100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' Selena 'Found 15 Related Products
By J won
  ◤ 絕版書價飆漲22倍的傳奇長銷書,讀者敲碗增訂版!   ◤ 教保文庫、YES24、阿拉丁書店……韓國各大書店讀者評價近滿分9.9星!   ◤ 畢德歐夫│最會說故事的理財作家、愛瑞克│《內在原力》系列作者/TMBA共同創辦人、Jet Lee│「Jet Lee的投資隨筆」版主、Dr.Selena楊倩琳博士│小資理財教主 一致推薦!   富者其實一點也不特別,他們只是懂得應 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.50 (-0%)

By 陳珮甄
  想要的,未必能獲得,   但努力過後的付出,必定會在你意想不到的地方,開出美麗的花。   父親原是呼風喚雨的公司大老闆,後來變成躲債的破落戶,   被經濟壓力逼到喘不過氣的他,將怨氣移轉到孩子身上;   母親原是千金大小姐,不顧娘家反對,執意嫁給父親,   卻在丈夫生意失敗後,哀嘆地對孩子說::「我這輩子,不知道是在活什 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.90 (-0%)

By 蕾咪
  擁有14種被動收入,29歲財富自由,   投資理財超人氣新富族蕾咪,不藏私分享,   手把手帶你打造被動收入,擁抱令人羨慕的「全自動印鈔機」!   ★艾琳、冰蹦拉、李勛、林品希、崴爺、關韶文、蕭仁瑋、劉俊佑(鮪魚)、Blaire、Candace、ECHO李昶俊、Ms. Selena、Mr. Market市場先生──好評推薦!   為什麼廣大厭世上班族高喊的「財富自由」多半 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.45 (-0%)

By 楊倩琳
一書 + 一手冊 隨書附贈:小資變有錢的超強執行法 100天的行動手冊 翻轉財富的關鍵:執行力! 用100天跟著Dr.Selena走上夢想實現、財富自由的道路!   ★隨書附贈:「小資變有錢的超強執行法:100天的行動手冊」   尺寸:14.8 X 21公分,70頁   內含:你的未來夢想計畫/年度夢想九宮格計畫表/年度夢想目標計畫表/每月夢想目標計畫表/每週夢想目 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 70.85 (-0%)

By Scott Cawthon
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this collection of three chilling stories that will haunt even the bravest FNAF player... Some secrets are better left hidden . . . A forbidden artifact from her fiancé's past beckons to Selena. Jessica leads a double-life from her friends and coworkers in the children's wing of a hospital. Maya can't resist the temptation to explore an off-limits area of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. But in the world of Five Nights at Fredd Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.90 (-0%)

By 楊倩琳
脫貧救星Dr.Selena致富攻略 小資族、懶人必學的ETF投資法!   投資大師巴菲特:「如果你不知道該投資什麼,那就投資ETF吧!」   就算是月入23K的小資族,也能透過ETF為自己實現財富自由!   近年「存股」成為台灣新手投資人的國民運動,更多小資族提早加入投資理財的行列,但礙於手邊資金有限,因此相對低價、殖利率高的金融股與ETF(Exchange Tra Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 60.05 (-0%)

By 楊倩琳
繼《月入23K也能投資理財》《月入23K也能環遊世界》 Dr.Selena「理財特訓班」更升級 教你投資好宅,買房自富!   繼脫貧特訓、夢想特訓後,這次Dr.Selena要給你更進階的買房自富超強理財特訓!      她鼓勵小資們:「不一定可以找到好歸宿,但一定可以找到好住宿」;只要學會正確投資理財,小資也能輕鬆買房!更進階的買房自富超強理財術,為你裝上 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 60.05 (-0%)

By Daisy Meadows
Join best friends Emily and Aisha as they discover a secret world full of unicorns, magic and friendship! Journey with them to the beautiful kingdom of Enchanted Valley, where the beautiful Queen Aurora rules kindly over the unicorns and all other magical creatures. Emily and Aisha are delighted when they’re whisked away for another adventure in Enchanted Valley. Canterpop the Party Unicorn’s triplet foals need the girls’ help to make Queen Aurora’s birthday truly sp Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

NOW: RM 45.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.90 (-0%)

The eagerly awaited new album from multi-platinum singer and actress SELENA GOMEZ. "Rare" - which will include the recently released #1 single "Lose You To Love Me" and "Look At Her Now"- is available January 10th via Interscope Records. Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 68.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 64.52 (-15%)

By Ms.Selena
  ★新手必看!簡單易懂,不說專業術語的理財書!   ★從節流到開源缺一不可,生活品質不打折!   ★隨書附財富自由課程折扣、導讀影片好禮!   ★零成本就能打造被動收入,輕鬆為自己加薪!   Q:為什麼要投資理財?   A:因為想要擁有更多對生活的選擇權。不管是買想要的東西、睡覺睡到自然醒、讓吃泡麵變成享受而不是月底走投無路 Learn More
USUAL: RM44.65

NOW: RM 44.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.65 (-0%)

By Danielle Star
Melowy Magical Friendship Collection Melowy is a book series about special pegusi called Melowies (male counterpart, Megas) who are born with a symbol on their wings (usually representing their element) and a hidden magical power. When they turn 14, they go to the Castle of Destiny and learn how to harnass their powers. This is where the series starts, and our main characters, Cleo, Selena, Cora, Maya, and Electra, discover their world of adventure! Titles Learn More
USUAL: RM143.40

NOW: RM 143.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 143.40 (-0%)

By 楊倩琳
  Dr.Selena「理財特訓班」開課囉!   聽不懂理財專家的投資術語,   也能年年幫自己加薪!   就算23K也有財可理!薪水是死的,投資才有活路,小資們想要擺脫月光族並不難,只要學會投資理財,就能逆轉貧窮的命運!Dr.Selena的脫貧特訓,從最簡單的入門開始,股票、外幣、黃金、基金、ETF、藝術投資,就算聽不懂理財專家的投資術語,也能用小錢 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.45 (-0%)

By Jay Asher
THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES AND INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Featuring cover art from the Netflix original series executive produced by Selena Gomez, with exclusive interviews and photos inside! "Eerie, beautiful, and devastating." --Chicago Tribune "A stealthy hit with staying power. . . . thriller-like pacing." --The New York Times "Thirteen Reasons Why will leave you with chills long after you have finished reading." --Amber Gibson, NPR's "All Things Considered" You can't Learn More
USUAL: RM39.95

NOW: RM 19.90 (-50%)

MEMBER: RM 19.90 (-50%)

By 洪淑青
【隨書附贈洪淑青Selena設計親子休日專用痕跡本】用孩子的視野與眼光,探索生活中的小細節、環境中的小角落,那才是他們眼中的美麗世界。洪淑青Selena帶著一對雙胞胎女兒走過台灣的各項景點,在旅程中透過抓影子、自製探險棒、玩拓印遊戲……,不但讓孩子享受旅遊的樂趣,也透過與大自然的接觸,啟發想像力與創造力。『我們在旅途中刻意安排關於她們 Learn More
USUAL: RM54.30

NOW: RM 54.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.30 (-0%)

Revelación is the fourth extended play (EP) by American singer Selena Gomez. It was released on March 12, 2021, by Interscope Records. It was preceded by the singles "De Una Vez", "Baila Conmigo" and "Selfish Love". Revelación is Gomez's first release to be prominently in Spanish language, combining reggaeton, electropop, Latin pop, both R&B and alternative R&B with urbano elements. It received critical acclaim upon release. Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 68.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 64.52 (-15%)

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