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作者 Gilly MacMillan
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title.A hugely satisfying and thrilling read' Shari Lapena 'A brilliant, edge-of-the-seat thriller written with humanity, warmth and grace. I loved it!' Saskia Sarginson Two best friends. One terrible event. Abdi Mahal and Noah Sadler have been inseparab 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Taylor Chang-Babaian
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. Beauty Rewind is the essential guide for looking and feeling your best at every age. From skincare treatments to emphasizing your best features, celebrity makeup artist Taylor Chang-Babaian gives you all the tools you need to age gracefully and b 了解更多
原价 RM 83.50

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作者 Janice Hughes
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. The history, habits, life and lore of a resourceful and iconic bird. Long in neck, leg and wing, cranes are imposing wading birds that are among the largest and tallest of the world's bird families. Cranes are found on all continents except Sou 了解更多
原价 RM 179.90

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作者 Nathalie Molina Nino , Sara Grace
*This book may have some markings; but be rest assured, they are not used books.*The book cover and summary displayed may be of a different edition or binding for the same title. For women entrepreneurs (and anyone sick of the status quo), this smart, unapologetic collection delivers fifty proven hacks to leapfrog over obstacles and succeed in business. A must-read for any woman who has a great idea and the nagging thoug 了解更多
原价 RM 75.50

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作者 Grace Tan
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Maureen Johnson , John Green , Lauren Myracle
Three wonderful holiday romances by three of America's bestselling authors, including John Green - author of the multi-million bestseller The Fault in Our Stars. An ill-timed storm on Christmas Eve buries the residents of Gracetown under multiple feet of snow and causes quite a bit of chaos. One brave soul ventures out into the storm from her stranded train and sets off a chain of events that will change quite a few lives. Over the next three days one girl takes a risky sh 了解更多
原价 RM 39.95

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作者 John Green , David Levithan
The New York Times bestselling novel from John Green, the author of multi-million bestseller The Fault in Our Stars, and David Levithan, author of Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.----------'Funny, rude and original' - New York Times Book Review'Will have readers simultaneously laughing, crying and singing at the top of their lungs' - Kirkus Reviews'This n 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 川上徹也
★阿原品牌創辦人江榮原【強力推薦】!★ 史上最好懂的行銷教科書! 學會「故事感動行銷」,賺進人生第一桶金, 網路創業、開家小咖啡店都能無往不利, 無名小店(你)戰勝知名大企業(他)的唯一策略! 一個簡單的故事,揭開你每天在做卻沒有察覺的道理。 「想買」──只需要一個理由! ◆看故事學經營!一家遠在偏僻山丘的小食堂,如何打造「 了解更多
原价 RM 40.00

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作者 阿迪亞香提
走出受苦的迷霧,找到解除痛苦的力量 適合初踏入靈性之路的人閱讀、又不失深度的好書 一場心與心的傳導,邀請我們找到轉化自己生命的力量 亞馬遜書店五顆星推薦! 任何靈性教導裡最具蛻變及轉化的元素常常就是最基礎、最根本的東西,教導裡最基礎的部分才是影響力最大的,蘊含著幫助人們轉化生命的真實力量。然而人們卻最容易忘記這件 了解更多
原价 RM 50.05

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作者 Romina Russell
Rhoma Grace is a 16-year-old student from House Cancer with an unusual way of reading the stars. While her classmates use measurements to make accurate astrological predictions, Rho can't solve for 'x' to save her life so instead, she looks up at the night sky and makes up stories. When a violent blast strikes the moons of Cancer, sending its ocean planet off-kilter and killing thousands of citizens including its beloved Guardian Rho is more surprised than anyone when she is 了解更多
原价 RM 65.95

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作者 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Faithfully supported by his chronicler, Dr Watson, Sherlock Holmes pits his wits against 'Napoleon of Crime' Professor Moriarty, assists European royalty threatened by disgrace, helps to solve the mysterious death of a young woman due to be married, and investigates intrigues that have defeated the detectives of Scotland Yard. Packed with excitement and mystery, this collection showcases the legendary sleuth at his very best. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a seri 了解更多
原价 RM 52.50

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作者 廖树清
  《Grace说专心》是启发文化出版的启发精选华语原创绘本系列之一,适合3岁以上儿童阅读。   Grace曾经是个注意力不集中的孩子,比如爬楼梯不看路,爸爸提醒她要专心。她问爸爸什么是专心,爸爸的回答很简单:专心就是“你在玩乐高时,满脑子都是乐高”……Grace一下子就听明白了。Grace的爸爸不但在家中随时提醒她要专心,还在外出的时候带她去看 了解更多
原价 RM 33.80

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作者 廖树清
  《Grace说耐心》是启发文化出版的启发精选华语原创绘本系列之一,适合3岁以上儿童阅读。   Grace一次向爸爸要糖吃的时候,爸爸给她出了道选择题:现在吃,只能吃一颗糖,如果等到明天可以吃两颗糖。Grace等到了第二天,爸爸兑现了承诺,并表扬她“有耐心”。Grace问爸爸什么是耐心,爸爸的回答简单又具体,“耐心就是等待,不着急”。于是Grace明白 了解更多
原价 RM 33.80

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作者 Grace Tan
We all eat to sustain life, but the bigger question is, what do we eat to sustain a good “Quality of Life”? As a mother, Grace Tan often recollects her childhood eating habits. She feels that childhood eating behaviour greatly influences adulthood eating choices. Grace grew up eating mostly natural, non-preservative, non-MSG home-cooked meals daily. This has become her eating habit as well as a practice that she would like to instil in her kids. In Nutritious Meals for K 了解更多
原价 RM 30.90

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作者 Jeffrey Archer
This Was a Man is the seventh and final, captivating instalment of the Clifton Chronicles from master storyteller Jeffrey Archer.This Was a Man opens with a shot being fired, but who pulled the trigger, and who lives and who dies?In Whitehall, Giles Barrington discovers the truth about his wife Karin from the Cabinet Secretary. Is she a spy or a pawn in a larger game?Harry Clifton sets out to write his magnum opus, whil 了解更多
原价 RM 49.90

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作者 Cassandra Clare , Sarah Rees Brennan
A Magnus Bane story set in Edwardian London, packaged in a beautiful gift edition. Magnus reconnects with old friends and new enemies and meets the troubled James Herondale. Magnus thought he would never return to London, but he is lured by a handsome offer from Tatiana Blackthorn, whose plans - involving her beautiful young ward, Grace - are far more sinister than Magnus suspects. He also meets a very surprising young man ... the sixteen-year-old James Herondale. Perfe 了解更多
原价 RM 43.90

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作者 葛瑞絲·雷堡 , 芭芭拉·肯恩
  難解的家庭問題,在父母老後,只會更形嚴重   他們的固執、依賴、控制、不安、情緒勒索,讓子女身心俱疲   如何照顧好父母,卻不必透支自己?   ★一覽6種「老後難相處」的父母類型   ★最健康的陪伴心態,最務實的應對建議   ★美國專業高齡照護組織「暮光服務網」創辦人,經典著作   聽聽這些父母說的話,你是否覺得熟悉?   了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 蕾貝卡·博魯齊
再「瘋忙」也能活出「鋒芒」人生! 每次呼吸、每句話、每個念頭,都是療癒、充電的累積 亞馬遜讀者五顆星好評!   「我沒時間靜心。」   「靜心打坐不是靈修的人或佛教徒才會做的事嗎?」   「像我這麼嚴重的問題,不是靜心就能解決的。」   也許你曾經嘗試靜心,卻無法持之以恆;或者你根本不覺得自己有足夠的耐性和專注力;也或許你生 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 葛瑞絲
在你之前,世界好大,在你之後,你,就是我的世界。 茫茫人海之中,有沒有誰,能讓你重新定義世界? ★★★ 葛瑞絲的小宇宙全新暖心之作! ★★★ 熱播偶像劇《為了你我願意熱愛整個世界》官方合作宣傳品! ★★★ 為今夏戀情加溫,最適合送禮的告白之書! ★★★ 隨書附贈精美限量愛的小卡,以及葛瑞絲親筆簽名和全新年度紀念章。 「親 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 楊定一
人類大腦接近90%都在休眠, 一旦全部活化起來,會展現多大的潛能? 讓你我透過意識的轉變, 探索心靈的科學, 就從「短路」揭開序幕——   【電流(I)=電壓(V)/電阻(R)】   一旦電阻趨近於零,   那麼電壓除以電阻所得到的電流會趨近無限大,   產生極大的熱,甚至將設備燒掉,也就是短路。   借用短路的比喻,如果把「我」的阻抗(R)縮 了解更多
原价 RM 46.20

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作者 Grace Tan
Obesity rates among children in Asia are rising at a rapid rate, and Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand are among the most overweight countries in South-East Asia. On top of that, parents are also concerned about providing healthy and nutritious meals to supplement the hectic schedules of their children. As children are still growing, it is more sensible to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than lose weight. Ade 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Anita C.Donihue
Scripture encourages us to "come boldly unto the throne of grace" (Hebrews 4:16)--and this Power Prayers Devotional will help with 180 inspiring prayer starters. By beloved author Anita Corrine Donihue--whose When I'm on My Knees series sold well over a million copies--these powerful meditations encourage women of all ages and backgrounds to approach God in intimate, joyful, confident prayer. Whenever you say, "Here I am, Lord," He is thrilled to listen to your deepest hopes 了解更多
原价 RM 18.90

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作者 Karen M Mcmanus
A perfect town is hiding secrets. Two teenagers are dead. Two murders unsolved. And a killer who claims to be coming back.Ellery's never been to Echo Ridge, but she's heard all about it. It's where her aunt went missing at age sixteen, never to return. Where a Homecoming Queen's murder five years ago made national news. And where Ellery now has to live with a grandmother she barely knows, after her failed-actress mother lands in rehab. Malcolm grew up in the shadow of t 了解更多
原价 RM 47.50

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作者 Grace Tan
Fitness centres are mushrooming around the town as people start to recognize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. However, one must know that in fitness, be it weight gain or weight loss, diet plays the key role which is 70 percent and exercise is just 30 percent. There are many unhealthy temptations especially when you are eating out, so meal planning can help you maintain a healthy eating habit 了解更多
原价 RM 25.90

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作者 Helena Fox
A deeply hopeful YA novel about living with mental illness that's perfect for fans of Girl in Pieces "Profoundly moving . . . Will take your breath away." --Kathleen Glasgow, author of Girl in Pieces Biz knows how to float. She has her people, her posse, her mom and the twins. She has Grace. And she has her dad, who tells her about the little kid she was, and who shouldn't be here but is. So Biz doesn't tell anyone anything. Not about her dark, runaway thoughts, not about k 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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会员 RM 49.05 (-10%)

This Was a Man is the seventh and final, captivating instalment of the Clifton Chronicles from master storyteller Jeffrey Archer. This Was a Man opens with a shot being fired, but who pulled the trigger, and who lives and who dies? In Whitehall, Giles Barrington discovers the truth about his wife Karin from the Cabinet Secretary. Is she a spy or a pawn in a larger game? Harry Clifton sets out to write his magnum opus, while his wife Emma completes her ten years as Chairman o 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 Christina Lauren
Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating is pure joy' Sally Thorne, author of The Hating Game 'Christina Lauren is my go-to when I'm feeling sad' Beth O'Leary, author of The Flatshare Just friends. Just friends. JUST FRIENDS. If they repeat it enough, maybe it'll be true . . . Hazel knows she's a lot to take - and frankly, most men aren't up to the challenge. If her army of pets and taste for the absurd don't send them running, her lack of filter and tendency to say exactly th 了解更多
原价 RM 52.90

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会员 RM 47.61 (-10%)

RUTHLESS SAVIOR After years as a lonely double agent, Zeke finally returns to the good graces of his home island of Paradis. Still, the Survey Corps refuses to let him meet Eren–the other ingredient in the earth-shaking weapon– for fear the explosive duo will be impossible to control. Meanwhile, the public responds badly to the military’s open distrust of their hero Eren, and the detention of the Marleya 了解更多
原价 RM 51.95

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会员 RM 46.76 (-10%)

作者 John Green
Soon to be a major Netflix film! It's Christmas Eve and the worst blizzard for fifty years has blanketed Gracetown. But as well as snowflakes, love is in the air - and appearing in the most unexpected ways . . . Who'd have thought a freezing hike from a stranded train would end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger? Or that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow could lead to romance with an old friend? Or that the path to true love begins with a 了解更多
原价 RM 46.50

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作者 Michelle Obama
What's your journey of becoming? Based on Michelle Obama's bestselling memoir, this gorgeous journal features an intimate and inspiring introduction by the former First Lady and thought-provoking questions and prompts to help you discover-and rediscover-your story. 'It's not about being perfect. It's not about where you get yourself in the end. There's power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there's gr 了解更多
原价 RM 79.95

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作者 葛瑞絲
人生不用樣樣好,只要有一點好,一切都會很好! ★★ 葛瑞絲的小宇宙2020年最佳開春獻禮! ★★ 一本給自己和親友最好的禮物書! ★★ 首次公開葛瑞絲可愛小夥伴們的祕密! ★★ 隨書附贈「葛瑞絲的小宇宙全新年度紀念蓋章」。 「嘿,我們一直都在。」 當你一個人赤裸來到這個星球, 有一天,當你感到孤單時, 你要知道,自己不是一個人。 某 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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会员 RM 52.65 (-10%)

Izzy feels invisible. Trapped under the weight of expectation and censored by shame. Her mum Steph and best friend Grace have always been there to save her. But with one under the control of her stepfather and the other caught in the throes of new love, Izzy is falling between the cracks. As threats to her safety grow, Izzy wants to scream. But first she must find her voice. And if the sky is the limit, then the sky is hers. [This book contains material which some 了解更多
原价 RM 46.50

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作者 Hanya Yanahigara
0NATIONAL BESTSELLER - A stunning "portrait of the enduring grace of friendship" (NPR) about the families we are born into, and those that we make for ourselves. A masterful depiction of love in the twenty-first century. NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST - MAN BOOKER PRIZE FINALIST - WINNER OF THE KIRKUS PRIZE A Little Life follows four college classmates--broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition--as they move to New York in search of fame and fortune. Whi 了解更多
原价 RM 54.50

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作者 Marissa Meyer
The final book in the #1 New York Times- and USA Today-Bestselling Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer like you've never seen it before, now with new cover art! As the story draws to a close, our team of fairytale heroines must join forces with wicked Levana's own stepdaughter to stop the evil space queen once and for all--or lose everything. "An interesting mash up of fairy tales and science fiction . . . a cross between Cinderella, Terminator, and Star Wars." --Entert 了解更多
原价 RM 60.90

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作者 Morgan Harper Nichols
A celebration of hope. An encounter with grace. A restoration of the heart. A healing of wounds. An anthem of freedom. This illustrated collection of poetry and prose invites you to stumble into the sunlight and delight in the wild and boundless grace you've been given. Popular Instagram poet and bestselling author Morgan Harper Nichols gives you the ultimate love letter to your mind, heart, soul, and body, reminding you: There is a purpose in every season No matter how y 了解更多
原价 RM 89.50

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作者 Rachel Clarke
What a remarkable book this is; tender, funny, brave, heartfelt, radiant with love and life. It brought me often to laughter and - several times - to tears. It sings with joy and kindness' Robert Macfarlane From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Your Life in My Hands comes this vibrant, tender and deeply personal memoir that finds light and love in the darkest of places. As a specialist in palliative medicine, Dr Rachel Clarke chooses to inhabit a place many people wou 了解更多
原价 RM 74.90

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作者 Helena Fox
Biz knows how to float, right there on the surface-normal okay regular fine. She has her friends, her mom, the twins. She has Grace. And she has her dad, who shouldn't be here but is. So Biz doesn't tell anyone anything-not about her dark, runaway thoughts, not about kissing Grace or noticing Jasper, the new boy. And not about seeing her dad. Because her dad died when she was seven. But after what happens on the beach, the tethers that hold Biz steady come undone. Her dad di 了解更多
原价 RM 56.50

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作者 Charles Yu
Willis Wu doesn't perceive himself as a protagonist even in his own life: He's merely Generic Asian man. Sometimes he gets to be Background Oriental Making a Weird Face or even Disgraced Son, but he is always relegated to a prop. He dreams of being Kung Fu Guy-the most respected role that anyone who looks like him can attain. At least that's what he has been told, time and time again. 了解更多
原价 RM 75.50

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作者 Daniel P. Huerta
In today's complex world, parenting is a tough job. Beyond the difficulties of the changing world we live in, there are also the daily frictions of imperfect people sharing a home together. However, Daniel P. Huerta, Focus on the Family's Vice President of Parenting, offers hope and help for you to become an effective parent.Based on exhaustive research, Huerta presents a collection of seven powerful character traits designed to help parents grow and thrive as they take on th 了解更多
原价 RM 63.90

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作者 Tracy Wolff
Trust no one. Danger, romance and excitement await in the unputdownable and addictive New York Times bestselling sequel to Crave. When she arrived at Katmere Academy, mortal Grace's world turned upside down. Now back at the school, she is haunted by fragments of days she doesn't remember living, as she struggles to understand who, or what, she really is. Finally reunited with Jaxon, Grace begins to feel safe again - until Jaxon's brother, Hudson, reappears with a ven 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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作者 吉妲楠·莨翩莎姆
奇招百出小事一件,考試高分才是一切!   ★台灣影史最賣座的泰國電影!在台上映四周即破億,超越泰國本地票房!   ★榮登第十六屆亞洲電影節開幕片,並同時獲得最佳電影大獎!   ★「爛番茄」網站專業媒體影評人全數給予100%滿分,觀眾評分高達94%!   ★真人真事改編,東南亞文學獎得主吉妲楠.莨翩莎姆親撰電影原著小說!   ■「爛番 了解更多
原价 RM 55.45

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作者 Tracy Wolff
The one you crave is the one who could get you killed. From New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff, Crave is an action-packed and addictive young adult paranormal fantasy - with a bite. The moment she steps foot inside, Grace knows there is nothing normal about Katmere Academy, or the students in it. Her uncle's exclusive and secretive boarding school is the last place she wants to be, but after the tragic deaths of both her parents, she is left with no choice. 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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会员 RM 53.91 (-10%)

作者 Anita Higman , Marian Leslie
God Is Growing You into a Beautiful Woman of Faith How God Grows a Woman of Faith is a devotional designed to enhance your spiritual journey. Featuring more than 200 devotional readings complemented by scripture selections and prayers, this lovely collection offers a powerful blend of inspiration, encouragement, and motivation for every area of your spiritual life. Touching on topics like grace, forgiveness, joy, prayer, relationships, work, and more, you will find yo 了解更多
原价 RM 22.90

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作者 Compiled by Barbour Staff
Grace and Encouragement for Your Anxious Heart "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." --2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV This lovely daily devotional offers just-right-sized readings that are perfect for your busy life. The 365 d 了解更多
原价 RM 37.90

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作者 Balvinder Sandhu
Singapore is often known as a ‘clean’ country and its citizens ‘law-abiding’. However, every once in a while, the island has been shocked by an incident or a crime so unexpected and shocking, it grabs headlines and piques the interest of locals and international press alike. Spanning across all kinds of crimes, this collection has one thing in common – shock value. Cases covered in the book include high-profile ones like the NKF scandal, the City Harvest Church deba 了解更多
原价 RM 74.95

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作者 Adalyn Grace
AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "Fierce and unrelenting...Do yourself a favor and get lost in this beautiful book!" --Tomi Adeyemi, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Children of Blood and Bone Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaids seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice, Adalyn Grace's All the Stars and Teeth is a thrilling fantasy for fans of Stephanie Garber's Caraval and Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass series. She will reign. As p 了解更多
原价 RM 65.90

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作者 Julia Quinn
New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn presents a collection of 'second epilogues' to her bestselling Bridgerton series, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix, and also includes a bonus novella, 'Violet in Bloom', about the Bridgerton matriarch. 'A veritable treat' Daily Mail Once upon a Regency time, an author created a family . . . But not just any family. Eight brothers and sisters, assorted in-laws, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, (not to mentio 了解更多
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作者 Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. Cordelia Carstairs seems to have everything she ever wanted. She’s engaged to marry James Herondale, the boy she has loved since childhood. She has a new life in London with her best friend Lucie Herondale and J 了解更多
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作者 Andy Weir
AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW: from the bestselling author of THE MARTIAN 'If you like a lot of science in your science fiction, Andy Weir is the writer for you. . . This one has everything fans of old school SF (like me) love.' GEORGE R.R. MARTIN 'Brilliantly funny and enjoyable. One of the most plausible science fiction books I've ever read' TIM PEAKE, astronaut 'Weir's finest work to date. . . This is the one book I read last year that I am certain I can recommend t 了解更多
原价 RM 79.90

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作者 Becky Harling
Good parenting depends on good communication. The problem is, we parents tend to over-talk. Not only is this ineffective, it discourages children from sharing what's on their hearts. In this immensely practical book, communications expert Becky Harling shares the best listening practices to transform your family's relationships and set your children up for success, including how to: · help them express their feelings in healthy ways · listen t 了解更多
原价 RM 55.90

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作者 Sarah Kuhn
Celebrated author Sarah Kuhn reinvents the modern fairy tale in this intensely personal yet hilarious novel of a girl whose search for a storybook ending takes her to unexpected places in both her beloved LA neighborhood and her own guarded heart. If Rika's life seems like the beginning of a familiar fairy tale--being an orphan with two bossy cousins and working away in her aunts' business--she would be the first to reject that foolish notion. After all, she loves her fami 了解更多
原价 RM 49.50

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作者 Holly Bourne
Finding your voice. Speaking the truth. Falling in love. All the biggest drama happens in high school... Mean Girls meets To All The Boys I've Loved Before in this hugely relatable high-school takedown from the queen of UKYA. Paige is used to staying quiet in the face of lies. Like how popular girl Grace is a such an amazing person (lie). How Laura steals people's boyfriends (lie). How her own family are so perfect (lie). Now Grace and friends have picked their "best" high- 了解更多
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作者 Dato' Desmond Kong , Datin Grace Chan
原价 RM 68.00

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作者 Stephen King
The eagerly awaited paperback edition of the No. 1 bestselling hardcover featuring a stand-alone sequel to The Outsider, and three additional irresistible novellas. News people have a saying: 'If it bleeds, it leads'. And a bomb at Albert Macready Middle School is guaranteed to lead any bulletin. Holly Gibney of the Finders Keepers detective agency is working on the case of a missing dog - and on her own need to be more assertive - when she sees the footage on TV. But when 了解更多
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作者 葛蕾絲·洛登
  ★名家盛讚、Amazon讀者4.9顆星一致推薦★   我們都曾懷抱夢想,卻不一定有勇氣執行   究竟是目標遙不可及,還是你在面對挑戰前,自動縮減了野心?   你對你自己的了解都是對的嗎?   你知道最能局限自我發展的人,其實是你自己嗎?   行為科學專家提出最有效的執行方法,   利用小步驟完成大格局──   打破自我心理禁錮,助 了解更多
原价 RM 69.30

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作者 John C. Maxwell
What's the single greatest obstacle leaders face in their development, effectiveness, and advancement? Lack of self-awareness! Dr. John C. Maxwell's The Self-Aware Leader will help any leader become more self-aware, focused, and confident. In this short yet insightful volume, you will learn how to: gauge your effectiveness as a leader, make better choices that lead to success, discover and correct your own mistakes, improve your leadership with the team, and make the r 了解更多
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作者 Kim Bo-Young
THE TIMES SCIENCE FICTION BOOK OF THE MONTH 'Her fiction is a breath-taking piece of a cinematic art ... powerful and graceful' - Bong Joon-ho, Oscar-winning director of Parasite 'Dazzling' - The Times A stunning collection of short fiction by one of South Korea's most treasured writers, available in English for the first time. In the title story, an engaged couple working in distant corners of the galaxy plan to arrive on Earth simultaneously and walk down the a 了解更多
原价 RM 58.50

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作者 Jennifer L. Armentrout
In this thrilling conclusion to the Harbinger trilogy, Trinity, who is out of options, brings Lucifer back to the world to fight the Harbinger, a decision that carries disastrous consequences with it. 了解更多
原价 RM 56.50

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作者 Adalyn Grace
The thrilling sequel to instant New York Times bestseller All the Stars and Teeth, called "captivating" by Tomi Adeyemi, "Vicious and alluring" by Hafsah Faizal, and "phenomenal" by Adrienne Young. Now author Adalyn Grace is back with more high seas adventure in All the Tides of Fate, this electrifying fantasy, perfect for fans of Stephanie Garber's Caraval and Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass series. Through blood and sacrifice, Amora Montara has conquered a rebellion and 了解更多
原价 RM 82.50

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作者 Anuk Arudpragasam
SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE - A young man journeys into Sri Lanka's war-torn north in this searing novel of longing, loss, and the legacy of war from the author of The Story of a Brief Marriage. "A novel of tragic power and uncommon beauty."--Anthony Marra "One of the most individual minds of their generation."--Financial Times A Passage North begins with a message from out of the blue: a telephone call informing Krishan that his grandmother's caretaker, Rani, has died 了解更多
原价 RM 59.90

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