Picture Your Way to Success; Make a Commitment and You'll Move Mountains; Turn Your Problems into Opportunities; Your Words Blaze A Trail; How Are You?; Stop Complaining; Associate with Positive People; Confront Your Fears and Grow; Get O Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Nina Purewal , Kate Petriw
Enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book. Life is stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. It’s no wonder you can’t calm down: your to-do list is as long as your arm, your bank balance keeps dropping, you feel guilty for not calling your parents more often and there always seems to be a big deadline to meet at work. You need a serious breather—but you can barely find time to shower, let alone to exercise or meditate. In Let That S Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Scott Allan
Enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book. Break the Procrastination Habit, Accelerate Your Productivity, and Take Control of Your Life NOW. Are you living in chaos because you constantly put off critical tasks until the last minute? Do you feel disorganized both at home and at work? Do you experience feelings of anxiety, frustration, and helplessness with all your incomplete projects? If so, it’s time to defeat the procrastination habi Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Patrick King
Networking events suck, but they can suck less. What to say and when to say to be likable, connect, and make a memorable impression. Actionable and applicable verbal maneuvers for just about every phase of conversation. From hello to goodbye, with strangers or old friends, you'll learn how to simply go deeper. NO MORE: interview mode, awkward silence, or struggling to hold people’s attention. Better Small Talk is a unique read. Imagine the following situation: you've just p Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Amelia Hong
In this long-awaited 3rd edition, Amelia Hong, once meek and mild, is now back again with a vengeance and a new self after a life-changing experience. You can catch glimpses of raw and rude personality in this updated book with real, painful yet uplifting stories as she helps Malaysians navigate the difficult world of managing money and investing. Her "almost" no holds-barred new snippets are gems in a world full of empty or fake promises and will you up to the realities of t Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Evelyn Tan , PC Wong
Read This Book To Prepare For The Great Transition & Opportunities Awaiting You! Predicting the future trajectory of global events and economic trends has always been a challenge for many economists. This is because of the changing dynamics in the geopolitical sphere, governmental policies, and shifting societal beliefs and ideologies, all of which affect investment and consumption of goods and services, the main drivers of the global economy. The most difficult task of all Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Jemma Roedel
Discover how to become an effective woman in leadership -- even if you’re shy, avoid conflict at all costs, or lack confidence. Are you tired of seeing men at work get promoted, be given better assignments, and enjoy pay raises even though you know your skills and results are just as good, if not better? Do you find it difficult to express yourself during work meetings without being hostile or apologetic? Perhaps you're tired of coming home feeling frustrated because you Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Stephen Guide
Imperfectionists Accomplish More with Less Stress I remember when I aimed for perfect workouts: 30 minutes was the minimum. I was in lousy shape. I remember when I aimed for perfect dating: it couldn't be awkward, forced, or uncertain. I didn't talk to women of interest. I remember when I aimed for perfect writing: I wanted 1,000+ words of quality material per day. I played video games instead. I carefully avoided mistakes, endlessly ruminated about what I didn’t do, an Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

By Manhardeep Singh
Life throwing a curve ball? Embrace these 12 Laws of the Universe to handle life’s toughest situations. The book is written with a to-the-point language and tone with the intent to reach the reader in a clear way. 12 Laws of the Universe will help you: • Understand your impact on whole world • Have awareness of how each one of us are connected • How to attract your way to success • Change what is not working for you • Understand how to get from here to there Learn More
USUAL: RM30.00

NOW: RM 30.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 27.00 (-10%)

By Patrick King
Stand your ground without guilt, fear, or awkward tension. Finally get what you deserve and stop “letting it slide”.Who is making your daily choices for you? Make sure you possess the everyday assertiveness to choose for yourself and resist the pressures you’re bound to come across. You’ve put yourself last your entire life. It’s time for that to change.Stop enabling, people pleasing, and being so “agreeable.”The Art of Everyday Assertiveness is a guide for the Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Nicolas Darvas
Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Hungarian by birth, Nicolas Darvas trained as an economist at the University of Budapest. Reluctant to remain in Hungary until either the Nazis or the Soviets took over, he fled at the age of 23 with a forged exit visa and fifty pounds sterling to stave off hunger in Istanbul, Turkey. During his off hours as a dancer, he read some 200 books on the market and the great speculators, spendi Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

By Freeman Publications
Think you've "missed the boat" on investing in cutting-edge technology? Think again… Now is the perfect time to invest in the #1 opportunity of the 2020s: Artificial Intelligence. Bill Gates says this is “Every bit as important as the PC or the internet.” Google CEO Sundar Pichai calls AI “More profound than fire or electricity.” And consulting firm PWC found that the AI industry will be worth over $15 Trillion by 2030. That’s more than half the value of the en Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By Om Swami
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. Loss is unavoidable; grief isn't. Death is certain. And life? Well, life isn't certain. Its uncertainty, unpredictability, even its irrationality, make it what it is. Often, we run blindly into fire, we step on snakes, we get entangled in snares - these are the fires of desire, the snakes of attachment, and the snares of jealousy and covetousness. If we are bitten, burnt and hurt, we call it suffering, and believe it to be the way of Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Peter Hollins
Practical tactics to grow your willpower, stop procrastination, focus like a laser, and achieve whatever you set your mind to.Following through and finishing what you start- more valuable skills than you realize. They are a combination of traits that enables you to create the life you want - without having to compromise or wait. The alternative is a status quo that you’re stuck in.Is your life a series of unfinished tasks and intentions? That stops now.Finish What You Start Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

By S.J. Scott , Barrie Davenport
Feel overwhelmed by your thoughts? Struggling with anxiety about your daily tasks? Or do you want to stop worrying about life? The truth is...We all experience the occasional negative thought. But if you always feel overwhelmed, then you need to closely examine how these thoughts are negatively impacting your lifestyle. The solution is to practice specific mindfulness techniques that create more "space" in your mind to enjoy inner peace and happiness. With these habits, you Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Jordan Tarver
Are you feeling lost, stuck, or confused? You may need a roadmap for the journey from where you are now to becoming the best version of yourself. In this authentic self-help book, Jordan Tarver, introspective author and world traveler, guides you on a journey of self-discovery. A close call with death at the age of 19 and a soul-searching solo backpacking trip at 21 taught Jordan how to live. Since then, he's dedicated himself to living a life infused with meaning and empowe Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By  Stephen Guise
Lasting Change for Early Quitters, Burnouts, the Unmotivated, and Everyone Else Too When I decided to start exercising consistently 10 years ago, this is what actually happened: I tried "getting motivated." It worked sometimes. I tried setting audacious big goals. I almost always failed them. I tried to make changes last. They didn't. Like most people who try to change and fail, I assumed that I was the problem. Then one afternoon—after another failed attempt to get motiv Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By MJ DeMarco
Has the "settle-for-less" financial plan become your plan for wealth? That sounds something like this: Graduate from college, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks mocha lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your life-savings to Wall Street, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich. Since you were old enough to hold a job, you've been hoodwinked to beli Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.91 (-10%)

By Chia Wan Chow , Lim Cian Yai
“Start Investing In Properties With Only RM100: Reit Investing For Beginners” is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in REIT investment opportunities in Malaysia and overseas. REITs off er some of the best total returns, above average dividend yields, and stable earnings. Now is an excellent time for investors to consider REITs for both diversifi cation and strong total returns as their earnings and dividends are making a solid post-pandemic comeback. Chia Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 39.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.91 (-10%)

By Danial Jiwani
Warren Buff ett is one of the best investors of all time. But what is his strategy? Buff et’s 2-Step Stock Market Strategy breaks down Buff ett’s investing strategy and compiles his best investing principles so that you can replicate his strategy when you invest in stocks. Buff ett’s 2-Step Stock Market Strategy will teach you when Buff ett buys and sells, what he looks for when researching a stock, and the biggest mistakes that beginners make when trying to repl Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

By 杰克
在股市里,很多时候 99% 的投资可能都是无效的, 而有 1% 的人,却能在股市中赚取 99% 的市场盈利, 唯有了解趋势投资,您才能成为投资世界里的 Top 1%! 赛道投资就如在股市汪洋大海里的航行,行业分析加上 趋势投资就是协助您选择一个好天气以及找到一艘好帆船,打造属于自己的投资「最佳航线」! 这本书涵盖了成为 Top 1% 的核心行业趋势分析: 5 大赛道 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By 郭瑾锟
拍卖是否传言中…… 好赚? 拍卖屋标到就是捡便宜? 拍卖屋会不会有人死在里面? 几年前报纸登过,拍卖屋冰箱藏尸案是真的吗? 拍卖屋风水会不会很衰? 当你报名了无数产业课程、甚至投资课程,这个也好,那个也不错; 学了满腹经纶,始终自己不敢出手,感觉学了一身武功,但无用武之地! #若您是首购族 #若您想要赚钱 #若您想要学习房地产 #若您想 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By KC Chong
This comprehensive book is the blueprint for dividend investing. It is a useful guide for anyone who wants to make money and earn a regular income from the stock market in a safe manner. Young investors will learn how to invest the right way to grow their wealth while minimising the risk. Retired investors and those planning for their retirement can apply the knowledge to preserve their wealth and create a steady passive income. You will learn powerful strategies to: Learn More
USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 69.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.91 (-10%)

By Nick Trenton
Overcome negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and live a worry-free life. Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. Don’t get stuck in a never-ending thought loop. Stay present and keep your mind off things that don’t matter, and never will. Break free of your self-imposed mental prison. Stop Overthinking is a book that understands where you’ve been through,the exhausting situation you’ve put yourself into, and how you lose your mind in the trap of Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By 罗觥荃
俗话说:“你不理财,财不理你”。不懂“理财”,那么“财”理你才怪!全怪学校没有教“理财”,但学校没教不代表不重要,越早建立正确的理财思维,你就越快达到财务自由。 事实上,我们每个人都应该对自己的金钱负责、对自己的未来负责。无论你在生活中有什么目标和梦想,或多或少都与金钱有关。当你有足够的金钱,你才可以选择今天要不要去上 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

By 颜利峻
股神巴菲特曾多次在公开会议或是在致股东书信中,强烈推荐普通投资者改为投资美国S&P 500指数基金。他甚至提过,要是他离开人世,他的90%遗产将会投资在美国S&P 500指数基金。作者颜利峻Ah Gan终于找到如同股神巴菲特所说的:简单的、复利滚雪球的、长期持有的投资方式——ETF。 你只需买对1档ETF,就能让世界级企业总裁为你打工! 对于正要起步或是资金很 Learn More
USUAL: RM45.00

NOW: RM 45.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.50 (-10%)

By 叶芷妤
12篇 理财心得真诚分享 29篇 亲历亲闻走心故事 月薪过万却毅然辞飞, 在该享受的年纪却选择高空落地, 舍弃光鲜亮丽投入基金行业, 让我们一同Take Off, 一窥Gina如何从“飞行日记”转向“理财日记”! 【内容简介】 空姐是人人憧憬的梦幻行业,不但常年翱翔于蓝天之上,尽览世界各地风情,而且薪资福利优渥,生活风光无限。然而,沙漠空姐——Gina叶芷 Learn More
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By 叶伟良 , 李俊豪 , 蔡美进
一本给投资菜鸟的房地产投资入门解答书 最热门的房地产问题大集合: 新手必看的系统化投资房产步骤,教你一次就买对黄金屋! 掌握房产交易获利招数,指引新手提高回酬率、降低大风险! 剖析大马房地产内幕&房价走势,教你实现买房致富之道! 学会跟银行打交道,轻松省100k利息,快速提前还清贷款! 传授新手入门到精通三部曲,首购族申贷之路0压 Learn More
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By 楷升 , 慧凤
作为不受政府干涉和管控的交易媒介——加密货币正在发展迅速,它改变了人们对金钱的认知和思考方式。大大小小的投资者都纷纷加入投资加密货币的行列。 如果你是加密货币的初学者,抑或是想进入币圈的基础小白,在还未学习投资加密货币之前,我们需先了解加密货币的背景以及它的运作手法。这本《加密货币入门大百科》正是一本很好的入门书籍,本 Learn More
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By 收割者
在许多人的眼里,投资理财是有钱人以钱赚钱的做法。作为一名小资族,既没有雄厚的背景,积蓄也只有区区一小部分,要达成财富自由是难若登天,然而同为小资族的Mr. Harvest则不这么想。 Mr. Harvest是长期主义投资者,在投资理财上抱持着默默耕耘、十年磨一剑的心态,一步一步达成设下的每一个财务里程碑。他在【股票耕耘】里分享自己在理财和投资路上 Learn More
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By 黄如金
要富口袋,就先要富脑袋。要致富,就先懂理财;要懂理财,先要提高财商。财富思维提升了,创富能力就会随着增值了。 《10年后比你的同学更有钱》是作者黄如金送给年轻人的最佳财务礼物,她以10年理财与投资的实战经验为基础,为读者设计了12章节9大招,带你走进理财与投资的世界。本书深入浅出分享30个真实案例,开启你对理财的全新认知,不仅让你 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Lawrence Law
本书以简单直白的解说方式,讲述「量价概率论」在马股里的实战例子,你无需上知国际新闻,下知国家政策,亦能知晓Trader的实战武器! 学遍了基本面和技术面,炒股回酬还是没有一个准头,因为你缺的是操盘手的概率思维,无论哪种分析方法都只是武器的一种,在战场上杀敌,你需要的是化繁为简的战略,军事化的绝对执行,还有看不见的炒股内功! 只要 Learn More
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By 水星熊
这是一本精心为「打工族」准备的投资理财鸡汤。 无论身处世界何地,无论你的身份和职业,无论你选择什么样的人生,每一位「打工族」终将在人生路上面对财务问题,也同样需要照顾财务健康。 本书作者以一个平凡打工族视角为出发点,分享鲜活、真实、生动的海外打工经历和身边故事,揭露他作为平凡打工族如何从零开始理财,并逐步树立真实的金 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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By Tradeview
Once Upon A Time in Bursa, a new title by Acepremier reveals the unique opportunities, nuances and risk of investing in Bursa along with how retail investors can apply fundamental investing specifically to Malaysian companies. You will see the stocks through the lens of real stories and learn to appreciate the companies behind each stock. Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

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By KC Chong
This new title The Profitable Investor -20 Most Important Lessons For Investment Success by KC Chong is acompilation of his insights to the most important investing topics every investorneedto know. Whether you are new to the stock market or you are a seasoned investor, this book will give you a clear path to investing success. It covers a wide span of investing insights, including: •Macroeconomics and Investing •Asset Allocation and Diversification •Investing Pitfalls Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By Jason Koeh
In this book, the author will coach you on acquiring, keeping, growing and bequeathing your wealth. Learn More
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By Ariel Chew
ECommerce Playbook features the success stories of 15 eCommerce entrepreneurs with amazing stories to share. Learn More
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By 李俊豪
买房申贷更可说是人生的必经之路。可是房贷不同于一般贷款,如何成功获取房贷成了大马房贷族最关心的问题。于是,一本全面的房贷书籍就此诞生!全方位结合了当今马来西亚申房贷所面对的各种常见问题、房贷注意事项、解决方案、房产知识、房贷配套、基本计算法等,希望借着这本书,能为计划购房申贷的您、考虑房产投资的您,提高你的房贷批准率, Learn More
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By Eza , Khairi (Pak Teh)
Dapatkan penyelesaian kepada isu-isu seperti; Di mana patut melabur? Bagaimana hendak memastikan pelaburan itu patuh syariah? Apakah jenis pelaburan yang sesuai untuk dilakukan? dan pelbagai lagi permasalahan di dalam buku Malaysia Melabur. Pelbagai contoh dan bimbingan oleh mereka yang berada di sebalik keyboard laman web kewangan dan pelaburan popular di Malaysia, MajalahLabur.com. Daripada beribu-ribu artikel yang telah kami terbitkan, ini adalah kompilasi wajib tahu! Learn More
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USUAL: RM69.90

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By Tan Ee Wah
Stock markets hold promises of fortunes to be made, yet many investors rarely stop to ponder that they can also be very dangerous arenas. Investors must consider the various risks involved and learn to mitigate such risks. Surviving & Prospering in Stock Investments delves into this potentially lucrative field. It provides lessons, tales, metaphors and ideas on the safer ways to create wealth while at the same time helps to avoid the pitfalls of speculations. It also serves a Learn More
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