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By Annisa Nisfihani
Penyakit super malas Alvan dah slow down sejak couple dengan Arin, gadis yang hobinya mengemas, juga anak pemilik rumah sewa Alvan. Tapi sejak kembali ke rumah mama dan papanya, sikap malas Alvan semakin menajdi-jadi! Diorang tekad nak hantar Alvan ke rumah sewa semula. Entah-entah ni strategi Alvan untuk selalu dekat dengan Arin…? Namun… kisah romantic ni ada roadblock bila Kiki, junior sekolah menaruh hati pada Arin dan dia plan nak rebut Arin daripada Alvan! OMG! Dap Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By Foong Zin Yi
Gadis cun bernama Amanda baru saja pindah sekolah. Cikgu menempatkannya bersebelahan Norman. Namun misteri plaster di pipi kiri si gadis cetuskan tanda tanya! Norman pula tak keruan apabila bersama Amanda. Virus cinta dah menular ke? "Maafkan saya. Saya tahu saya bersalah. Saya ni memang pelupa. Orang penting dalam hidup saya pun saya boleh lupa. Tapi saya betul-betul minta maaf. Saya sanggup buat apa je kalau awak sudi maafkan saya!" Amanda terus bangun dan merenu Learn More
USUAL: RM18.00

NOW: RM 18.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 16.20 (-10%)

By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad adalah Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang paling lama berkhidmat dari 1981 hingga 2003. Sebagai Perdana Menteri, beliau telah berjaya memimpin dan mengurus pelbagai usaha untuk mentransformasi negara dari tahap pertanian yang tidak menyerlah kepada sebuah ‘gedung janakuasa' perindustrian. Sepanjang perjalanan, Dr Mahathir berjaya mengatasi pelbagai cabaran, politik serta ekonomi, domestik dan luar negara. Memang hampir mustahil untuk menyebut pencapaian M Learn More
USUAL: RM20.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 18.00 (-10%)

By 张爵西 , 李慧慧
Sarah从小在纽约长大。因为妈妈工作的缘故,她被送到马来西亚和外公阿根一起生活。阿根住在一个老旧的组屋区里,是个跌打医馆的老医师。面对这个严肃、保守的外公,Sarah感到陌生又抗拒。在这里,她的衣食住行和在纽约的截然不同,加上本着来自大都会的优越感,她总是用高人一等的眼光看待组屋里的邻居,并和阿根反其道而行。 十多年来独自生活的 Learn More
USUAL: RM22.50

NOW: RM 22.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.25 (-10%)

By Lat
USUAL: RM22.90

NOW: RM 22.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.61 (-10%)

By Musimgrafik
对于许多人,历史往往是一对枯燥乏味的日期、条约和帝王将相的伟大事迹。对于马来西亚人,历史书的可读性更加低,因为作者按照应殖民主义者的观点撰写历史。 《季候风相会的土地上》尝试以新风格追述我国的历史,俾开拓一个新境界。这本关于马来文的历史书籍肯定会令读者耳目一新,因为它的可读性不但高,而且又是以趣味的漫画形式呈现给读者。 Learn More
USUAL: RM23.00

NOW: RM 23.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 20.70 (-10%)

By Lat
USUAL: RM23.90

NOW: RM 23.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 21.51 (-10%)

By Lat
More of Lat's wonderful depiction of Malaysian culture and society. Learn More
USUAL: RM23.90

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By Cahaya Ainn
“I don’t have a groom.” “I can be yours…” “Setuju tak?” Sekali lagi Akhbar bertanya. OMG! Adakah Akhbar sedang melamarnya? Ditinggalkan di malam pernikahannya sendiri membuatkan Adalia tekad membawa diri ke bumi Kashmir. Tujuannya hanya satu. Untuk mengubati luka di hati. Namun, dia tak menyangka yang kedatangannya ke Kashmir bakal membuka cerita cinta yang baru dalam hidupnya. Pertemuannya dengan Akhbar yang secara tidak sengaja, berjaya membuahkan bibit ci Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

By Farihah Iskandar
"Suria?" Khairi menarik muffler melitupi sebahagian wajah Suria. "I just need to see your face." Khairi senyum. Rindunya terubat. Okey. Sebelum menjawab panggilan Khairi, Suria melutut. Kepalanya tunduk seolah-olah mencari sesuatu terjatuh di atas pavement. Khairi keliru. "Cari apa tu? Did you drop something?" Suria mendongak dan memandang Khairi. Nampak galak matanya. Dia bingkas berdiri. "Ha! Dah jumpa," serunya. "Apa dia?" Khairi dan Thir serentak bersuara. "My heart. Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

Suatu Enakmen bagi mengadakan peruntukan baru tentang pentadbiran Agama Islam; penubuhan dan fungsi Majlis Agama Islam Selangor, dan perkara-perkara lain yang berkaitan dengannya. *Nota: Buku ini mengandungi kedua-dua versi Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris Mengandungi: Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Negeri Selangor) 2003 Administration of The Religion of Islam (State of Selamgor) Enactmemt 2003 Peraturan-Peraturan Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Fi Perakuan Faraid) 2004 Adminis Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 22.50 (-10%)

Hataraku Maou-sama!! 打工吧!!魔王大人 Season 2(Part 2) JAP/ENG (E / C / M) MgRonald’s best demon lord worker is back, climbing the corporate ladder to become ruler of Earth. But Maou’s plans of domination might need to be put on hold when a small girl claims to be his and Emi’s child! 《打工吧!魔王大人》描述原本即將征服世界的魔王撒旦卻遭勇者擊敗,被迫漂流到異世界「日本」。為了賺取生活費,魔王將三坪 Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 23.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 20.72 (-20%)

Anda selalu resah-gelisah seperti ada kabut dalam kepala? Atau dada sentiasa berdebar menahan rindu-dendam? Rasa tak keruan. Bosan. Ah. Jangan risau. Kami ada penyelesaiannya! DIAGNOSIS: Sakit Hati RAWATAN: 1) Tablet Senyuman Glucose (500mg) 1 biji sebelum makan 3 kali sehari untuk sebulan. 2) Krim Usapan Manja disapu nipis 2 kali sehari pada perut dan dahi untuk sebulan. 3) Ubat kumur Ketawa Gargle 2 kali sehari (bangun pagi dan sebelum tidur) untuk seb Learn More
USUAL: RM28.00

NOW: RM 28.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 25.20 (-10%)

USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By 雪翼
社長欠債被綁、客戶小少爺被擄── 第三人格黑手黨奧格納 ╳ 簽下賣身契打工小弟 聯手出擊!   胡聿透:老闆在你尚未結清積欠工資前,我絕對不會讓你喪命的!   被黑幫組織盯上的壕少爺人身安全委託──   「需要多少,開個價吧!」   胡聿透人生最後悔的一件事(沒有之一)就是誤入偵探社,   第一個案子收不到費用,老闆拖欠薪水, Learn More
USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.51 (-10%)

USUAL: RM33.90

NOW: RM 33.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 33.90 (-0%)

By Abu Yazid El-Bustommy
Kamus ini sesuai dengan namanya al Mukhtar yang bererti pilihan, merupakan kamus yang disusun dengan pemilihan kata-kata secara teliti. Ianya disusun dengan mengambil kata-kata yang disenaraikan dalam Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Kamus ini dilengkapi dengan dua model pemggunaan, iaitu Bahasa Melayu ke Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Arab ke Bahasa Melayu. Bahagian Bahasa Melayu ke Bahasa Arab, mengandungi lebih daripada 7,500 perkataan yang sering digunakan dalam perbualan haria Learn More
USUAL: RM35.00

NOW: RM 35.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.50 (-10%)

By 漢斯·麥克·包姆嘉特納
  康德〈純粹理性批判〉已成為近代哲學,甚至近代文學中的經典;它對近代人的世界觀所造成的影響既深且廣,而且持久不衰。但由於此書之卷帙龐大、質地緊密,讀者常有「不得其門而入」之嘆,故亟需有一部引導性的著作,使讀者能登堂入室,以窺其堂奧。包姆嘉特納教授的〈康德純粹理性批判導讀〉正可滿足此一需求。它是專家為一般讀者所寫的教本 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.40

NOW: RM 35.40 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 31.86 (-10%)

By 威廉.格納齊諾
「被中學開除後,我必須加快腳步成長。也許在這粗暴的過程中,我失去了大部分的青春……」 故事裡的「我」,其實是作家格納齊諾的化身。在這本自傳色彩小說中,他敘述十七歲少年維岡被學校開除後,因緣巧合下過著奇妙的雙重生活。白天,他是工廠學徒,夜晚,幫當地小報社採訪新聞。這個一無所有的夢想家,原本只盼望人生能擁有三樣東西:一個 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

By 威廉.格納齊諾
每個人都想要幸福, 而他,一位失業的哲學博士, 最終在精神病院發現了幸福的起點…… 瓦里希是一個半弔子的藝術家,他做拼貼,畫素描和油畫,他拍電影,他寫詩,甚至還拿到哲學博士學位,但全找不到出路,於是他去洗衣店工作。有一天,瓦里希巧遇研究所同學安格曼,由於安格曼現在已經是社區大學的公關主任,在自尊心作祟下,瓦里希就吹牛 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.75

NOW: RM 35.75 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 32.18 (-10%)

USUAL: RM36.90

NOW: RM 36.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.90 (-0%)

By SIGONO , 月亮熊
「感動全世界的敘事詩。」 台灣首例‧日本權威遊戲雜誌《Fami 通》白金殿堂作品系列作,正式小說化! ☀榮獲第十二屆東南亞國際行動遊戲大獎IMGA SEA最佳敘事獎、2017年台北國際電玩展最佳劇情獎。 ☀攻占全球各大暢銷榜,暢銷 300 萬套,中港台粉絲超過 100,000筆熱烈好評。 ☀重量級推薦,Google、Apple官方編輯全球重點精選☆ ☀日本東京電玩展 Sense of Won Learn More
USUAL: RM38.50

NOW: RM 38.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 34.65 (-10%)

By 游能俊
糖尿病是现代人十大死因之一,你我都需小心。 根据国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)统计全球资料: 每10秒钟有1人死于糖尿病相关疾病;每10秒钟有2人新诊断出患有糖尿病, 罹患糖尿病人口正在快速增加中、也逐渐年轻化,台湾目前约150万人接受治疗中。 让台湾糖尿病权威 ——游能俊医师教你! 做对这些事,你就有机会减低用药量! 预防X保健X饮食X运动X问答,一次跟 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 36.00 (-10%)

【光繪動物】 平面設計師出身的攝影師用光「作畫」,照亮了時間的軌跡。 與一本咖啡桌書的偶然接觸,讓平面設計師戴倫.皮爾森踏上新的藝術路徑。書中一幅1949 年畢卡索作畫時的黑白照片特別吸引他。不過畢卡索在照片中用的並非筆刷,而是以光在空中繪出創作。「我被迷住了,」皮爾森說:「我不禁想,這怎麼辦得到?」…… 【愈活愈年輕】 我們如 Learn More
USUAL: RM40.00

NOW: RM 40.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 40.00 (-0%)

By 池谷敏郎
掀起全日本熱潮,任何人都能隨時在家操作的「健康革命」!   很多人不知道,動脈硬化、癌症、失智、憂鬱症……都和慢性發炎有關,   實際上,慢性發炎,正是體內失火、並持續悶燒的警訊。     本書作者池谷敏郎是日本心血管疾病權威,   他用淺顯的文字及圖解,說明慢性發炎的各種影響,並提供不依賴藥物,   就能阻斷病源、延緩老化 Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

By SIGONO , 月亮熊
  「如果遇到你不是奇蹟,地球在上,靈魂便不曾言語。」   還記得《OPUS 地球計畫》為所有人帶來的感動嗎?   2021年,讓《OPUS 靈魂之橋》再次用故事的溫度,熨燙你的心。   ☀臺灣史上第一次,原創作品勇奪日本遊戲權威《Fami通》白金殿堂榮譽   ☀也是史上第一次,臺灣作品首度闖入Google獨立遊戲大獎決選   ☀國際級重量推薦,Google、App Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.58 (-10%)

DNA is the ninth studio album (eighth in the US) by the Backstreet Boys. The album was first released in Japan on January 23, 2019, and everywhere else on January 25, 2019, through a collaboration with the group's own K-BAHN record label and RCA Records. The album features tracks written by Edei, Lauv, Andy Grammer, Stuart Crichton, Ryan Tedder and Shawn Mendes.This is the group's second album, after 2007's Unbreakable, to neglect involvement from longtime producers and frien Learn More
USUAL: RM47.00

NOW: RM 42.30 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 39.95 (-15%)

By 申東珍
YES24書店2015年度百大,糖尿病書籍銷售NO.1。 作者曾經血糖值高達379 mg/dL, 決心針對每種食物一一測量飯後血糖值, 終於發現了穩定血糖的祕密── 每個人的體質不同,所以降血糖食物也不同! 穀類中毒者(極地體質P型)吃肉類才能降血糖, 肉類中毒者(熱帶體質T型)吃榖類才能降血糖。 病友能夠透過吃對食物、安全地逐步降低藥量、穩定血糖   一、 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

By 石原結實
●加拿大自然醫學醫師 王佑驊博士推薦●   ★日本暢銷百萬冊,十年長銷不墜★   ★7天就能見效的簡易溫熱療法!★   解決疲勞、便祕、肥胖、失眠等小病痛,   改善糖尿病、肝炎、癌症等大病症!共58種常見病症   ▋體寒是生病的主因。   醫學研究證實:   體溫每提高1℃,免疫力增強30%,基礎代謝上升12%。   人體的最佳體溫是 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 44.37 (-10%)

Hot Wheels Car 5-pcs pack Assorted – Free Limited Edition Golden Car FYH09 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.49

NOW: RM 49.49 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.49 (-0%)

By 江守山
是藥三分毒,腎臟科醫師最知道, 慢性病長期吃藥會帶來多少副作用?   ▌國人平均1年看診高達15次,是美國的5倍!   ▌藥越吃越多,劑量越來越重,身體卻越來越差!   「生病了,該怎麼辦?」得到的答案不外乎:看醫生呀、吃藥囉、不舒服不能拖,要及早檢查治療等等的回應。很多人一生病的立即反應,不外乎是找醫生開藥治病。   以三高為 Learn More
USUAL: RM50.80

NOW: RM 50.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 45.72 (-10%)

By 洪聰敏
  歲末年終寫下的「新年新希望」,一不留神就又變成隔年的希望了嗎?   在嶄新行事曆中填滿的新計畫,經常列出的多、完成的少嗎?   為什麼明明許下了目標,失敗率卻總是高得驚人?   你或許落入了「知易行難」、「凡事只有3分鐘熱度」的陷阱之中……   學習新知,是改變的第一步。   知道了更有效的方法、找到了更好的解答,只是發 Learn More
USUAL: RM52.35

NOW: RM 52.35 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.12 (-10%)

By 林穎新
[加班狂人、低頭族、銀髮族的眼球救急保健小知識 ] 讓家庭眼科醫師到你家!教你擺脫惡視力   最近常加班,眼壓重重好疲勞?   重度3C使用者,眼睛血絲明顯又乾澀?   戒不掉的深夜追劇,有感黑眼圈、浮腫、皺紋加深?   空氣汙染嚴重,眼睛老是犯過敏?   孩子用眼方式不佳,視力一落千丈?   OMG!你所忽略的小問題,可能是視力健康的 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.30

NOW: RM 53.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 47.97 (-10%)

By Elizabeth Strout
ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S BEST BOOKS OF 2017 Shortlisted for the Rathbones Folio Prize 2018 An unforgettable cast of small-town characters copes with love and loss from the No. 1 New York Times bestselling and Man Booker long-listed author of My Name is Lucy Barton Recalling Olive Kitteridge in its richness, structure, and complexity, Anything Is Possible explores the whole range of human emotion through the intimate dramas of people struggling to understand themselves an Learn More
USUAL: RM54.50

NOW: RM 54.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.05 (-10%)

Changes is the fifth studio album by Canadian singer Justin Bieber. It was released on February 14, 2020, by Def Jam Recordings and RBMG serving as the follow-up to Purpose (2015).The album contains features from Quavo, Post Malone, Clever, Lil Dicky, Travis Scott, Kehlani, and Summer Walker, with production including Adam Messinger, The Audibles, Boi-1da, Harv, Nasri, Poo Bear, Sasha Sirota, Tainy, and Vinylz, as well as Los Angeles Lakers center and 2x NBA Champion JaVale M Learn More
USUAL: RM54.90

NOW: RM 54.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.41 (-10%)

当磁性的女声与迷人的乐队相遇, 那是见证奇迹的时刻! 蓝岚 第 1 张与乐队合作的唱片! 和蓝岚合作的系列唱片已经出了五张了,《蓝岚的声音》、《砂泪》、《没那么简单的声音》、《听海》、《天空》、分别与阿锋.达日丹.罗璟田几位钢琴高手合作,制作人声为主与钢琴对话的HI-FI唱片。深受音乐爱好者与音响爱好者的热捧。蓝岚充满魅力的声音终 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.90

NOW: RM 55.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 50.31 (-10%)

By 長島壽惠
  ★日本上市一個月內即三刷,實銷量迅速破萬(持續累積中)!   ★作者迄今已舉辦1500場以上健康講座,超過八萬人受惠!   ★不依賴藥物,兩週內就能降低膽固醇與血糖值,改善率高達81%!   ★獨創居家飲食提案及自癒體操,簡單好上手,輕鬆恢復健康。   此外,本書更獨家揭露:   ●衝擊的真相!你所不知道的膽固醇與中性脂肪。 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 詹姆斯·斯圖爾特
心累了嗎?來劑恐龍特效藥吧! ★IG150萬粉絲敲碗求更新、超人氣的恐龍漫畫首度紙本化! ★亞馬遜4.9顆星、Goodreads 4.7顆星高分好評!   歡迎來到厭世診療室──   這裡有和你我一樣,正在探索與體驗複雜人生的恐龍。   透過牠們幽默的對話,你會發現自己不需要完美無缺。   不論你正經歷著什麼,   從這些可愛的小恐龍身上,你會看 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 柯文哲
故事原創 柯文哲 ╳ 繪製統籌 識御者 以急重症外科醫生與台北市長的經歷為本 結合一針見血的柯語錄與原創寫實漫畫 刻畫敢於做自己、勇往直前的「阿北精神」 ☆兼具個人傳記、社會紀實、柯式幽默與勵志的擬人漫畫 他三十五歲當上台大外科加護病房主任,台大醫院史上首位專責重症加護的醫師,引進葉克膜急救,擔任創傷醫學部主任。三十多年外科醫生 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.50 (-0%)

By Pichon Liz
The eleventh title in the bestselling series, from the brilliantly talented Liz Pichon. Here's my EXCELLENT PLAN to make MY band the BEST band in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! How hard can it be? (Very.) Right now I'm going to: 1. Write more songs. (Not about teachers.) 2. Make a SPECTACULAR music video. (Easy.) 3. Get some sleep. (Tricky when you're being kept awake byLOUD NOISES) 4. Annoy Delia. (Nothing to do with the band, but always FUN) ABOUT THE SERIES: Wr Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
OMG, Nikki Maxwell is getting her own TV show! Nikki and her friends were spotted at their school talent show, and now a reality TV crew is following her as she heads for pop stardom. SQUEEE! But having cameras wherever she goes isn't always fun, especially when it's making things awkward with Brandon and MacKenzie keeps trying to steal the limelight... Is TV star one step too far for Queen of the Dorks? With a HUGE global fanbase, Dork Diaries is the perfect series for fa Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By Rachel Renee Russell
OMG! Nikki's birthday party is going to be beyond awesome! Her BFFs are planning a SUPERcool pool party, with a cake, a DJ, and the perfect invitations. Organizing a big party for one hundred people is easy, right? UMMM wrong! When her mum says it's too expensive, soon it's looking like Nikki's dream party will be a total dorky disaster - cringe! Can Nikki and her BFFs come up with a plan to save the day, or will there be major birthday drama?! With a HUGE global fanbase, Do Learn More
USUAL: RM59.50

NOW: RM 59.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.55 (-10%)

By 麥爾荀伯格 , 蘭姆格
  大數據塑造的新型資本主義,滔天浪潮已然來襲,   大數據權威麥爾荀伯格,再次提出他對這波新浪潮的獨到見解。   《大數據資本主義》將深入探究市場機制的演變、   企業面對的挑戰、金錢角色的定位、金融體系的未來、   工作機會的轉變,以及如何因應、並實現社會正義。   從二十世紀的金融資本主義,轉型到二十一世紀的數據資本主 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 李南雨
★靠運氣賺來的錢,最後又靠實力虧光光? 因為你還不知道進場前該回答的10道思考題! (資優生都答錯,你呢?) ★韓國最強國際投資大師李南雨, 延世大學擠爆投資講座首度公開—— 5堂課,選出為你賺錢的好股票! ★獨家揭秘外資腦:外資在想什麼?怎麼選?怎麼買?   李南雨是韓國金融界久負盛名的國際投資專家,曾任美林證券的韓國聯合代 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 麥爾荀伯格 , 蘭姆格
  下一代創新者的突圍策略   web3.0時代   每個人都需要具備的「資料素養」(data literacy)   大數據(巨量資料)時代,資料是創新最重要的原物料!   資料增值的關鍵不在蒐集,而在自由使用和深入分析!   我們需要開放資料存取權,讓人人都能享有數位紅利!   我們這個時代,看似電子產品百花齊放,創意構想層出不窮,   但是與一 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By Thomas Erikson
Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner get your back up? You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was `surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people functi Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)


USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 62.90 (-10%)


USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 62.90 (-10%)


USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 62.90 (-10%)


USUAL: RM69.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 62.90 (-10%)

PRODUCTS ORDERED ARE SUBJECTED TO SUPPLIERS STOCK AVAILABILITY. FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED SHOULD THE PRODUCTS ARE UNAVAILABLE. ESTIMATE DAY(S) OF DELIVERY: 26-30 WORKING DAYS Still on My Mind is the fifth studio album by English singer Dido, released on 8 March 2019 through BMG.It is her first studio album since 2013's Girl Who Got Away. The teaser single "Hurricanes" was released on 12 November 2018.The official lead single "Give You Up" was premiered 22 January 20 Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

Head Above Water is the sixth studio album by Canadian singer Avril Lavigne. It was released on February 15, 2019, through BMG Rights Management. It is Lavigne's first studio release since her self-titled fifth studio album (2013), marking the longest gap between two of her studio albums. She assumed an integral role in the album's production and collaborated with several producers including Chad Kroeger, Stephan Moccio, Chris Baseford, Johan Carlsson, Lauren Christy from The Learn More
USUAL: RM62.90

NOW: RM 62.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.61 (-10%)

By 許書揚 , 林知明 , 金慧婉 , 彭成基 , 柯維華 , 賴遠烽 , 丁蔓玫 , 許慈芳
「接班及傳承」是許多企業都會面臨到的問題 如何為企業選定最適任的接班人、確保順利接班 本書告訴你《尋找CEO接班人》應知的大小事   當一間頗具規模的公司執行長被解僱、離職或退休而沒有成功的接班人時,公司費用會迅速增加,高達七、八位數的資遣費和七位數的獵才服務費均只是開端。之後,董事會成員的介入、專業顧問人士(全部按小時收費 Learn More
USUAL: RM63.15

NOW: RM 63.15 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.84 (-10%)

By Raven Kennedy
Sexy and touching all at the same time . . . and that plot twist, OMG' 5***** Reader Review 'Read this series NOW! I felt like I was in the story watching and holding my breath the entire time' 5***** Reader Review _______ 'I hope you burn so bright that you scorch your Golden King down to ash' After ten years, I have left the grips of one king only to fall into the hands of another. I have fought the terrifying Red Raid Pirates, endured the murder of those I care about, a Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

By Raven Kennedy
THE BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE TIKTOK FANTASY SENSATION THAT'S SOLD OVER HALF A MILLION COPIES, PERFECT FOR FANS OF SARAH J. MAAS AND JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT 'Read this series NOW! I felt like I was in the story watching and holding my breath the entire time' 5***** Reader Review 'Sexy and touching all at the same time . . . and that plot twist, OMG' 5***** Reader Review _________ 'It scares me - what I did that night. Because I don't know my own power . . . But that's been the Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 57.56 (-10%)

USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

本书是一本MG动画制作的基础教学图书,全书分为基础篇、技巧篇、提高篇和实战篇,主要包括MG动画的特点及表现形式、制作MG动画的一般流程、MG动画的商业价值、MG动画常用的几款制作软件、MG动画的设计与技巧、外挂插件及脚本的使用、表达式的使用、物体的基本运动、APP交互动效制作、MG文字动画制作和自媒体开场动画制作等内容。 本书提供扫码资源下 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.00

NOW: RM 69.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.10 (-10%)

By 王冠珉 , 吳錦勳 , 林孟儀 , 胡湘湘 , 黃玉禎 , 謝其濬
成功的第一條件:先有志氣! 無論出身,不管順境或逆境, 有了志氣,就沒什麼可以阻礙你前進!   華人知識界的先行者:高希均(遠見.天下文化事業群創辦人)   台灣綠金企業標竿:陳定川(永光集團創辦人)   國家卓越建設獎年度建築人物:林長勳(將捷集團總裁)   台灣最大專業諮詢服務團隊:賴三郎(KPMG安侯建業資深副總經理)、游萬 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 張懿文
  紐約,這顆大蘋果,多元、充滿活力與新奇,   遊客們忙著逛博物館、吃美食、看百老匯、買精品......   紐約客租著居高不下的房子、看著街頭乞討的街友、忍受著沒冷氣的高齡地鐵......   這樣的矛盾與反差,就是紐約的獨特魅力!   她,不完美,卻很吸引人!   這回,道地紐約客帶你深入最原汁原味的紐約生活!   在中央公園裡望著曼哈 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

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