100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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作者 布萊德·華克
  暢銷20萬冊,大幅增修升級版!   博客來、金石堂、誠品──健康保健類長銷No.1   痠痛拉筋必備聖典,上萬讀者熱烈迴響:   「只要照著書上的動作自己拉筋,就能獲得深層的放鬆,   家裡一定要有這本書!」   找出疼痛源頭,5分鐘舒通關鍵肌群,徹底擺脫惱人的痠痛問題   不管是運動傷害的痼疾,辦公久坐的勞損,不良姿勢造成的肌筋 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 Neal Shusterman
The explosive conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Arc of a Scythe series. It’s been three years since Rowan and Citra disappeared; since Scythe Goddard came into power; since the Thunderhead closed itself off to everyone but Grayson Tolliver. In this pulse-pounding finale to Neal Shusterman's internationally bestselling trilogy, constitutions are tested and old friends are brought back from the dead. 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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作者 Pitchaya Sudbanthad
Places remember us... 'An important, ambitious, and accomplished novel. Sudbanthad deftly sweeps us up in a tale that paints a twin portrait: of a megacity like those so many of us call home and of a world where sanctuary is increasingly hard to come by' Mohsin Hamid A missionary begs to be sent home. A jazz pianist is hired to perform for ghosts. An army colonel smells the food of home for the last time. A girl designs herself a new face. An old woman uploads her consciousne 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Dr.Nur Hanisah
Kehamilan bukan semata-mata menjadi (bakal) ibu, bahkan ia hadir dengan pelbagai harapan, tugas dan tanggungjawab lain. Ia proses alami yang amat besar nilai manusiawinya. Lantaran itu, gelaran ‘ibu’ dan segala keistimewaannya hanya dikalungkan ke leher dan bahu seorang wanita. Perjalanan dari mula hamil, kelahiran, seterusnya menyusu dan mendidik anak, sekalipun indah, tidak terlepas daripada ujian dan komplikasi. Kadangkala mendorong para wanita terpilih ini ke sudut 了解更多
原价 RM 26.00

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The Shadow Market is a meeting point for faeries, werewolves, warlocks and vampires. There the Downworlders buy and sell magical objects, make dark bargains, and whisper secrets they do not want the Nephilim to know. Through two centuries, however, there has been a frequent visitor to the Shadow Market from the City of Bones, the very heart of the Shadowhunters. As a Silent Brother, Brother Zachariah is sworn keeper of the laws and lore of the Nephilim. But once he was a Shad 了解更多
原价 RM 77.90

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作者 Neal Shusterman
In the highly anticipated finale to the New York Times bestselling trilogy, dictators, prophets, and tensions rise. In a world that's conquered death, will humanity finally be torn asunder by the immortal beings it created? Citra and Rowan have disappeared. Endura is gone. It seems like nothing stands between Scythe Goddard and absolute dominion over the world scythedom. With the silence of the Thunderhead and the reverberations of the Great Resonance still shaking the ear 了解更多
原价 RM 46.90

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PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Different World is the debut studio album by Norwegian record producer Alan Walker. It was released on 14 December 2018 through MER Musikk and Sony Music Entertainment and includes his successful 2015 single "Faded". The album also succeeds a trilogy of releases leading up to the album, ent 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 黎安妮·福格爾
暢銷超過2萬本 再刷推出暢銷套組 生酮新手老手必備好書+操作簡易好用的脂肪夾 讓你在生酮過程中能時時檢測自己的脂肪狀況!   這本書可以學到許多前所未聞的知識!   3年內引導超過500萬人成功進入生酮飲食生活!   5種量身訂作的生酮飲食方法,   經典生酮法‧打氣生酮法‧完全生酮補碳法‧適應燃脂補碳法‧每日燃脂補碳法   沒有任何限 了解更多
原价 RM 113.80

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作者 爽爽貓 by SECOND
吃美食是爽爸的日常,而且已到了如數家珍的境界,隨意詢問哪裡有好吃炸雞,他肯定眼睛冒出炙熱的火花熱情地敘述著各間炸雞的特色!彷彿是一台美食伺服器,珍藏許多私房美食資料夾,日積月累蒐集著台北有哪些美味小吃、哪間甜點很厲害、哪裡的滷肉飯美味的讓他吃得很感動、哪裡又有新開的咖啡館、哪裡適合跟朋友相約午茶等各種吃喝玩樂情報;他也 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 慧是法师
从世界最南端纽西兰出发,历经大陆千年古寺、东瀛岛国,再西行回到佛陀的故乡印度,慧是法师跨越十年的岁月,一篇篇书写着人间行者的菩提慧眼。无论山水风雨,无论行走驻足,行行重行行,脚步似歇非歇,步履却更为身心一如,安然自在,走出曜曜如实的生命对话。 了解更多
原价 RM 45.00

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作者 黄醒荣
如何减低患癌的风险? 癌症有哪些治疗方法? 手术后癌症会复发吗? 癌症是绝症吗? 可以“饿死”癌细胞吗? 这些是许多人心中的疑惑。 在现今社会,每三个人当中,便有一人在其一生当中会罹患癌症。癌症显然已经成为常见疾病,唯有多加认识,才能远离癌症威胁,一旦确诊也可以勇敢面对,接受正确的疗法,对抗癌症。 毫无根据的治疗法,只会让病 了解更多
原价 RM 35.90

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作者 夕蜜柑
  梅普露缺乏一般遊戲常識,把所有配點都灌到防禦力(VIT)去了。   動作緩慢,又不會用魔法,搞得連兔子都耍得她團團轉。   咦,可是完全不會痛耶……而且根本沒受傷?   全點防禦力,使梅普露取得了特殊技能【絕對防禦】,甚至附送一擊必殺的反擊技──?   能使任何攻擊打不出效果,以致命施毒技能蹂躪全場的「移動要塞型」新人,   了解更多
原价 RM 30.80

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作者 Neal Shusterman
The stakes are high in this chilling sci-fi thriller, in which professional scythes control who dies. Everything else is out of human control, managed by the Thunderhead. It's a perfect system – until it isn't. It’s been a year since Rowan went off-grid. Hunted by the Scythedom, he has become an urban legend, a vigilante snuffing out corrupt scythes in a trial by fire. Citra, meanwhile, is forging her path as Scythe Anastasia, gleaning with compassion. However, conflict 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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  吉他和弦千變萬化,雖然說簡單幾個和弦指型,就可以彈遍大多數的流行歌曲。不過對於那些想更深入探索吉他奧妙的人,基本和弦指型已經無法滿足不斷延伸的求知欲。深入學習吉他和弦的理論與演奏,將大大提升編曲表現上的可能性。本教材針對吉他和弦做了深入的剖析,跟著這套教材學習,任何人(當然包括你) 都可以用吉他彈出各種和弦的各種聲部, 了解更多
原价 RM 64.70

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作者 提摩西·沃克
2001年,芬蘭15歲學生在國際學生評量(PISA)名列第一。 直到今日,奇蹟般的芬蘭教育仍令全球嘖嘖稱奇—— 教室樂趣多、老師輕鬆教、學生學得好……祕訣是什麼?   在臺灣教書,每天趕進度、拚成績,回家還得備課……你,也累了嗎?   本書作者沃克是美國教師,同樣曾被教學壓力逼到超崩潰,   直到2013年隨著妻子遷居芬蘭,並於當地小學任教, 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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INVOKE Malaysia​ telah melancarkan sebuah buku panduan lengkap untuk kerja-kerja ejen tempat mengundi & mengira undi ketika pilihanraya umum akan datang. Ejen tempat mengundi & ejen mengira undi yang bersih dan terlatih adalah salah satu kunci yang terbaik untuk memastikan kemenangan parti-parti pembangkang ketika pilihanraya umum ke-14 nanti kerana mereka akan ditugaskan untuk memastikan tiada sebarang penyelewengan berlaku ketika hari pilihanraya.... 了解更多
原价 RM 20.00

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作者 Jenna Evans Welch , Sam Brewster
People go to Italy for love & gelato ... but sometimes they discover much more. The dying wish of 16-year-old Lina's mother was for her daughter to live in Tuscany and get to know her father, whom Lina has never met. "Howard is the best man I've ever known," her mother says, "he'll keep you safe." Why did her mother wait so long to tell her about him? Lina has a happy life in Seattle and doesn't want to leave. Shortly after she arrives at Howard's home, Lina meets Sonya, w 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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作者 溫蒂·沃克
華納兄弟影業買下改拍版權,打造驚悚新經典, 燒腦系小說正夯,讓你從第一頁猜到最後一頁, 繼《控制》、《列車上的女孩》最受矚目懸疑系女作家――   《控制》、《那時候,我只剩下勇敢》製片   瑞絲‧維絲朋:我直到快看完都猜不到凶手。   我們會完成這套治療,妳會想起那天晚上的每一件事,   我們會安葬所有的鬼魂,然後妳就能繼續 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 康茵茵
  第一本打造ㄦ字腰的曲線瘦身書,30萬粉絲引頸期待!   光是瘦下來還不夠!茵茵教你跳出女人味,扭出ㄦ字腰!      她曾胖到被舞蹈老師退貨,也看過不少因錯誤減肥賠上未來的例子。   茵茵美麗實證!找出讓你緊實、勻稱、優雅一輩子的運動      從《大學生了沒》青澀的新鮮人,到家喻戶曉的「芭蕾甜心」,茵茵的好身材瘦到許多 了解更多
原价 RM 58.60

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原价 RM 65.45

现售 RM 58.91 (-10%)

会员 RM 55.63 (-15%)

作者 Dominic Pimenta
Beautifully written, passionate and moving, this is the book everyone should read about COVID-19' Kate Mosse 'Hard to put down' Rachel Clarke 'Gripping, humane, eye-opening and seriously tense' Ian Dunt The first book to tell the full story of the COVID-19 pandemic from a doctor on the frontline. ALL ROYALTIES FROM SALES GO TO HEROES, A CHARITY PROTECTING AND SUPPORTING HEALTHCARE WORKERS. On the 8th of February, Dr Dominic Pimenta encountered his first suspected case of 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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作者 Wong Seng Weng
How can we reduce our risk of getting cancer? What kind of cancer treatments are there? Will cancer relapse even after surgery? Is cancer a death sentence? Can you “starve” cancer cells to death? These are the questions haunting the minds of many. In this developed society, every one in three people will develop cancer within his or her lifetime. Cancer is now a common disease. Having a better understanding about cancer helps one keep a distance from it. However 了解更多
原价 RM 35.90

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作者 Anthony Horowitz
Alex Rider 10 Books Box Set Complete Collection By Anthony Horowitz: Titles In This Set: 1) Stormbreaker 2) Point Blanc 3) Skeleton Key 4) Eagle Strike 5) Scorpia 6) Ark Angel 7) Snakehead 8) Crocodile Tears 9) Scorpia Rising 10) Russian Roulette 了解更多
原价 RM 429.00

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 32.90

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 32.90

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*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. 了解更多
原价 RM 32.90

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