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By Allison Saft
In this romantic fantasy of manners from New York Times bestselling author Allison Saft, a magical dressmaker commissioned for a royal wedding finds herself embroiled in scandal when a gossip columnist draws attention to her undeniable chemistry with the groom. Niamh Ó Conchobhair has never let herself long for more. The magic in her blood that lets her stitch emotions and memories into fabric is the same magic that will eventually kill her. Determined to spend the little t Learn More
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By Allison Heiliczer
Get a gripping glimpse into the therapy room and most powerful boardrooms in Asia in this first ever self-help collection of essays by an expatriate therapist from New York City In more than a decade as a psychotherapist to some of Asia’s most powerful couples and businesspeople, expat New Yorker Allison Heiliczer has seen it all. Heiliczer brings readers into her therapy room and engagements with such clients: the Singaporean maneater with a portfolio comparing the endow Learn More
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By 傑克.坎菲爾 , 珍奈特.斯威策
如果《思考致富》是20世紀的成功法經典, 那21世紀的成功法經典, 非本書莫屬, 改變數億人的工作與生活!   ★ 全球現象級暢銷書《心靈雞湯》系列創始人坎菲爾代表作   ★ 無論你是上班族、學生、運動員、創業家、家長、主管,都能打造更好的理想人生   ★ Amazon.com讀者評論近2,000則,近九成5星好評   ◎ 出身平凡,白手起家,也能成就 Learn More
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By 狄林·雷德林 , 愛麗森·湯姆
從小學投資,勝過金湯匙! AMAZON 理財類童書第一名!1901位讀者 4.5 顆星評價。 金錢運作能力就是讓孩子贏在終點的素養能力!   你家小大人對金錢的好奇,已經超越你所能教導的嗎?   你想知道孩子可能喜歡什麼樣的工作,未來有創業的潛力嗎?   讓孩子從小開啟財商天賦,及早啟發正確的理財觀念。   用淺顯易懂的文字,以風險高低依序解 Learn More
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By Allison Saft
A MAGICAL SECRET. A MYTHICAL HUNT. AND A LOVE THAT COULD RISK EVERYTHING. In the dark, gothic town of Wickdon, Maggie Welty lives in an old creaking manor. Maggie's mother is an alchemist who has recently left town, leaving Maggie with just her bloodhound for company. But when Maggie spots a legendary ancient fox-creature on her porch, her fate is changed forever. Whoever tracks down and kills the hala in the Halfmoon Hunt will earn fame and riches - and if Maggie wins the h Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By 拉米特·塞提
財務自由的關鍵,不在你要存到多少錢, 而在有沒有建立自動生財系統!   ★ 《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》暢銷書   ★ 獲《財富》雜誌譽為「新一代的投資理財大師」   ★ 全球暢銷10年理財經典,與時俱進全新修訂改版   ★ Amazon.com理財類暢銷榜第1名,將近5,000名讀者實證大推   ★ 《漫步華爾街》作者墨基爾、行銷大師高汀、《經濟時報》、 Learn More
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By James Rallison
An instant New York Times bestseller! The sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Odd 1s Out, with all new and never-before-seen content featuring opinions, stories, and signature characters from YouTube phenomenon James Rallison James Rallison has always felt like he was on the outside looking in. His YouTube videos are all about his “odd” behavior, and with over 13 million subscribers and millions more follow Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

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By 麥特·瑞克托
Amazon書店5顆星盛讚: 破解我們對免疫系統的認知,21世紀最具里程碑意義的書!   《紐約時報》最具開創性醫學報導!諾貝爾生醫獎得主等數十位專家訪談!   從癌症、愛滋病、失智症、自體免疫失調等重症,   深入探究免疫系統這人體最精微奧妙的奇蹟武器!   免疫系統是人類健康與安適、生或死的關鍵,   本書探索人類免疫系統和健康的祕 Learn More
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By James Rallison
Instant New York Times bestseller · Hilarious stories and advice about the ups and downs of growing up, from a popular YouTube artist and storyteller. Like any shy teen turned young adult, YouTube star James Rallison (“The Odd 1s Out”) is used to being on the outside looking in. He wasn’t partying in high school or winning football games like his older brother. Instead, he posted comics on the Internet. Now, he’s ready to share his h Learn More
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By 水木茂
從不可一世的東亞霸主,到幾近滅國的喪家之犬 是令人懷念的年代,還是不堪回首的過去? 昭和 日本歷史上最關鍵的一章   在戰爭中失去左手的漫畫大師   《鬼太郎》之父.水木茂回歸創作原點,   回顧從開戰到戰敗、動盪的昭和日本   ●昭和究竟是個什麼樣的年代?(1926-1989)   昭和天皇在位的64年,是日本天翻地覆的64年。   Learn More
USUAL: RM117.00

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By 艾利森 , 布萊克維爾與韋恩
李光耀評析全球國際政經趨勢訪談集 「如果只能問一個人,那就去問李光耀!」 ──前美國國務卿季辛吉專文推薦序 李光耀說話,全球要人都在傾聽! 歐巴馬、柯林頓、習近平,一致請益。 李光耀是現代新加坡的開國元勳,於一九五九年至一九九○年擔任新加坡總理,在世界舞台超過五十年的歷練造就了他的智慧,一肩承擔新加坡轉變成為現代 Learn More
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