Comic Carnival
Comic Carnival

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Spectrum is the twelfth studio album by Irish pop vocal band Westlife, released on 15 November 2019 through Virgin EMI Records. It includes the singles "Hello My Love", "Better Man", "Dynamite" and "My Blood", and features songs co-written by Ed Sheeran, Steve Mac, Ryan Tedder, Camille Purcell, and James Bay. It is the band's first major album in eight years, and their first album under Universal Music Group and Virgin EMI. The album debuted atop the Irish Albums Chart and UK 了解更多
原价 RM 56.90

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作者 莉莎‧潔諾娃
繼《我想念我自己》後, 再一次牽動你我靈魂深處的動人作品 我來到這世界,不是要去做你在我出生前夢想我會做的事, 不是要去打小聯盟、上大學, 不是要成為醫生、律師或數學家, 也不是要變成老人、結婚生子。 我來到這世界是為了…… 【國內名家真愛推薦】(依姓名筆劃排序) 花媽卓惠珠 「幫助高功能自閉與亞斯柏格」部落格版主 林正盛 導 了解更多
原价 RM 47.20

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会员 RM 42.48 (-10%)

作者 戴媺凌
  專為無法說出一句英語的人所設計,第一本完全圖解、手指英語旅遊會話書!!   《一個人用英文去旅行》   獨家附贈一個人用英文去旅行隨身版+MP3+防水書套,   就算英文不好,也可以一個人用英文去出國旅行!   Enjoy Traveling By Yourself!從現在開始享受一個人旅行吧!!   一個人旅行必備4大行囊,讓你好好享受旅行的快樂!!    了解更多
原价 RM 42.00

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会员 RM 37.80 (-10%)

作者 山繆爾.斯邁爾斯
《自己拯救自己》SELF HELP 《自己拯救自己》,被譽為「美國夢的靈魂」和「個人奮鬥的精神目標」。在許多西方國家,這本書成了人們必讀的人生叢書之首,是對他們的生活與命運產生巨大影響的人生教科書。 當代許多自我修練成長的書籍與課程觀念,都源自於斯邁爾斯所倡導的自我成長理念。影響所及,包括現今紅極一時的「新世紀」、「正面思考」、「 了解更多
原价 RM 35.75

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作者 深雪
可以的話,活出讓你自感驕傲的人生。 有格調、有希望、羨煞旁人。 這是你的人生。是哪一種驕傲,與人無尤。 Are you proud of yourself ? 承接前兩集故事,拍賣官木倫古繼續主持人生拍賣會,其中一個被拍賣的項目,竟然是「樹女」綠璐……遺腹女賽伊兒,自小便出類拔萃,她要做一個為自己感到驕傲的人,縱使後來遭逢巨變,她仍然為著活出有格調的人生而 了解更多
原价 RM 48.00

现售 RM 36.90 (-23%)

会员 RM 36.90 (-23%)

作者 张家辉
美丽的selfie照片背后隐藏了什么故呢?快来看秀逗高校社群们,在第22集用了什么非凡的selfie技术吧? 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

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作者 四角大輔
Go Simple, Minimum And Solid Life BACK TO YOURSELF 沒有自由的人生,那會多麼不像樣! 但如果自由無法延續,結果仍然一樣。   ●本書被日本譽為「二十世代的聖經」,是最受到二十幾歲年輕人青睞的作品   ●日本全國TSUTAYA總榜TOP 6   ●日本全國BOOK1商管類書籍TOP 8   ●日本各大書店排行榜TOP10   ●甫上市前,即獲得各大書店商業理財類排行榜TOP 1。   ● 了解更多
原价 RM 43.10

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作者 蝸牛くも
「哥布林以外的與我無關。」   ★出版當週裸書空降AMAZON輕小說榜!TOP30內唯一原創新刊,首集力壓榜上當季新番與遊戲改編作!   ★人氣爆發撼動編輯部,同週宣布大量再版、續刊確定!   ★2016年日輕大黑馬,GA文庫年度重點書──這是一個,專殺哥布林的男子的故事。   「我不拯救世界,只管殺哥布林。」   據說這間邊境公會裡,有個 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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作者 陈鋕晋
一个人吃,不代表只能吃快餐、冷冻食品或垃圾食物。对自己好一点吧!挑战自己,把握时间煮一餐体面的、美味的盛宴。只要有好的时间管理及战略,为自己下厨并没有你想象中那么麻烦、恐怖或耗时。 以丰盛的早餐来开始新的一天。菜单包括蛋、面包及煎饼,佐以新鲜水果、沙拉卷或优格。午餐准备简单且营养的面食或菜卷,让你在下半天继续保持活力。 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 中島輝
★ 日本亞馬遜讀者一致好評、五顆星感動推薦 ★ 日本知名心理諮商師──中島輝10年親身實證成果 ★ 愛默生思想深刻影響尼采、賈伯斯、歐巴馬、宮澤賢治等人。 ★ 愛默生被思想界授予「美國的文藝復興領袖」的桂冠。   當你想參與聊天,卻不敢向他人表達真實的看法,   不停想著或許自己是錯的,擔心被說想太多,   這或許是因為我們太習 了解更多
原价 RM 49.30

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会员 RM 44.37 (-10%)

作者 雅麗珊卓·吳爾夫
  矽谷,一個顛覆全球產業,也顛覆主流文化與社會體制的創新創業之都。   矽谷現在流行什麼?創業家的生活都是怎麼過的?如何在矽谷存活?   跟著《華爾街日報》記者的深入報導,   一窺這個日夜不輟孵化出全球尖端科技的眾神之谷。   一項挑戰傳統的獎學金計畫   PayPal共同創辦人、Facebook第一位外部投資人彼得.提爾(Peter Thiel),在2 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Sara Aisha
“I’m the only PhD in serial murder.” – Ted Bundy “You could smell the blood.” – Richard Ramirez Membaca pengakuan daripada pembunuh bersiri terkenal dunia sudah cukup menggerunkan. Tetapi, bagaimana kalau anda yang jadi sasaran? Bekerja sebagai seorang wartawan jenayah membuatkan Tihani Rose sudah terlalu lali dengan mayat dan pembunuhan. Namun satu panggilan pada malam itu, mengubah segala-galanya. “Tihani Rose… Suara kau memang manis.” Dia 了解更多
原价 RM 29.00

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作者 Dr. Sri Nilawati
Perkataan kolestrol begitu ditakuti oleh masyarakat kita pada hari ini. Tidak hairanlah siapa yang mempunyai kolestrol yang tinggi, mempunyai peluang yang besar untuk menghidap penyakit jantung dan strok. Namun ramai yang masih tidak memahami maksud kolestrol dan kesannya terhdapa tubuh badan. Kolestrol yang tinggi dalam darah dapat memusnahkan anda. Benarkah kesemua kolestrol itu jahat? Adakah orang yang berbadan gemuk sahaja yang mempunyai kolestrol? Adakah pola pemakana 了解更多
原价 RM 27.90

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作者 Keith
Di belakang foto selfie yang lawa, apakah cerita yang tersembumyi? Cepatkah menghadam Lawak Kampus Jilid 22 untuk tenok camner geng Lawak Kampus ambik selfie secara stylo! Selain itu, tahniah kepada Keith Chong Kah Hwee meriahkan anugerah emas dalam kategori Cerita Terbaik OACC China! 了解更多
原价 RM 10.00

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作者 Raudhatul hifza
“But this is not a game. This is about your life, Raudhah.” Nama aku Raudhatul Hifza. Tiada yang istimewa tentang diriku. Aku cuma ingin memberi harapan kepada Amir Talhah untuk terus hidup. Kerana aku pernah gagal membantu seseorang. Dan aku tidak mahu ia berulang. Aku tak pasti sama ada kau memang nak tahu cerita kami, atau kau cuma nak tahu apa yang jadi pada Talhah - dan kenapa dia asyik menyebut namaku dalam diarinya, Hiatus. Kalau kau juga ingin membantu, teruska 了解更多
原价 RM 28.00

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作者 蕾貝卡·博魯齊
再「瘋忙」也能活出「鋒芒」人生! 每次呼吸、每句話、每個念頭,都是療癒、充電的累積 亞馬遜讀者五顆星好評!   「我沒時間靜心。」   「靜心打坐不是靈修的人或佛教徒才會做的事嗎?」   「像我這麼嚴重的問題,不是靜心就能解決的。」   也許你曾經嘗試靜心,卻無法持之以恆;或者你根本不覺得自己有足夠的耐性和專注力;也或許你生 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 白善燁
擁有如老外上班族一樣的文字能力! 你需要更有利的工具!! 史上最完整豐富的上班族萬用 E-mail   你可以隨查隨用 + 更靈活運用詞彙,   本書歸納25個商務主題 + 154 個情境 + 779 篇信件   5分鐘快速搞定完美書信的技巧大揭密   不必絞盡腦汁怎麼寫,只要「套用」再「替換」,   瞬間完成零失誤的英文書信!   讓您與同僚、上級、客戶 了解更多
原价 RM 69.15

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作者 金武貴
★ 日本熱銷200,000冊,AMAZON總榜No.1 ★ 榮獲2017年商業書大賞,「最想推薦給其他人的一本書」 ★ 最受歡迎的財經專欄作家金武貴,帶來全新型態的「娛樂系商業書」   沒有特定業界的技巧,只告訴你工作的本質   ────犀利!痛快!絕對實用!────   菁英不是一天煉成的   而是在不斷被教訓、提醒,才領悟到工作的真義   暢銷職場作家 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 莉莉·布魯克斯-達爾頓
即使身處世界盡頭,即使在戀人懷裡, 他依然無法說出自己很寂寞。   ★ 美國國家書卷獎得主科森.懷海德(Colson Whitehead)年度最愛小說!   ★ 美國Shelf Awareness書評網站、芝加哥書評網(Chicago Review of Books)年度選書!   ★ 出版者週刊、《書單》雜誌、華盛頓郵報、波特蘭水星報等多家媒體好讀盛讚!   ★ 美國權威書評Goodreads網站,近 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 石彥豪
  【隨書附贈60分鐘實錄教學DVD,輕鬆做出保養品&貼身皂】   《達人級》手工皂專業講師──小石老師   教你DIY專櫃頂級保養品、貼身皂!   自己也能調出名牌保養品的自然香味!   一次收錄45款天然保養品 & 20款美膚貼身皂   【簡單材料+3步驟=專櫃頂級天然保養品】   超EASY!超天然!卸妝油、潔面慕絲、護唇膏、身體乳液、精華霜,通 了解更多
原价 RM 53.90

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作者 蝸牛くも
  ★動畫好評上映中!超豪華製作陣容,討論與期待度創新高!   ★2017這本輕小說最厲害‧新作排名第1名!文庫部門總排名第5名!   ★出版當週裸書空降AMAZON輕小說榜!TOP30內唯一原創新刊,首集力壓榜上當季新番與遊戲改編作!   ★漫畫化、廣播劇化接連達成 ㊗ 小說、漫畫外傳相繼取得代理!準備好踏入GS宇宙──哥布林界權威教育菜鳥的第 了解更多
原价 RM 36.95

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Whether you are learning Russian for pleasure or for work this comprehensive dictionary is the ideal travel partner for you. Russian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary comes with more than 10,000 illustrated terms that are arranged by themes and situations, making learning easy. Whether you are out grocery shopping or find yourself in the middle of an official meeting, this handy guide will always be at your side. The stunning visuals and comprehensive indexes make this an i 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 Andrew Matthews
The concepts in this book ring true with practical, applicable advice, and Matthews's lucid writing and witty stories help bring his message into sharp focus. Follow Your Heart is everything you could ask for in a self-help book. It is about doing what you love, dealing with bills and disasters, discovering your own power, and finding peace of mind. Start down the road to changing your life because as Matthews says: "Our mission in life is not to change the world--our mission 了解更多
原价 RM 48.00

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作者 Tom Rath
Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. To help people uncover their talents, Gallup introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in 2001 which ignited a global conversation and helped millions to discover their top five talents. In its latest 了解更多
原价 RM 162.95

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Peppa Pig discovers the Tooth Fairy!Peppa Pig has lost her first tooth. With the tooth safely under her pillow, Peppa waits for the Tooth Fairy to arrive! Read this delightful story book, and use the letter and tooth envelope to wait for the Tooth Fairy yourself. Dr Elephant, the dentist, gives you some handy tips on looking after your teeth, and there is a teeth chart for you to keep a record of when each of your milk teeth falls out. Everyone loves a visit from th 了解更多
原价 RM 42.95

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作者 Charles Dickens
The classic story of a young boy who seeks his fortune on the streets of London. After Oliver Twist asks nasty Mr Bumble for more food, he has to flee the workhouse for the streets of London. Here he meets the Artful Dodger, who leads him to Fagin and his gang of pickpockets. When a thieving mission goes wrong, Oliver narrowly avoids prison and finds himself in the care of kind Mr Brownlow. But Fagin and the brutal Bill Sikes go in search of the young orphan, determined to 了解更多
原价 RM 32.50

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作者 Louisa May Alcott
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is a classic novel loved by adults and children alike.Come laugh and cry with the March family.Meg - the sweet-tempered one. Jo - the smart one. Beth - the shy one. Amy - the sassy one.Together they're the March sisters. Their father is away at war and times are difficult, but the bond between the sisters is strong. The family may not have much money, but that doesn't st 了解更多
原价 RM 32.50

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作者 DK
This is the perfect study guide to the complete works of Shakespeare, covering everything from the romantic comedy of Romeo and Juliet to the tragedy Macbeth, alongside his Elizabethan history plays, sonnets, and other poemsWith detailed plot summaries and an in-depth analysis of the major characters and themes, this is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets and poetry, from the comedies of Twelfth Nigh 了解更多
原价 RM 119.95

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作者 Leo Tolstoy
Trapped in a stifling marriage, Anna Karenina is swept off her feet by dashing Count Vronsky. Rejected by society, the two lovers flee to Italy, where Anna finds herself isolated from all except the man she loves, and who loves her. But can they live by love alone? In this novel of astonishing scope and grandeur, Leo Tolstoy, the great master of Russian literature, charts the course of the human heart. A masterpiece of realism and illuminated by irresistible characters, Anna 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 Paul McFedries
See your way to Excel spreadsheet stardom with this visual guide If you're always hearing about the cool things Excel can do, here's your chance to see how to do them!Teach Yourself Visually Excel offers you a straightforward visual approach to working with the newest version of the world's leading spreadsheet program. Packed with visually rich tutorials and step-by-step instructions that will help you take your Excel skills to new heights, this friendly and approachable guid 了解更多
原价 RM 128.78

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作者 Monica Murphy
Monica Murphy, the New York Times bestselling author of One Week Girlfriend, begins a sexy contemporary romance series - perfect for fans of Christina Lauren and Emma Chase - that introduces three sisters born to wealth, raised to succeed, ready to love, destined to make waves.One stolen moment, a kiss, a touch . . . and she's hooked.Violet Fowler has moved through life doing what's expected of her. The dutiful middle daughte 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Mitch Albom
At nine years old, Frankie Presto is sent to America in the bottom of a boat. His only possession is an old guitar and six precious strings.But Frankie's talent is unique, and his amazing journey weaves him through the musical landscape of the twentieth century, from classical to jazz to rock and roll, with his stunning talent affecting numerous stars along the way, including Hank Williams, Elvis Presley, Carole King and even KISS.Frankie becomes a pop star h 了解更多
原价 RM 54.90

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作者 Hiro Arikawa
THE PERFECT CURL-UP READ FOR CAT LOVERS 'Bewitching... as self-possessed and comforting as - well, a cat' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH 'A book about kindness and love, and how the smallest things can provide happiness' STYLIST ___ It's not the journey that counts, but who's at your side. Nana is on a road trip, but he is not sure where he is going. All that matters is that he can sit beside his beloved owner Satoru in the front seat of his silver van. Satoru is keen to visit three ol 了解更多
原价 RM 57.95

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作者 Amor Towles
***Soon to be a major TV series starring Kenneth Branagh*** OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD THE TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 A SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 A MAIL ON SUNDAY BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 A DAILY EXPRESS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 AN IRISH TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S BEST BOOKS OF 2017 NOMINATED FOR THE 2018 INDEPENDENT BOOKSELLERS WEEK AWARD `This novel is astonishing, uplifting and wise. Don't miss it' Chris Cleave `No historical nov 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Rumer Godden
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. In Rumer Godden's Coromandel Sea Change Blaise and Mary arrive at Patna Hall, a hotel on India's shimmering Coromandel coast, to spend part of their honeymoon. Patna Hall is as beautiful and timeless as India itself, ruled over firmly an 了解更多
原价 RM 39.90

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作者 Genki Kawamura
A beautifully moving tale of loss and reaching out to the ones we love, of one man's journey to discover what really matters in modern life.Our narrator's days are numbered. Estranged from his family, living alone with only his cat Cabbage for company, he was unprepared for the doctor's diagnosis that he has only months to live. But before he can set about tackling his bucket list, the Devil appears with a special offer: in exchange for making one thing in th 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Haruki Murakami
A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami's international reputation. It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company's advertisement. What he doesn't realise is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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作者 Jodi Picoult
THE INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR 'Jodi Picoult takes a controversial and provocative subject and uses it as a backdrop to a touching and emotional drama' Sunday Express Zoe and Max Baxter spent ten years trying to get pregnant, until the heartbreak of their failure finally broke their marriage apart.After the dissolution of their marriage, each seems on their own path to healing, as Max turns himself towards an evangelical chu 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Mitch Albom
Banished for centuries, as punishment for trying to measure time, the inventor of the world's first clock is finally granted his freedom, along with a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two people the true meaning of time. He returns to our world and embarks on a journey with two unlikely partners: a teenage girl who is about to give up on life and a wealthy, ageing businessman who wants to live for ever. To save himself, he must save them both. Gripping, and fil 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Cecelia Ahern
*Winner of the Irish Popular Fiction Book of the Year*A thoughtful, captivating and ultimately uplifting novel from this uniquely talented authorThe year that changed my life. For Jasmine, losing her job felt like losing everything.The year I found home. With a life built around her career and her beloved sister Heather, suddenly her world becomes the house and garden she has hardly seen and the neighbours she has yet to meet.The year I met you. B 了解更多
原价 RM 36.90

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作者 Hanya Yanagihara
Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2015.Shortlisted for the Baileys Prize for Women's Fiction 2016.Finalist for the National Book Awards 2015.The million copy bestseller, A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, is an immensely powerful and heartbreaking novel of brotherly love and the limits of human endurance.When four graduates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their wa 了解更多
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作者 Cecelia Ahern
The million-copy bestselling love story... Everyone needs a guardian angel... Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of n 了解更多
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作者 Jeff VanderMeer
'A contemporary masterpiece' Guardian THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SOUTHERN REACH TRILOGY - NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY ALEX GARLAND (EX MACHINA) AND STARRING NATALIE PORTMAN, OSCAR ISAAC, GINA RODRIGUEZ AND TESSA THOMPSON Following the disastrous twelfth expedition chronicled in `Annihilation', the second book of the Southern Reach trilogy introduces 了解更多
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作者 Liane Moriarty
The Hypnotist's Love Story is a gripping exploration of love and obsession, from the bestselling author of the hit HBO series Big Little Lies.How far would you go to keep the man of your dreams?Hypnotherapist Ellen is fascinated by what makes people tick. So when she falls in love with Patrick, the fact that he has a stalker doesn't faze her in the slightest. If anything it intrigues her, and the more she hears a 了解更多
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作者 Elif Shafak
*The international bestseller*"Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough..." Ella Rubinstein has a husband, three teenage children, and a pleasant home. Everything that should make her confident and fulfilled. Yet there is an emptiness at the heart of Ella's life - an emptiness once filled by love. So when Ella reads a man 了解更多
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作者 Colleen Hoover
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us and November 9 comes a moving and haunting novel of family, love, and the power of the truth."Not every mistake deserves a consequence. Sometimes the only thing it deserves is forgiveness." The Voss family is anything but normal. They live in a repurposed church, newly baptized Dollar Voss. The once cancer-stricken mother lives in the basement, the father is ma 了解更多
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作者 Dr. James R. Doty
The award-winning New York Times bestseller that inspired BTS's K-pop song 'Magic Shop'.The day that 12-year-old James Doty walked in to his local magic shop is the day that changed his life. Once the neglected son of an alcoholic father and a mother with chronic depression, he has gone on to become a leading neurosurgeon, based at Stanford University. He credits Ruth for this incredible turnaround: the remarkable woman he met at the Cact 了解更多
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作者 Jennifer Niven
From the author of the New York Times bestseller All the Bright Places comes a heart-wrenching story about what it means to see someone - and love someone - for who they truly are.Everyone thinks they know Libby Strout, the girl once dubbed 'America's Fattest Teen'. But no one's taken the time to look past her weight to get to see who she really is. Since her mum's death, she's been picking up the pieces in the privacy of her home, dealing with 了解更多
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作者 Jennifer Niven
A compelling and beautiful story about a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die.The New York Times bestseller is soon to be a major film starring Elle Fanning_____'If you're looking for the next The Fault in Our Stars, this is it' - GuardianTheodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something 了解更多
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作者 Jeff Kinney
Now everyone can have their own Wimpy Kid diary! Draw your own Wimpy-Kid-style cartoons, fill in facts and lists, check out the full-colour comics inside and even write your own Wimpy Kid journal, just like Greg. Now with dozens of pages of new content and a brand new cover! 了解更多
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作者 R. J. Palacio
August Pullman stole the hearts of over a million readers in the bestselling, award-winning WONDER. 365 DAYS OF WONDER is a beautiful companion to the novel: a collection of quotes and wise words, one for every day of the year. It includes funny, insightful, inspiring thoughts from WONDER's fans, famous authors and personalities - from Roald Dahl and Paul McCartney to Anne Frank, Tolkien and Popeye - and from the novel itself. It's the perfect gift for anyone who loved WONDER 了解更多
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作者 Richard Adams
40th anniversary edition of Richard Adams' picaresque saga about a motley band of rabbits - Watership Down is one of the most beloved novels of our time. Sandleford Warren is in danger. Hazel's younger brother Fiver is convinced that a great evil is about to befall the land, but no one will listen. And why would they when it is Spring and the grass is fat and succulent? So together Hazel and Fiver and a few other brave rabbits secretly leave behind the safety and strictu 了解更多
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作者 Jane Corry
'Compulsive, edgy and fabulous twists!' B A Paris'Few writers can match Jane Corry' Cara HunterHE CHEATED. HE LIED... HE DIED.Vicki's husband David once promised to love her in sickness and in health. But after a brutal attack left her suffering with epilepsy, he ran away with his mistress. So when Vicki gets a call one day to say that he's missing, her first thought is 'good riddance'. But then the police find eviden 了解更多
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作者 Oliver Bowden
Assassin's Creed: Unity is the seventh title in Oliver Bowden's phenomenally successful Assassin's Creed videogame tie-in series.1789: The magnificent city of Paris sees the dawn of the French Revolution. The cobblestone streets run red with blood as the people rise against the oppressive aristocracy. But revolutionary justice comes at a high price...At a time when the divide between the rich and poor is at its most extreme, and a nation is tearing itself ap 了解更多
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作者 Leigh Bardugo
The highly anticipated coming-of-age story for the world's greatest super hero: WONDER WOMAN by the # 1 New York Times bestselling author LEIGH BARDUGO. She will become a legend but first she is Diana, Princess of the Amazons. And her fight is just beginning . . . Diana is desperate to prove herself to her warrior sisters. But when the opportunity comes, she throws away her chance at glory and breaks Amazon law to save a mere mortal, Alia Keralis. With this single her 了解更多
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作者 J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors - and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone ... Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true. These new editions of the cla 了解更多
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作者 J. K. Rowling
When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny. 了解更多
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作者 J. K. Rowling
Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out 了解更多
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作者 Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse is the third book in Rick Riordan's bestselling fantasy adventure series. Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero.It's not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human.But when you're the son of a Greek God, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a Goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsd 了解更多
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作者 Rick Riordan
The SECOND title in this number one, bestselling spin-off series from Percy Jackson creator, Rick Riordan.This crazy messed up world of gods and monsters is Percy Jackson's reality, which pretty much sucks for him.Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, God of the Sea, has woken from a very deep sleep and come face to face with two snake-haired ladies who refuse to die.But they're the least of his problems. Because Percy finds himself at a camp for 了解更多
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