100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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' Kevin Zahri 'Found 51 Related Products
By Kevin Kwan
The iconic author of the international sensation Crazy Rich Asians returns with a delicious comedy of manners set on the Big Island of Hawaii, where a decadent wedding serves as the elaborate rouse for a romantic scheme, and an unexpected affair erupts volcanically in the midst. Auggie and Maxxi are getting married and if they had any say in it, this low-key couple would celebrate barefoot in Bali. But unfortunately for them, Auggie was born Lady Augusta Gresham, daughter of Learn More
USUAL: RM99.95

NOW: RM 79.90 (-20%)

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By Katie Tsang ,  Kevin Tsang
Get ready to join DRAGON FORCE! From the authors of the bestselling DRAGON MOUNTAIN comes the first in a brand-new, action-packed, dragon-obsessed series for 8+ readers. ‘Impossible to put down – a dynamic, dragon-filled, delight of an adventure.’ – A. F. Steadman, author of SKANDAR AND THE UNICORN THIEF Twelve-year-old Lance Lo, his younger sister Zoe and new friends haven enrolled at Camp Claw to learn all the skills they need to become protectors of the new worl Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

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By 凯文·凯利
在他68岁生日那天,凯文·凯利开始动笔为他的子女写下一些人生建议,他希望子女们能早点知道这些智慧。他在几年间不断写下新的建议,当这些建议足够多了,他决定写下这本书,以便读者能与朋友和希望改善自身生活的人,分享这些建议。这些建议有些基于他特定的人生经验,但大多数建议基于永恆不变的价值观和美德,不管科技如何创新,它们都不会变 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.00

NOW: RM 69.00 (-0%)

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By 小亞倫·史坦 , 喬恩·斯特恩菲爾德
扛住當下壓力、突破中期停滯、長期維持無敵的最強自我管理策略 MVP球星柯瑞、杜蘭特個人教練這樣締造傳奇   ★中職生涯最多勝、最多冠總教練洪一中盛情推薦:這本書告訴你無力感找上門的時候,該如何調整自己。   ★柯比.布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)、史蒂芬.柯瑞(Stephen Curry)績效教練全新力作   ★亞馬遜暢銷自我壓力管理暢銷書籍   為什麼有 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

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By Katie Tsang , Kevin Tsang
Save the universe in the awesome and hilarious new space-themed adventure series from bestselling authors Katie and Kevin Tsang! Suzie Wen LOVES gadgets and inventing things - but her inventions don't always turn out how she expects . . . And when Suzie invent the Super 3DTV Gizmo she ends up getting transported into her favourite TV show - Space Blasters! On board the space ship with Captain Jane, Spaceman Jack and alien with attitude Five-Eyed Frank, Suzie is soon explori Learn More
USUAL: RM47.90

NOW: RM 47.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.90 (-0%)

By 貝莉·理查森 , 黃凱文 , 凱伊·埃爾默·索托
調查顯示,人們做購買決定的時候 →95%憑感覺、靠認同 →80%信賴同溫層的推薦 →50%偏向聆聽自己意見的商家 Web3.0時代,由上而下「面對群眾」已經沒有用, 「身在群眾」才有影響力! -為社團時代而寫的行銷生存法則-   ★亞馬遜書店4.6顆星   ★上百個社團的實戰經驗精華   ★Nike、瑪麗亞凱莉都靠這招壯大   Web3.0時代,誰先走入群眾,誰就贏 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

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「民粹主義」到底是在幹什麼,總是被拿來罵人? 「自由主義」對民主政治有益無害? 「社會主義」還有市場嗎? 「共產主義」已經走不下去了嗎? 「法西斯主義」會不會捲土重來? 「多元文化主義」是不可挑戰的政治正確嗎? ※套書附贈別冊〈吳叡人論意識形態與當代政治〉   《20世紀的主義們》套書,包含自由主義、社會主義、共產主義、法西斯 Learn More
USUAL: RM323.40

NOW: RM 323.40 (-0%)

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By 凱文·達頓
  ★★★ 「英國心理學界的特種部隊」凱文.達頓最新著作 ★★★   全球影響力教父羅伯特.席爾迪尼(Robert Cialdini)盛讚:   「閱讀本書後,你將重新定義『思考』這件事。」   藍營vs綠營、黑vs白、好vs壞、喜歡vs討厭、男vs女、認同vs不認同……   新聞、媒體、社群上充斥巨量資訊,讚後不理成為新一代文明病   ──────你也被二元思 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-0%)

By 凱文·貝爾斯
當人權被踐踏,大地亦在淌血 即使在人權昌明的時代,奴隸仍然存在。 貧窮、天災、戰亂,剝奪了他們的尊嚴與生計。 為了求生,他們被迫從事對地球生態傷害最大的產業。 3580萬奴隸對地球的傷害,僅僅次於人口數億的中國與美國。 以暴力、詐欺宰制奴隸的犯罪集團, 同時也是自然環境最兇殘的破壞者。 可喜的是,終結這一切,比想像的容易。   【孟 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.00

NOW: RM 77.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 77.00 (-0%)

By Kevin Roose
ABOUT FUTUREPROOF “A concise, insightful and sophisticated guide to maintaining humane values in an age of new machines.”—The New York Times Book Review “While we need to rewrite the rules of the twenty-first-century economy, Kevin’s book is a great look at how people can do this on a personal level to always put humanity first.”—Andrew Yang With a new afterword by the author You are being automated. After decades of hype and sci-fi fantasies, artificial i Learn More
USUAL: RM63.00

NOW: RM 63.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.00 (-0%)

By Kay Omena
Menjadi anak kepada anggota barisan hadapan, Adya tak ada pilihan bila terpaksa ditinggalkan bersama satu arahan oleh si ayah yang sedang bertugas. “Abah nak Yaya tinggal kat rumah sebelah buat sementara waktu.” – Abah. Berhadapan dengan Zahri yang merupakan anak jiran sebelah, Adya rasa dunianya bagai dilanda Tsunami. Istilah tenang seolah-olah lenyap bila berhadapan dengan kerenah lelaki yang sering saja mencabar kesabarannya. Bagi Zahri pula, dia tak percaya pada Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 28.00 (-0%)

By 黃靖雅
讓天使的無條件之愛擁抱你 每一次都是最完美的療癒 以愛與智慧為基礎的天使靈氣, 支持我們踏上個人的神性旅程, 簡單卻有強大的療癒力   療癒師透過傳送天使靈氣,   與天使王國、揚昇大師及宇宙靈性階層一同合作,   天使王國會根據被療癒者的身心靈狀態,給予最完美的能量,   讓人在問題中看到愛,同時療癒那造成問題的「因」。    Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.50 (-0%)

By  Kevin Kwan
The iconic author of the bestselling phenomenon Crazy Rich Asians returns with the glittering tale of a young woman who finds herself torn between two men. When Lucie Tang Churchill meets George Zao at a lavish wedding in Capri, she can't stand him. She can't stand that he gallantly offers to trade hotel rooms with her so she can have a sea view, that he knows more about the island than she does, and worst of all, that he kisses her in the darkness of the ancient ruins. Wh Learn More
USUAL: RM46.95

NOW: RM 37.56 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 37.56 (-20%)

By Ashley Audrain
Raw, visceral, and often disturbing, this is an intense psychological drama that will be embraced by serious book club fans of Lionel Shriver's We Need To Talk About Kevin' Kristin Hannah, bestselling author of The Nightingale ***** 'I will never forget her eyes in that moment - I couldn't look away from them. But I knew what happened as soon as I heard it. 'I think she pushed him,' I said to you quietly. 'I think she pushed him...' ---- 'I read it in one sitting. Not to Learn More
USUAL: RM75.50

NOW: RM 75.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 75.50 (-0%)

Spaceman is the fourth studio album by American singer Nick Jonas, released on March 12, 2021, through Island.The album marks the first solo release of the singer since Last Year Was Complicated (2016) and the first solo project to be released since the reunion of the Jonas Brothers (his older brothers Joe and Kevin) in 2019. The deluxe edition of the album was released on March 15, 2021, three days after the release of the standard edition. It features a sole guest appearanc Learn More
USUAL: RM75.90

NOW: RM 68.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 64.52 (-15%)

By Dr. Kevin Leman
Want children who are patient, kind, humble, thankful, and respectful? Who have a good work ethic, strong character, and a healthy self-image? Who succeed in all areas of life--personally, professionally, and relationally--to the best of their ability? You can't force your kids to be grateful for everything you do, but you can raise successful, responsible kids who grow into adults you can be proud of. With his signature wit and Learn More
USUAL: RM55.90

NOW: RM 55.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.90 (-0%)

By Kevin Kwan
Titles in Set Crazy Rich Asians China Rich Girlfriend Rich People Problems Crazy Rich Asians When Rachel Chu agrees to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, she envisions a humble family home and time with the man she might one day marry. China Rich Girlfriend It's the eve of Rachel Chu's wedding, and she should be over the moon. She has a flawless oval-cut diamond, a wedding dress she loves, and a fiancé willing to give up one of the biggest Learn More
USUAL: RM127.50

NOW: RM 89.90 (-29%)

MEMBER: RM 89.90 (-29%)

By 羅勃特·T·清崎
★商業周刊1697期書摘選書★ 全球熱賣近25年、銷量破4,000萬冊、改變千萬人的理財聖經《富爸爸》系列 作者羅勃特‧T‧清崎又一全新力作!   史上最大全球金融風暴即將席捲而來,清崎卻說:   「經濟大崩盤正是創造財富的最佳時機。」   究竟要如何在不景氣中重新分配財產,達到FIRE?   請先從相信了一輩子的金錢謊言中醒來吧!   2008 Learn More
USUAL: RM86.25

NOW: RM 86.25 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 86.25 (-0%)

By Dr. Kevin Leman
Tantrums. Talking back. Throwing toys or food. Meltdowns. Slamming doors. Kids know just how to push your buttons. You've tried all sorts of methods, but nothing seems to work. That's because you're not addressing the root reasons for why kids misbehave, says international parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman. In this book, he reveals exactly why kids misbehave and how you can turn that behavior around with practical, no-nonsense str Learn More
USUAL: RM71.90

NOW: RM 71.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 71.90 (-0%)

By Kevin Zahri
"The journey of ''KURUS'' Must Be a Journey That Makes You Smile. Dan Sekiranya Selama Ini Perjuangan ''KURUS'' Anda Hanya Menyeksa Diri, Biar Saya Bimbing Anda Untuk Menjadikannya Lebih Seronok Dan Berpanjangan. ''KURUS'' Bukan Program 6 Minggu. ''KURUS'' Bukan Soal Kurus Ia Komitmen Diri Untuk Sepanjang Hayat. Ia Suka Hati Kau!" Learn More
USUAL: RM89.90

NOW: RM 89.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 89.90 (-0%)

By David Ewing Duncan
Award-winning journalist David Ewing Duncan considers 24 visions of possible human-robot futures—Incredible scenarios from Teddy Bots to Warrior Bots, and Politician Bots to Sex Bots—Grounded in real technologies and possibilities and inspired by our imagination. What robot and AI systems are being built and imagined right now? What do they say about us, their creators? Will they usher in a fantastic new future, or destroy us? What do some of our greatest thinkers, from Learn More
USUAL: RM84.95

NOW: RM 84.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 84.95 (-0%)

By 賀曼·塔內賈 , 凱文·曼尼
Amazon.com商業理財百大暢銷書 《富比士》雜誌全球百大最佳創投人直指未來趨勢力作 20世紀的企業追求大、更大、再大,然後「大到不能倒」 21世紀的企業「去規模化」,既小、精實又靈巧,但獲利可不少 AI+平台崛起,小規模是趨勢!   一股結合最新科技與經濟學的創新趨勢,正在顛覆巨型產業。現在,規模已經不再是優勢,反而成為不利條件與負擔。新 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.60 (-0%)

By 凱文·艾樂卡
影音時代全面到來, 迅速攻占你我的生活! 來自YouTube文化趨勢長的第一手觀察, 解析影音如何影響我們的觀感、認知和決定!   我們每天花近一小時觀看網路影音,   網紅粉絲規模近6億人。   一則簡單的影音,也能成為席捲全球的文化力量。   來自YouTube文化趨勢長的第一手觀察,   帶你探索網路影片對世界的重大影響,   以及掌握打造爆 Learn More
USUAL: RM77.00

NOW: RM 77.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 77.00 (-0%)

By 凱文·莫瑞
會溝通,才有一流的領導! 學習61位頂尖執行長的溝通智慧, 不僅激勵人心,還讓策略變成行動。   執行者是聽別人說然後去做,領導者是說給別人聽然後對方去做。   學習全球百大企業CEO激勵200萬名員工、創造願景及行動力的溝通方法,   讓你從「執行者」變為「領導者」,引領眾人不只去做,還能「做好」!   溝通、溝通、再溝通,是比能力 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.90 (-0%)

By Nita Yusof
Hafsah, Alisha, Kevin Teoh, Fayzal dan Megat Tuah adalah pelajar Tingkatan Dua di Sekolah Sri Aminah. Mereka menyertai lawatan Projek Sains dan Alam Sekitar ke Kampung Kemangi untuk menimba ilmu dan pengalaman dalam bidang pertanian. Di Kampung Kemangi mereka seringkali terserempak dengan Tok Wi. Tok Wi tidak pernah senyum dan sentiasa kelihatan bengis. Tok Wi selalu dilihat masuk dan keluar dari hutan. Mereka seringkali terjumpa dengan Tok Wi dalam keadaan yang mencurigaka Learn More
USUAL: RM12.90

NOW: RM 12.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 12.90 (-0%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Blood Red Roses is the 30th studio album by British singer-songwriter Rod Stewart. It was released on 28 September 2018 through Decca Records and Republic Records. It was produced by Stewart and Kevin Savigar. Learn More
USUAL: RM61.20

NOW: RM 55.08 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 52.02 (-15%)

By 提姆·歐文
  第一本 五分鐘就上手的自我成長書   史上最強人生定位術   下不來!雄踞《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜   亞馬遜網路書店專文報導、大力推薦   浮躁世界令人「頓悟」的心靈雞湯   全球500強CEO的心靈導師   ★可口可樂 波尼.沃茲巴克(Bonnie P. Wurzbacher)   ★百事可樂 史蒂夫.雷蒙德(Steve Reinemund)   ★艾克森美孚石油 馬克.艾伯(Mar Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.30 (-0%)

By Kevin Kwan
Crazy Rich Asians is the outrageously funny debut novel about three super-rich, pedigreed Chinese families and the gossip, backbiting, and scheming that occurs when the heir to one of the most massive fortunes in Asia brings home his ABC (American-born Chinese) girlfriend to the wedding of the season. When Rachel Chu agrees to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend, Nicholas Young, she envisions a humble family home, long drives to explore the island, and quality ti Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

NOW: RM 34.00 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 34.00 (-20%)

By 宮書堯
  麻省理工學院畢業生是全世界都在搶的人才,   「全球創新搖籃」教的是高度競爭中不敗的生存鐵則。   這是一個台灣男孩在美國高等教育下的蛻變與成長,   帶您一窺美國頂尖大學的工程精實教育內涵,以及實做創業歷程,   同時述說著百餘年來堅持如一的MIT靈魂。   本書要告訴你:   世界最頂尖工程師如何透過科技、商業及彼此間 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.30 (-0%)

By 帕拉格‧科納
台灣完整翻譯 獨家收入台灣版序 歷史學家莫里斯(Ian Morris):我認為科納正確地道出後一九八九年的趨勢似乎正帶我們邁向這個方向。 Wired雜誌共同創辦人凱利(Kevin Kelly):基礎設施即命運,跟著科納畫出的供應鏈就能看出未來的流向。 超級全球化的經濟版圖已經形成! 從西方到東方,全面的、有效的、流動性、韌性強的「連結力」、「供應鍵」、 Learn More
USUAL: RM84.70

NOW: RM 84.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 84.70 (-0%)

Post Traumatic is the debut solo studio album by Linkin Park vocalist Mike Shinoda going by his own name instead of using the Fort Minor moniker. It is his second solo studio album after Fort Minor's The Rising Tied. It was released on June 15, 2018. The album was announced on March 29, 2018, along with the release of three new songs to promote the album, "Crossing a Line", "Nothing Makes Sense Anymore" and "Make It Up as I Go (feat. K.Flay)". Shinoda himself served as the Learn More
USUAL: RM60.00

NOW: RM 54.00 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 51.00 (-15%)

By George R. R. Martin
The return of the famous shared-world superhero books created and edited by George R. R. Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire Perfect for current fans and new readers alike, Mississippi Roll is an all-new, adventurous jaunt along one of America's greatest rivers, featuring many beloved characters from the Wild Cards universe Edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin, Mississippi Roll features the writing tale Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.90 (-0%)

By Molly Bloom
A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY AARON SORKIN, AND STARRING JESSICA CHASTAIN, IDRIS ELBA, KEVIN COSTNER AND MICHAEL CERA The true story of the 26-year-old woman behind the most exclusive, high-stakes underground poker game in the world When Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 49.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.90 (-0%)

By Kevin Kelly
USUAL: RM74.95

NOW: RM 74.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 74.95 (-0%)

By 雷伯恩 , 佐曼
學習雙贏是每個孩子成長過程中最重要的能力, 卻也是大人最不知所措的教養課題! 第一本以賽局為基礎的教養法—— 幫助你快速了解孩子的行為動機,讓孩子自己會想。 9大賽局策略,可運用在不同的教養情境, 竟然就可教會孩子協商、解決家庭爭吵、打造最打動人心的公平。   ★教養書金獎得主╳賽局專家 聯手打造最新教養法   ★一出版即登上Amazo Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.20 (-0%)

By Margot Lee Shetterly
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Golden Globe-winner Taraji P. Henson and Academy Award-winners Octavia Spencer and Kevin Costner Set against the backdrop of the Jim Crow South and the civil rights movement, the never-before-told true story of NASA's African-American female mathematicians who played a crucial role in America's space program-and whose contributions have been unheralded, until now. Before John Glenn orbited the Earth or Neil Armstrong walked on the Learn More
USUAL: RM56.90

NOW: RM 56.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.90 (-0%)

By 佛萊德·泰納
賈伯斯最著名的箴言「Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish」出自一本型錄, 被他尊稱為那一代的聖經、那個時代的 Google   「為讀者提供一種途徑,連接他所在的地方與他想去的地方」   在沒有網路的二十世紀六〇、七〇年代,《全球型錄》足足改變了一代人,它推動了美國個人電腦革命和環境運動的發展。賈伯斯說它就像那個時代的 Google;若更深入理解它的編輯與出 Learn More
USUAL: RM56.25

NOW: RM 56.25 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.25 (-0%)

By Barbara Kunz , Kevin Kunz
Having healing hands is no miracle: Reflexology is the visual guide to the powerful health benefits of this holistic therapy. Every organ in our bodies has nerve endings that reach the feet and hands; learn how to stimulate them to tackle a range of ailments from stress to pain relief with this simple step-by-step reference. Reflexology has been given a fresh, new look with detailed up-to-date reflexology charts which show exactly where and how to appl Learn More
USUAL: RM79.95

NOW: RM 79.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 79.95 (-0%)

By Didier Ah-Koon
Prepare for Minion Madness. From the creators of Despicable Me comes a brand new movie adventure in yellow - Minions. This fresh new comic featuring the stars of the upcoming movie brings together a collection of hilarious comic stories featuring everyone's favourite yellow, banana-loving henchmen. They're the most loveable evil henchmen ever created...Stuart, Kevin, Bob and the rest of the Minions return for laughs and gags in this all-new hilarious comic collection. From ba Learn More
USUAL: RM35.90

NOW: RM 35.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.90 (-0%)

By 提姆.歐文
《紐約時報》暢銷書企業的英雄,為什麼往往最後變成企業的災難?<BR>意氣風發的企業,為什麼後來會變成過街老鼠?<BR>★可口可樂全球顧客與通路領導部門資深副總裁  波尼.沃茲巴克(Bonnie P. Wurzbacher)<BR>★聯邦快遞(FedEx International)<BR> 總裁暨執行長 羅伯?麥唐納(Robert A. McDonald)<BR>★美國西南航空(Southwest Airlines)<BR>  Learn More
USUAL: RM45.80

NOW: RM 45.80 (-0%)

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By 凱文.達頓
是瘋子、幻想,也可能是天才。 最早的登月是嫦娥奔月,人們叫「神話」; 1865年,法國人寫的登月,為「科幻」小說; 1969年,美國人登月成功。 20世紀,觸控螢幕還是科幻的想像, 21世紀,觸控已是生活的一部份。 社會永遠需要冒險家,也需要有人打破常規和鐵石心腸。 在這個光怪陸離的時代,非典型力量將顛覆你的想像。 ★ 已售出英國、美國 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.05

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By Kevin Kwan
Plum Sykes meets Amy Tan in this outrageously funny debut novel about three superrich, pedigreed Chinese families and the gossip, backbiting, and scheming that occurs when the heir to one of the most massive fortunes in Asia brings home his ABC (American-born Chinese) girlfriend to the wedding of the season. Learn More
USUAL: RM42.50

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By 陳美雲 , 林靜宜
教養的根本,是讓孩子天賦自由 是教養書,更是愛的實踐藝術 獻給所有新時代的父母 以及每個心中懷抱星星的孩子   從小,Kevin(吳季衡)就是個典型的乖寶寶,考試常拿一百分,是不太需要擔心的好學生;Jason(吳季剛)則是不愛念書,只喜歡娃娃與藝術,不太願意接受傳統規範。   為了讓孩子能在更活出自我價值的環境下成長,她獨自帶著兩個孩子 Learn More
USUAL: RM47.20

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By Kevin Sorbo
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive for Kids: 101 Stories About Good Decisions, Self-Esteem, and Positive Thinking Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

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By 凯文·亨克斯
  《我好担心》是以老鼠为主角,通过拟人化的描绘,反映出幼儿在家庭、幼儿园的生活情境。故事内容对于捕捉小孩子的内在情绪,深刻而动人;对于孩子成长过程中父母、老师所扮演的角色,提供了深刻的思考与启发。书中的主角叫小莉,是一个性鲜明的小鼠妹,美丽又可爱,娇气又敏感。她生活一个充满爱的温馨的家庭里,有百般呵护她的爸爸妈妈,还 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.80

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By Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Duke Leto Atreides is now the skilful and much-loved ruler of Caladan, served by loyal Duncan Idaho. To his court come Gurney Halleck, despised slave of the Harkonnens - and Jessica, the exquisite, perfectly trained concubine chosen by the Reverend Mothers of the Bene Gesserit to be the mother of Leto's daughter. Meanwhile, on Dune - planet Arrakis - House Harkonnen ruthlessly harvests the precious, mind-enhancing drug called spice. And Baron Vladimir is slowly being consumed Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

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By Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
It is the year 10,154 of the Imperial Calendar, and for four decades the planet Arrakis - called Dune by its inhabitants - has been ruled by the Harkonnen family. But the seeds of change have been sown. On Arrakis, an idealistic young planetologist, Pardot Kynes, goes out into the desert to learn the secrets of its giant sandworms and the priceless Spice they create. And on another planet, Caledon, young Leto Atreides is nearly ready to become duke. The blood feud between Hou Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

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By Kwan Kevin
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By Tim Tamashiro
Why isn't every day meaningful for every person? Is it even possible to live each day in meaningful ways? Sure it is. Let me tell you about a tiny, tiny, tiny little island south of Japan where people live their life's purpose every day. They are happy. They are fulfilled. They are some of the oldest living people in the world. Their secret is ikigai. Ikigai is a concept that comes from Okinawa, Japan. Ikigai is a simple but abstract map for living a meaningful life. It has Learn More
USUAL: RM69.95

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By Kevin kwan
From the bestselling author of Crazy Rich Asians, now a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE starring Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh and Gemma Chan, comes a deliciously fun story of family, fortune, and fame in Mainland China. It's the eve of Rachel Chu's wedding, and she should be over the moon. She has a flawless oval-cut diamond, a wedding dress she loves, and a fiance willing to give up one of the biggest fortunes in Asia in order to marry her. Still, Rachel mourns the fact Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

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