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作者 Allison Saft
In this romantic fantasy of manners from New York Times bestselling author Allison Saft, a magical dressmaker commissioned for a royal wedding finds herself embroiled in scandal when a gossip columnist draws attention to her undeniable chemistry with the groom. Niamh Ó Conchobhair has never let herself long for more. The magic in her blood that lets her stitch emotions and memories into fabric is the same magic that will eventually kill her. Determined to spend the little t 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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The future of AI is here. The world is transfixed by the marvel (and possible menace) of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. It's clear Gen AI will transform the business landscape, but when and how much remain to be seen. Meanwhile, your smartest competitors are already navigating the risks and reaping the rewards of these new technologies. They're experimenting with new business models around generating text, images, and code at astonishing speed. They're automating cus 了解更多
原价 RM 107.95

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作者 奧利弗.強森
擅長演算紙上的數學習題,不等於具備數學素養!   面對現代資訊金融社會各式各樣的數字轟炸,   能夠運用數學思維和資訊統計工具,以簡馭繁,   排除雜訊、擺脫偏見,從數據中獲得洞見,   這才是各行各業的社會菁英、以及未來的社會菁英,   都應當具備的數學素養。   英國資訊理論暨統計科學專家奧利弗.強森,   不使用任何複雜 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Muhammad Asri & Mat Lazin
Penulisan travelog kembara ini tidak menggunakan bahasa indah lagi berbunga-bunga. Tidak juga mencoretkan segala emosi yang dirasai hingga buat kita turut berdebar-debar atau cemas dengan situasi yang telah mereka lalui. Namun, bacalah dengan mata hati. Ini bukan catatan travelog biasa. Ini kisah perkembangan agama kita di Jepun, sebuah negara yang pernah terkenal dengan kekejaman tenteranya dan kini sangat terkenal dengan kemajuannya. Demi Allah, saya menangis! The Running M 了解更多
原价 RM 30.00

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作者 Tadatada
MENJADI YANG TERBAIK! ANCAMAN BESAR MENUJU KE BUMI! Alex bersama rakan-rakan menuju ke Taiwan mencari Dr. Logue dan pengembara bernama Leia yang telah hilang selama beberapa hari. Di sana, mereka terjumpa pintu masuk ke Shambhala dan memutuskan untuk melihat lebih dekat. Namun penyiasatan ini membawa mereka bersemuka dengan musuh yang sangat kuat dan jahat. Siapa agaknya?! 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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For everybody excited about exploring the unique cuisine and food culture of Malaysia and Singapore, this book is the perfect primer. It introduces the key specialities of each region, covering their history and significance to the local people. Learn about the dishes that you will find on regional menus, how to order and eat them, and other essential words and phrases for navigating the food scene. The extensive section on etiquette covers all the dos and don’ts of local 了解更多
原价 RM 88.50

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作者 Siobhan Miller
THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOUR BIRTH BETTER. IT IS FOR EVERY WOMAN AND EVERY TYPE OF BIRTH. 'Siobhan manages to completely demystify hypnobirthing, making it accessible and relevant to all women and all births. This book will be a complete game changer and I will be recommending it to mums-to-be from now on' Sarah Turner, author of The Unmumsy Mum Expert hypnobirthing teacher and founder of The Positive Birth Company Siobhan Miller has made it her mission to change the way women 了解更多
原价 RM 99.90

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This is a vinyl LP pressing of Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa. Future Nostalgia is the second studio album by English singer Dua Lipa and was released on 27 March 2020 by Warner Records. Lipa worked with writers and producers such as Jeff Bhasker, Ian Kirkpatrick, Stuart Price, The Monsters & Strangerz, and Koz in order to create a "nostalgic" pop and disco record with influences from dance-pop and electronic music, inspired by the music that Lipa enjoyed during her childhood. 了解更多
原价 RM 265.90

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作者 TadaTada
Becoming the Best! A Major Threat Comes to Earth! Alex and co. head to Taiwan to search for Dr Logue and an Adventurer named Leia who have been missing for several days. There, they stumble upon a map of Shambhala and decide to take a closer look. However, their investigation brings them face to face with a powerful and sinister foe, Who could it be? 了解更多
原价 RM 14.00

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作者 Beth O'Leary
Three women. Three dates. One missing man... *The instant Sunday Times Top 5 bestseller* 'Ingenious, heartwarming and romantic' SOPHIE KINSELLA 'Surprising and deeply satisfying' EMILY HENRY 8.52 a.m. Siobhan's looking forward to her date with Joseph. Breakfast on Valentine's Day surely means something ... so where is he? 2.43 p.m. Miranda's hoping that a Valentine's Day lunch with Carter will be the perfect way to celebrate her new job. But why hasn't he shown up? 6.30 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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作者 Rebecca Yarros
Three women. Three dates. One missing man... *The instant Sunday Times Top 5 bestseller* 'Ingenious, heartwarming and romantic' SOPHIE KINSELLA 'Surprising and deeply satisfying' EMILY HENRY 8.52 a.m. Siobhan's looking forward to her date with Joseph. Breakfast on Valentine's Day surely means something ... so where is he? 2.43 p.m. Miranda's hoping that a Valentine's Day lunch with Carter will be the perfect way to celebrate her new job. But why hasn't he shown up? 6.30 了解更多
原价 RM 56.95

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作者 Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
ROOSTER BORN 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 or 2017 The ROOSTER enjoys plenty of help from the heavens this year, imbuing you with excellent instincts to make all the right decisions. Listen to your intuition, even if it sometimes goes against apparent common sense. Your element luck indications help you a lot, with strong levels of life force and spirit essence giving you the strength to push through any obstacles which may arise. Stay protected against the 3 Killings w 了解更多
原价 RM 29.80

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作者 Shahrul Zaman Lukman , Khairunnisa Hamzah
Semakin jauh kau berjalan, semakin 'nampak' Tuhan. Subhanallah. Ini hal yang paling penting dalam hidup mati seorang manusia, yang menentukan bahagia tidaknya dia, yang menentukan syurga nerakanya. Inilah hal yang terpenting dalam kehidupan seorang khalifah seperti diberitakan oleh Rasulullah. Ketahuilah bahawa pada jasad itu terdapat segumpal daging, jika ia baik maka baiklah seluruh jasadnya, jika ia buruk maka buruklah seluruh jasadnya, ketahuilah bahawa ia adalah hati (ja 了解更多
原价 RM 25.00

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作者 拉瑪那尊者
萬物不離真我 印度拉瑪那道場(Sri Ramanasramam)給初訪之尋道者的推薦讀物 拉瑪那尊者教誨的三篇入門 —〈我是誰?〉 —〈探究真我〉 —〈靈性教導〉   「這個世界,不過是心思的呈現而已。   若能超越思維,這個世界便從眼前消退,安享真我的幸福境界。」   印度拉瑪那道場正式授權唯一中譯本   本書輯錄印度靈性導師拉瑪那尊者三篇經 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 普里特·巴拉拉
普里特·巴拉拉,被称为 “击溃华尔街的人”。他经手过诸多充满争议的重大案件,精彩得有如一部美国律政剧,包括集体诈领退休金、对冲基金富豪主导的美国史上Z大一起内幕交易案、纽约州前众议院议长贪腐案等。 但在强硬的外表青后,巴拉拉是一个正直、诚实、热情的人。他严格的司法态度由这样一和信念所驱动:尽管美国是一个法治国家,但正义并不 了解更多
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 Barbara Ismail
Aunty Maryam is called to investigate a baffling double murder in her cousin’s village. A well-known wealthy man and a woman who knew no one are killed together, and the motives must be untangled and the guilty identified. Maryam‘s own life Is in grave danger when she and Rubiah delve deeper into this world of secrets. Join Maryam and Rubiah in their sixth adventure assisting the Kota Bharu Police Department, or vice versa, in Western Chant, the latest in the award- 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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作者 拉米特·塞提
財務自由的關鍵,不在你要存到多少錢, 而在有沒有建立自動生財系統!   ★ 《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》暢銷書   ★ 獲《財富》雜誌譽為「新一代的投資理財大師」   ★ 全球暢銷10年理財經典,與時俱進全新修訂改版   ★ Amazon.com理財類暢銷榜第1名,將近5,000名讀者實證大推   ★ 《漫步華爾街》作者墨基爾、行銷大師高汀、《經濟時報》、 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 Ibnu Ibrahim At-Tawari
Kutelusuri jejak-jejak sejarah mencari Keris Taming Sari, bermula dari kerajaan Majapahit sehingga ke kerajaan Melaka. Kutelusuri Sulatatus Salatin, Sejarah Melayu dan tak lupa Hikayat Hang Tuah sendiri kerana keris ini milik Laksamana Hang Tuah. Kutemui juga Sang Kertaksa, Patih Gajah Mada, Seri Betara Majapahit, Aria Putera di Bukit Pancalusa, Sang Persanta Nala di Gunung Wirana Pura, Syeikh Mansur di Hulu Melaka, Suraprabhawa Raja Majapahit, Patih Kerma Wijaya, baginda Sul 了解更多
原价 RM 29.90

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作者 羅希特·巴加瓦
  ★華爾街日報No.1暢銷書、《今日美國》暢銷書   不只告訴你趨勢,還教你如何預測趨勢!   在瞬息萬變的今日世界,未來仍是可預測的嗎?   若能預測未來,你的生涯與事業又將發生什麼改變?   過去十年,本書作者巴加瓦每年出版的《洞見趨勢》,一向是全球最受矚目的趨勢預測報告之一。十年來,這系列書籍已發現並探討超過一百項改變 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 巴努瑪蒂·納拉辛漢
推動世界更美好的力量   印度瑜伽呼吸大師、世界和平使者——古儒德夫 詩麗.詩麗.若威香卡首部傳記   「感謝古儒吉的愛、溫暖與智慧,總是為我們的生活帶來喜悅與歡笑。」——阿米爾.罕(Aamir Khan,印度寶萊塢天王)   「在沉淪恐懼的紛亂裡,何其有幸,能從古儒吉的手中接回了寧靜。」——蔡岳勳(導演)   賣座電影《我和我的 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 J P Cross
In 1938 Malaya, Japanese intelligence officers and pro-Independence Indians conspire to test their suspicions about British intelligence officer Philip Rance by attempting to burgle his office. The plot is foiled by Rance's teenage son, Jason, who must move to England to escape revenge. Singapore and Malaya fall to the Japanese and captured Indian POWs are enlisted in the anti-British 'Indian National Army' under Subhas Chandra Bose. All four unsuccessful burglars are involve 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 蔡小妞依玲 , 布雷克
  曼谷,到底為什麼這麼迷人呢?   本書介紹的每一個地方,都會給你答案!   沒去過曼谷的人,無法理解為什麼有些人就是每年至少要跑一趟 !?   去過曼谷的人,總有一些店家是他們堅持一去再去,但每次又能發現新亮點!   曼谷的充滿著多元的時尚活動、創意空間,只要你找對地方,無論你是單身、情侶或是親子旅行,這本書都能告訴你去哪 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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作者 Ahmad Rifa'I Rif'An
MAN SABARA ZAFIRA (Siapa yang Bersabar akan beruntung) "saya sudah baca bukunya, subhanallah, bagus!" Ustaz Yusuf Mansyur, Pemimpin Wisata Hati 了解更多
原价 RM 18.00

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS "Know." redirects here. For other uses, see Knowledge (disambiguation). Know Jason Mraz Know.jpg Studio album by Jason Mraz Released August 10, 2018 Recorded 2017–2018 Genre Pop rock Length 36:27 Label Atlantic Jason Mraz chronology Yes! (2014) Know (2018) Look for the Good ( 了解更多
原价 RM 81.90

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作者 Roshani Chokshi
Has everything I like: humour, action, great characters and awesome mythology!' Rick Riordan, bestselling author of Percy Jackson 'A new star is born.' Eoin Colfer, bestselling author of ArtemisFowl Twelve-year-old Aru Shah has a tendency to stretch the truth in order to fit in at school. Whilst her classmates are jetting off to exotic locales, she'll be at home, in the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture where her mother works. Is it any wonder that Aru makes up sto 了解更多
原价 RM 47.90

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作者 鄭栗兒
  結合心靈、花語和靜心法──   全新的心靈塔羅,為你指引一條內在的朝聖之道      《心靈塔羅》   是為真實的朝聖者、虔誠的朝聖者   追求心流與宇宙同步的朝聖者   乃至迷路的朝聖者所書寫的靜心指引   期望它成為你黑暗中的明光   ——PremAbha鄭栗兒      *暢銷占卜牌卡「心靈樹卡」作者鄭栗兒老師最新力作──心靈塔羅 了解更多
原价 RM 100.10

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作者 DK
Featuring a foreword by James Naughtie.Turn the pages of the most famous books of all time and marvel at the stories behind them. Over 75 of the world's most celebrated, rare, and seminal books are examined and explained in this stunning treasury.Books That Changed History is a unique encyclopedia spanning the history of the written word, from 3000 BCE to the modern day. Chronological chapters show the evolution of human knowledge and the c 了解更多
原价 RM 145.00

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作者 Alison Burch , Shubha Koshy , Lorna Pepper , Emma Watkins
Collins Cambridge IGCSE (R) English as a Second Language Second Edition has been fully updated to match the new Cambridge IGCSE (R) English as a Second Language syllabus 0510/0511 (for first examination 2019) Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education First teaching: 2017 First exams: 2019 * Written by expert English as a Second Language authors and edited by a senior examiner. * provides in-depth coverage of every aspect of the latest Cambridge IGCSE (R) En 了解更多
原价 RM 98.50

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"Harry Styles is the eponymous debut studio album by English singer and songwriter Harry Styles. The album was released on 12 May 2017, through Columbia Records and Styles' own label, Erskine Records.For the album, Styles worked with producers Jeff Bhasker, Alex Salibian, Tyler Johnson and Kid Harpoon. The record has been described by various music publications as a collection of soft rock, rock, Britpop and pop. It was preceded by the release of its lead single, ""Sign of 了解更多
原价 RM 56.50

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作者 巴觀 
巴觀的教導告訴我們:當我們接納自己,願意去看見並經驗內在傷痛時,什麼都不用做,衝突就自然消失,我們身心也怡然自在。  了解更多
原价 RM 45.80

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作者 Siobhan McDermott
A major new magical fantasy series inspired by Chinese legend and set to take the world by storm - perfect for 9+ readers of Nevermoor, Dragon Mountain and Amari and the Night Brothers. An extraordinary destiny unfolds . . . Twelve-year-old Zhi Ging has always been an outcast. Until she receives an invitation to Hok Woh, an underwater school that offers her the chance to become immortal, and to finally belong. There, she battles in hair-raising boat races, meets ages 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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