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' Matthew Reilly 'Found 88 Related Products
By 麥特.亞伯拉罕
客戶突然在會議上提出一個出乎意料的問題?   老師冷不防地在課堂上要你回答問題?   對即將到來的面試感到擔心?   在會議中害怕發言?   準備好對客戶簡報,投影機突然故障?   當這些需要溝通與表達的情況突然出現時,該怎麼應對自如且說得漂亮?   我們常常在毫無準備的情況下,就必須和同事、主管、客戶、家人,甚至是陌生人說 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

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By Matthew Blake
THE WORLD WILL KNOW HER NAME What if your nightmares weren’t really nightmares at all? We spend an average of thirty-three years of our lives asleep. But what really happens, and what are we capable of, when we are sleeping? Anna Ogilvy was a budding twenty-five-year-old writer with a bright future. Then, one night, she stabbed two people to death with no apparent motive—and she hasn’t woken up since. Dubbed “Sleeping Beauty” by the tabloids, Anna suffers from a Learn More
USUAL: RM89.95

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MEMBER: RM 80.96 (-10%)

By Veon , Vezill
A Villain Is Never Born One. What Made Matthew Into What He Is Today! A strange sickness, a family fractured, a life unsettled; Matthew only knew anguish, anxiety, and hopelessness until a ray of hope lit up his life! Alas, in spite of his guardian angel's best efforts, a hidden truth still remained out of reach! How could a child touched by love turn into such a misguided, misanthropic menace? Can Rain, Sean, and Stone find a cure for the unstoppable Crawler Virus? Find o Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By Veon , Vezill
Dendam Matthew Berpunca Dari Zaman Kanak- Kanak? Ketika berusia tujuh tahun, Matthew mengidap penyakit aneh. Dia sering muntah dan pengsan seolah- olah diracun sehinggalah pada suatu hari, seorang doktor bernama Rita muncul. Dengan bantuan Dr. Rita, Matthew semakin sihat dan pulih. Namun, apa yang berlaku seterusnya menimbulkan dendam di dalam hati. Kembali ke masa kini, Remy dan rakan- rakan terus berusaha menyelamatkan bumi. Adakah mereka akan berjaya? Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By Matthew Pollard , Derek Lewis
Sales is a skill just like any other, which anyone can learn and master--including the introvert who is more comfortable alone than in the sales field. As with any type of success, it’s all about learning how to leverage your natural strengths. Extroverts are rarely short on words, and their conversations and pitches never feel sales-y to them. The world of sales just comes naturally to the extrovert. However, introverts aren’t comfortable with traditional tactics like a Learn More
USUAL: RM55.00

NOW: RM 55.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-10%)

By 馬修.恩格爾克
最有系統的人類學思想入門 人類學——最擅長挑戰概念、質疑「常識」的學科 顛覆你慣常的思考模式,當今世代最需要的一門知識   人類學是一門研究人及其文化的學科,擅長以全貌觀和比較觀點理解當代與過去社會,以在不同空間與時間尺度中移動的多重視角,理解人類社會的複雜面向,對思考現代世界提供了非常有用的方法。在《人類怎麼學》中,馬 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Veon & Vezill
Angkara Matthew, Remy dan Shah tidak sehaluan lagi? Disebabkan rasa tidak puas hati, Shah menendang Remy keluar daripada pasukan mereka. Remy percaya ada sesuatu yang tidak kena, jadi dia memutuskan untuk mencari sebab di sebalik perubahan personaliti Shah. Sementara itu, Pasukan Elite 8 mula bertindak balas untuk menghalang Matthew daripada memusnahkan dunia. Namun rancangan Matthew tidak semudah yang mereka fikirkan. Adakah rancangan Matthew akan berubah selepas pertemuan Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By Veon & Vezill
Kampung Nelayan, Makhluk Asing dan Gadis Misteri… Apa Kaitan Ketiga-tiganya? Makhluk asing terus-menerus menakluk seluruh pelosok bumi. Jake yang sedang melindungi ayahnya terserempak ketua geng motosikal, Hondo. Mereka bersama-sama menyelamatkan diri daripada serangan makhluk asing dan bertemu pula dengan Sheri. Ibu bapa Sheri dan rakan mereka, Louis ditangkap oleh makhluk asing di kampung nelayan aneh?! Siapa pula gadis misteri yang tiba-tiba muncul dan ingin bertemu Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By 麥可·馬修斯
美國暢銷十年系列作品 「美國第一健身強人」麥可.馬修斯,最新著作 這不只是一本健身書,更能幫助你對抗老化、終身強壯!   健身鍛鍊並非是年輕人專屬,   隨著年紀增加,每一個人都需要練肌力、抗老化!   透過本書的科學化訓練法,   任何人、任何階段都能執行,有效增肌減脂、打造精實體態!      ▌飲食+訓練,4週精實有感    Learn More
USUAL: RM89.30

NOW: RM 89.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 80.37 (-10%)

By 沃克
★比爾蓋茲年度推薦書單 缺乏睡眠成為全球流行病的今天, 我們需要超強睡眠顧問沃克傳授的睡眠全書。 這本書總結數十年來的睡眠研究成果以及最新科學突破, 告訴我們睡眠複雜又迷人的真相。   睡眠與做夢的功能,超乎想像:   .學習之前的睡眠,幫助腦準備形成新記憶;   學習之後的睡眠,可以鞏固記憶、避免遺忘。   .夢提供虛擬實境 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.00

NOW: RM 77.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-10%)

By Jake Humphrey , Damian Hughes
This book uncovers the eight essential habits of the world's leading sportspeople, coaches and entrepreneurs. From taking responsibility for your situation to finding your 'Trademark Behaviours', it reveals how the world's highest-achieving people unlocked their potential - and how you can too. Anyone can learn the secrets of high performance. 'Full of valuable principles with real-world relevance to people's everyday lives' Toto Wolff 'So many different lessons from so ma Learn More
USUAL: RM72.90

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MEMBER: RM 65.61 (-10%)

By 奧格·曼迪諾
※ 隨書附贈燙金〈致富筆記本〉 ※ 銷售5千萬冊、翻譯成25種語言 55週年新版、台灣唯一授權 電影演員馬修•麥康納 (Matthew McConaughey) 最為推崇的一本書! 這本書改變了他的生命,讓他有勇氣朝向成為演員的人生目標邁進。   「我擁有的所有成功、幸福、愛、平靜以及財富,都源自於這幾張羊皮卷裡的內容。」這些羊皮卷上到底寫了些什麼,其價 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

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MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

Girl, you were created to be a mountain mover! Jesus said. . . , “For sure, I tell you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to over there,’ and it would move over. You will be able to do anything." Matthew 17:20 NLV And this lovely devotional is a wonderful reminder that you can build a faith that lasts. . .and that nothing is impossible with God. These 180 encouraging readings and inspiring prayers touch on topics impo Learn More
USUAL: RM48.90

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MEMBER: RM 44.01 (-10%)

By 王晴天
一生必讀的999則智慧真理! 你為什麼總是失敗?因為你不了解這些道理! 一步領先,步步領先, 因為成功會孕育成功,像雪球一樣越滾越大。 停下來,就等死! 破解「紅皇后效應」 規避「莫菲定律」 掙脫「馬太效應」 打破圈層,躍進強者正循環! 學習「真永是真」,啟動指數型躍遷!! 用人生大道理開創新的人生大道 「是錯永不對,真永是真! Learn More
USUAL: RM46.05

NOW: RM 46.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.45 (-10%)

By Sara Pennypacker
A Sunday Times Best Book for Children 2023 A hilarious and heart-warming new adventure from Sara Pennypacker, the best-selling author of Pax, with illustrations by Caldecott Medal-winner Matthew Cordell Leeva Thornblossom loves to learn: her local newspaper teaches her a new word every day, and soap operas show her the many shades of human expression. And when she comes across the announcement that all children are required to go to school, Leeva sees an opportunity to do so Learn More
USUAL: RM49.95

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MEMBER: RM 44.96 (-10%)

By Cassandra Clare
James and Cordelia must save London—and their marriage—in this thrilling and highly anticipated conclusion to the Last Hours series from the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Thorns is a Shadowhunters novel. Cordelia Carstairs has lost everything that matters to her. In only a few short weeks, she has seen her father murdered, her plans to become parabatai with her best friend, Lucie, destroyed, and her marriage to James Heronda Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.41 (-10%)

By Cassandra Clare
James and Cordelia must save London — and their marriage — in this thrilling and highly anticipated conclusion to The Last Hours series from the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Thorns is a Shadowhunters novel. Cordelia Carstairs has lost everything that matters to her. In only a few short weeks, she has seen her father murdered, her plans to become parabatai with her best friend, Lucie, destroyed, and her marriage to James He Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Matthew Thomas
The Malaysian lawyer and author Matthew Thomas was introduced by his family to Anne when he was 29. Despite their initial trepidation, they got along very well and within a year they were married. Decades later, she would lie in a coffin at the same church they were married in. Ivy on Stone is his memoir of their marriage, and of how he has struggled to come to terms with her death. This deeply personal tribute is not only a record of love and grief, but of a humanistic fa Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-20%)

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By Veon , Vezill
When divisions deepen, what hope is there for Earth's pluckiest heroes? Rain, Sean, and Stone - each different but united in purpose, but what could have driven firm friends to resort to rejection? Was turning against Rain part of Matthew's malevolent machinations to finally break the bonds of brotherhood that have united the X-VENTURE Xplorers for so long? Determined to seek the source of his friends' sudden switch, Rain's shift in focus sees the Elite 8 step forth as The E Learn More
USUAL: RM16.00

NOW: RM 16.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 14.40 (-10%)

By Andrew Matthews
7 steps to rebount from disaster and disappointment. Find new purpose. Discover resilience you never knew you had. Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

By Matthew Galgani
The #1 GROWTH STRATEGY for stock investing. Through both bull and bear markets, Investor’s Business Daily’s CAN SLIM® Investment System has consistently been the #1 growth strategy, according to the American Association of Individual Investors. How to Make Money in Stocks—Getting Started shows you how to put the CAN SLIM System to work for you. Using an easy-to-follow game plan designed for busy people, you’ll discover: 2 simple rules to protect your money 3 c Learn More
USUAL: RM94.50

NOW: RM 59.90 (-37%)

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By Matthew Walker
Go from diagnosis to thriving with this empowering guide to using strength training and exercise to improve your mental and physical health before, during, and after cancer diagnosis and treatment. This groundbreaking program will show you how to use exercise and movement to: - Recover more quickly from surgery - Withstand chemotherapy (or other drug treatments) or radiation with fewer side effects - Bounce back to daily life following cancer treatments - Prevent loss of func Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Air Team
With Matthew Incarcerated, Is the Ibyon Threat Quelled once And For All? Escorting Matthew to his new home in the Bureau's southern supermax penitentiary, Rain and Stone look forward to finally chilling out! After all, stuck within the most inescapable alien lock-up, depowered and under the unrelenting glare of the Warden, what could Rain's human-hating nemesis get up to? Even so, Sean can't shake the nagging dread journeying down his spine! What have our heroes to worry a Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By Air Team
Dengan Penangkapan Matthew, Adakah Ancaman Ibyon Akan Reda Atau Sebaliknya? Mengiringi Matthew ke penjara makhluk asing, Remy dan Jumbo akhirnya berpeluang untuk berehat. Tiada apa lagi perlu dirunsingkan memandangkan tahap keselamatan di penjara itu sangat ketat. Banduan dipasangkan cip khas yang menyekat kuasa masing-masing. Namun, apa yang disangka tidak berjalan sebaiknya. Apa lagi helah Matthew dan apa yang akan berlaku di Pangkalan Antartik? Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By 拉斐爾·佩拉約
★《為什麼要睡覺》高效實踐版★ ★2021年美國健康生活網MindBodyGreen「健康幸福書單」年度好書★ 你真的知道你為什麼睡不好嗎 ?其實你都睡錯了! 活得好,就要睡得好。看完本書,你就會睡得更好。 最全面清晰新穎的睡眠實用指南,簡明有效又容易執行, 有睡眠問題的大人小孩都找得到對治之道。   「簡單明瞭、流暢易讀、內容全面,提供真正的實 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 48.51 (-10%)

By 馬修·柏爾
►美國時代雜誌封面故事專題 ►元宇宙理論之父馬修‧柏爾權威力作 ►臉書創辦人祖克柏盛讚: 「馬修‧柏爾談到元宇宙各種面向的文章,每一篇都非常推薦閱讀。」 馬修‧柏爾 - 元宇宙定義者 全球最早、最全面介紹元宇宙的趨勢家 深刻影響科技企業巨擘的下世代技術佈局 揭示元宇宙將如何全面改變我們的工作、生活與思維模式的顛覆性作品 Learn More
USUAL: RM92.40

NOW: RM 92.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 83.16 (-10%)

By Air Team
Will A United Offensive End The Renegade's Ibyon Initiative Indefinitely? Uncovering another secret Ibyon sanctum, Matthew's unrelenting quest for superiority is dealt a major blow when it yields nothing! Beset by dreadful defenders intent on punishing his ambition, he is forced to retret! Taking refuge nearby, the residents' decency forces him to reassess his anti-human outlook! With the X-Venturers and Adventurers closing in on their quarry, they must answer one crucial qu Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By 馬修·利伯曼
在10歲之前,大腦就已投入超過一萬個小時, 隨時準備讓我們成為社交高手! 你的一舉一動、喜怒哀樂,都深受社交天性影響。 沒有社交天性,人類世界將就此停轉…… ★★★社會認知神經科學之父,剖析社會腦經典之作!★★★   「任何對大腦、心理學、社會互動感興趣的人,都會愛上這本書!」   ──亞馬遜網站讀者5顆星一致好評   一本讓生活 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By Air Team
Di Sebalik Kegelapan Malam, Ada Misteri Tersembunyi Di Sebuah Kota. Apakah Yang Perlu Dirungkai? Dalam pengembaraan mencari sel IBYon, Matthew terjumpa sebuah lagi makmal penyelidikan di kawasan pergunungan. Namun dia diserang makhluk asing yang membawanya ke sebuah kota secara tidak sengaja. Peduduk kota melayannya dengan baik, namun dia keliru dan mempertikaikan layanan yang diterima. Dalam masa sama, Matthew diburu pasukan wakil negara yang diarahkan untuk menangkapnya. M Learn More
USUAL: RM14.00

NOW: RM 14.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.60 (-10%)

By 馬修·費茲西蒙斯
如果有了備份身體,遭到謀殺還算謀殺嗎? 《人生複本》作者盛讚:這書好看炸了! 亞馬遜書店暢銷榜謀殺小說TOP 1 上市首週火速再版 + 破萬讀者熱烈好評!   一樁命案──她死了   一副全新身體──幸好有備份   重生新任務:自己的命案自己查   否則,難保不會再死一次   距今不遠的未來,複製人技術成真,此後,富人可用高價買得永生 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By Air Team
Penemuan Cyrptid Dan Misi Menentang Matthew. Apakah Kaitan Di Antara Kedua-duanya? Pasukan X-VENTURE ditugaskan mencari pangkalan penyelidikan yang dikatakan menyimpan sel IBYon sebelum ia dijumpai oleh Matthew. Atas saranan Pengarah Michio, Remy dan rakan-rakan menuju ke sebuah hutan untuk bertemu seorang doktor yang boleh memudahkan misi mereka. Namun sebenarnya kedatangan mereka tidak diundang. Keadaan bertambah sukar apabila mereka terpaksa berdepan dengan cryptid digela Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Bill Clinton , James Patterson
Every detail is accurate because one of the authors is President Bill Clinton. The drama and action never stop because the other author is James Patterson. ALL PRESIDENTS HAVE NIGHTMARES. THIS ONE IS ABOUT TO COME TRUE. Matthew Keating, a one-time Navy SEAL and former US president, has always defended his family as fiercely as he has his country. Now these defences are under attack. And it's personal. Keating's teenage daughter, Melanie, has been abducted, turning every Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.91 (-10%)

By Veon/Vezill
Intrigued by a global influx to northern Japan, the Bureau's interest intensifies to alarm when word of Matthew's presence indicates possible Ibyon interference! An otherwordly request to scour the Hidaka Range to find a missing friend offers a golden reward; routine business for our heroes until a monstrous menace reveals itself! Seeking to uncover the renegade's plan and return safely to the mountains, Jake, Okami Bushi, and the rest can't afford to chill when braving THE S Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Veon , Vezill
Demi mencari cara untuk mengawal tangan IBYon sepenuhnya, Matthew mengembara ke pergunungan salji di Hokkaido, Jepun. Di tempat sama, sekumpulan pemburu ganjaran menjalankan misi mencari kawan makhluk asing yang hilang tanpa jejak. Misi itu nampak mudah, namun apa yang menanti mereka di pergunungan salji mungkin mengancam nyawa. Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 地表最強教學顧問團
「連老外都在用」系列發行至今, 兩岸三地銷售突破五十萬冊, 連美國總統、記者、醫生、律師及工程師 都在使用這些國民會話! 《連老外都在用的英語「國民會話」大全集【虛擬點讀筆版】》 是一本一生受用的英語會話終極寶典, 是一本連老外都推崇讚賞的英語會話書, 是一本每個學習者都必備的語言工具書!   ■廣受不同英語系國家老外一致推薦 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.15

NOW: RM 69.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.24 (-10%)

By V.E. Schwab , Victoria Schwab
Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, there is a place where it must touch. A seam, where the shadow meets its source. Olivia Prior has grown up in Merilance School for girls, and all she has of her past is her mother’s journal—which seems to unravel into madness. Then, a letter invites Olivia to come home—to Gallant. Yet when Olivia arrives, no one is expecting her. But Olivia is not about to leave the first place that feels Learn More
USUAL: RM65.95

NOW: RM 65.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.36 (-10%)

By 尼爾·柏納德
100萬人親身實證推薦,最有效的糖尿病求生指南! 不必戒主食、不必算熱量、 不必花大錢、不必一輩子挨針吞藥, 一次解決糖尿病和肥胖問題!   不吃主食糖尿病就會好(×)→好碳水化合物反而可以甩掉糖尿病(○)   放心吃好脂肪(×)→脂肪囤積在細胞會妨礙胰島素運送葡萄糖到細胞(○)    戒主食、忍受飢餓、定期打針吃藥……   糖尿 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

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MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By Matthew S. Friedman
There are more slaves in the world today than any other time in history. Enter the world of human trafficking and explore what we can do together to end this global crime. Where Were You?: A Profile of Modern Slavery by Matthew Friedman provides an up-to-date overview of human trafficking, a largely ignored present-day evil, and recounts true stories of enslavement in Asia today. Former United Nations and USAID expert Matthew Friedman obtained in-depth first-hand knowledge w Learn More
USUAL: RM74.95

NOW: RM 74.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.46 (-10%)

By Veon/Vezill
From Simple Sketches to Glossy Coloured Pages, It's All Here!An all-new short comic revealing the return of Matthew!An in-depth insight into everything about the Terran Defenders series!A rare behind the scenes glimpse at the series' inception and inspiration! Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Veon/Vezill
Komik pendek baharu tentang bagaimana Matthew bekerjasama dengan Narcis. Data komprehensif tentang segalanya yang anda ingin tahu tentang Siri Pembela Makhluk. Disertakan lakaran awal, konsep dan segala perincian yang belum pernah didedahkan! Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Matthew Reilly
THE HOTTEST ACTION WRITER AROUND' EVENING TELEGRAPH THE LATEST ADVENTURE IN THE WILDLY ENTERTAINING, ACTION-PACKED JACK WEST SERIES Former SAS soldier Jack West is on a mission to save the world, no matter what - or who - it might cost him. Still reeling from the loss of his daughter, and with his rivals far ahead of him, Jack must race across the globe to complete the ancient Trial of the Mountains. With the offs already agains them, Jack and his crew will soon discover t Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.91 (-10%)

By Bill Clinton and James Patterson
James Patterson and Bill Clinton - the 'dream team' (Lee Child) - return with a thriller even more compelling than global number one bestseller The President is Missing. ___________________________ Every detail is accurate because one of the authors is President Bill Clinton. The drama and action never stop because the other author is James Patterson. ALL PRESIDENTS HAVE NIGHTMARES. THIS ONE IS ABOUT TO COME TRUE. Matthew Keating, a one-time Navy SEAL and a for Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

By 馬修·傑克森
人與人的接觸和連結,決定了你的價值; 洞悉人際網絡,才能從不斷變動的局勢中掌握關鍵力量!   ★史丹佛大學百萬人修課新穎主題、當代「網絡經濟學」大師25年研究精華   ★諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、Google首席經濟學家極力推薦   ★全球關注的重磅分析,破解社會位置決定命運的真相,提供變動世界的有力思維工具!   ★《商業周刊》書摘介紹, Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By John Grisham
Jake Brigance, lawyer hero of A Time to Kill and Sycamore Row, is back, in his toughest case ever. 'When Grisham gets in the courtroom he lets rip, drawing scenes so real they're not just alive, they're pulsating' Mirror CAN A KILLER EVER BE ABOVE THE LAW? Deputy Stuart Kofer is a protected man. Though he's turned his drunken rages on his girlfriend, Josie, and her children many times before, the police code of silence has always shielded him. But one night he goe Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

NOW: RM 42.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 38.25 (-10%)

By 羅伯·麥修斯
從華爾街、拉斯維加斯到商業世界, 為什麼只有5%贏家有「敢於和上帝玩骰子」的勇氣, 而95%的人卻只能當受命運擺布的傻瓜?   ★ 英國皇家統計學會研究員、《BBC Focus》專欄作家羅伯‧麥修斯代表作   ★ 人生賽局中,面對不確定性,高手如何做決策?當資訊超載時,贏家如何找真相?   ★ 該Pass?還是要All in?面對機率、風險和不確定性 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 特里·奥莱利
《让营销更简单》是北美广告教父奥莱利写给广告从业者和广告主的一本战略营销秘籍。 从洞察生意内核,到制定长期战略,再到助推消费,作者用一系列案例和点评帮读者拆解真正的营销之道。本书通过15个章节来阐述广告从业人员要了解的广告基本内核和营销原则,这些秘密可以帮助广告人轻松制作出了不起的营销方案,也能帮你把事业做大做强。 Learn More
USUAL: RM48.00

NOW: RM 48.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 43.20 (-10%)

By John Grisham
ake Brigance, lawyer hero of A Time to Kill and Sycamore Row, is back, in his toughest case ever. 'A new Grisham legal thriller is always an event, but this one is exceptional as the author is returning to Jake Brigance, the hero of his very first book, A Time To Kill . . . There is a lot of Grisham in Brigance - they were both street lawyers on the side of the people, not big corporations. It gives the book an emotional core that burns with a white heat' - Daily Mail 'A ma Learn More
USUAL: RM104.95

NOW: RM 104.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 94.46 (-10%)

By Tracy Deonn
After her mother dies in an accident, sixteen-year-old Bree Matthews wants nothing to do with her family memories or childhood home. A residential program for bright high schoolers at UNC–Chapel Hill seems like the perfect escape—until Bree witnesses a magical attack her very first night on campus. A flying demon feeding on human energies. A secret society of so called “Legendborn” students that hunt the creatures down. And a mysterious teenage mage who calls himse Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By Janet Ramsdell Rockey
Inspired by the words of Matthew 19:26 (TLB), "With God, everything is possible," this inspiring collection of devotional meditations and prayers will refresh your weary soul and remind you of the hope that is found in the God of possible! 180 truth-infused devotions will help transform your heart and mind with enduring promises from God's Word. Learn More
USUAL: RM37.90

NOW: RM 37.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.11 (-10%)

By Emily Briggers
180 life-changing devotions for kids. . .all inspired by the words of Jesus! This deeply encouraging devotional is inspired by the words of Jesus in the New Testament. From His teaching and preaching to Jesus' miracles and parables, the kids in your life will read the life-changing, memorable words of Christ alongside a relevant devotion guaranteed to motivate and challenge them to grow in their faith. 180 devotions touch on import Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By 班·梅立克
  溫克沃斯兄弟:   「比特幣若不是毫無價值,就是終有一天會值得天價。」   哈佛大學畢業的高材生、奧運划船選手――泰勒與卡麥隆.溫克沃斯這對孿生兄弟,結束與臉書執行長馬克.祖克柏漫長、煎熬的官司大戰落敗後,原本計劃以創投家身分東山再起,卻發現自己成了矽谷瘟神,沒有初創家膽敢接受他們的資金,就怕因此惹惱祖克柏。   Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By Andreas M Antonopoulos
While many books explain the 'how' of Bitcoin, The Internet of Money series delves into the 'why' of Bitcoin. Following the world-wide success of Volume One and Volume Two, this third installment contains 12 of his most inspiring and thought-provoking talks over the past two years, including: Universal Access to Basic FinanceMeasuring Success: Price or PrincipleEscaping the Global Banking CartelLibre Not LibraUnstoppable Code: The Difference Between Can't and Won'tAround the Learn More
USUAL: RM95.60

NOW: RM 79.90 (-16%)

MEMBER: RM 79.90 (-16%)

By Adapted and retold by Alice Hemming
Peter Pan was written by James Matthew Barrie, a Scottish novelist and playwright. Peter Pan is well known as one of the best-loved children’s stories of all time. One night, Peter Pan takes Wendy and her brothers to the mythical island of Neverland. The children witness Peter Pan’s recue of an Indian princess called Tiger Lily and his ongoing battles with Captain Hook, a fearsome pirate. Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.90 (-0%)

By Matthew J. Gilbert
Will Byers' top-secret binder--based on the Netflix series Stranger Things! Read notes from the Upside Down and uncover secrets from the Hawkins National Laboratory in Will Byers's personal files. Based on Netflix's Stranger Things, this book is designed to look like a vintage school binder from the '80s. Filled with photos, notes, sketches, and diary entries, this book is sure to amaze and entertain fans of all ages. Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.96 (-10%)

By 馬修·利伯曼
──你我都是社交動物── 為什麼我們能輕易讀懂他人的行為與情緒? 人又為何會感到孤獨、需要愛與支持、融入社會……? 社會認知神經科學領域創始人馬修‧利伯曼 輝煌而美麗、最具先見之明的科學探索!   ◎ 臉書、IG、LINE滑不停,為什麼我們總是渴望與他人互動?   ◎ 為什麼有些人天生是社交高手,有些人卻總是無法與人順利溝通?   ◎ 心 Learn More
USUAL: RM80.10

NOW: RM 80.10 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 72.09 (-10%)

By Deborah Harkness
On the battlefields of the American Revolution, Matthew de Clermont meets Marcus MacNeil, a young surgeon from Massachusetts, during a moment of political awakening when it seems that the world is on the brink of a brighter future. When Matthew offers him a chance at immortality and a new life free from the restraints of his puritanical upbringing, Marcus seizes the opportunity to become a vampire. But his transformation is not an easy one and the ancient traditions and respo Learn More
USUAL: RM47.00

NOW: RM 47.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 42.30 (-10%)

By Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Exquisite... for anyone interested in building a sustainable life that is imbued with vibrant healthy, mental and emotional clarity, and the most basic human need of all: happiness' - Donna Farhi, author of Yoga Mind, Body, Spirit 'A treasure chest for the heart and mind, a potent tonic for body and breath, and a vibrant life essence for the spirit' - Simon Low, Principal of the Yoga Academy 'A beautiful and timely gift' - Sifu Matthew Cohen, Sacred Energy Arts Founder ' Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.91 (-10%)

The Shadow Market is a meeting point for faeries, werewolves, warlocks and vampires. There the Downworlders buy and sell magical objects, make dark bargains, and whisper secrets they do not want the Nephilim to know. Through two centuries, however, there has been a frequent visitor to the Shadow Market from the City of Bones, the very heart of the Shadowhunters. As a Silent Brother, Brother Zachariah is sworn keeper of the laws and lore of the Nephilim. But once he was a Shad Learn More
USUAL: RM77.90

NOW: RM 77.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 70.11 (-10%)

By 馬修·波勒
  ★美國亞馬遜讀者評價5顆星:「馬修擁有讓人業績急速提升的能力!」   超級實用!黃金8步驟制定絕對賣出的銷售流程,業務魯蛇也能變頂尖業務!   馬修・波勒(Matthew Pollard)是美國知名的頂尖業務,30歲前成交多筆數以百萬美金計的訂單,   是許多知名企業如微軟、信用卡公司Capital One爭相合作的對象。   他所創辦的「小型企業節」(Small B Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 马修·福特曼
这本书是首本记录了现代体育背后惊人商业故事的著作。 “体育商业化”是一场真正的革命,把运动员从金融金字塔的底部移到了顶端。 这场革命开始于1960年,克利夫兰一位名叫马克·麦科的律师说服一个名叫阿诺德·帕尔默的高尔夫球手和他签约。 在短短几年之内,马克·麦科将帕尔默的年收入从5000美金提升到了500000美金,从此彻底改变了体育产业的格局 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.80

NOW: RM 49.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.82 (-10%)

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