100th Anniversary Sale
100th Anniversary Sale

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By 芙麗達.麥法登
 這家規矩特別怪──「那個門,不要開」!   但,她絕不當旁觀者,更不打算成為受害者,   剩下的路就只有一條……   蛤??蛤?她回來了?!   報應早晚要來,絕對到府服務   全球狂賣100萬冊《家弒服務》超狂續集   ★攻占《紐約時報》《明鏡周刊》暢銷榜   ★全球最大閱讀網站Goodreads人氣小說,150萬人點評   ★Goodreads閱讀網2023 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

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By Freida Mcfadden
A heart pounding, twisting thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of The Housemaid and The Coworker! One by one, they will get what they deserve... Claire Matchett needs this trip. It will be a break from work and raising children. A chance to repair her damaged marriage. A week of hiking and hot tubbing with friends at a luxurious hotel in the woods, disconnected from the pressures of real life. Then, on a lonely dirt road, Claire's minivan breaks down. With Learn More
USUAL: RM61.50

NOW: RM 61.50 (-0%)

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By 姜桓國
邊上班、邊投資,12年財富自由! 韓國網路書店暢銷,第一名! 量化投資界No.1作家的「資產配置聖經」 擁有「全球投資界三大黄金證書」CFA(特許金融分析師) 與CAIA(特許另類投資分析師)的權威代表作!   ►►作者保證「布局10年,虧損機率為零,絕對獲利!」   ►►「天堂計算機」幫你算!賺多少能提早退休、財富自由   ►►抗通膨、無畏 Learn More
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NOW: RM 83.15 (-0%)

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By 芙麗達·麥法登
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USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

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By Freida McFadden 
WINNER OF THE GOODREADS AWARD FOR BEST CRIME AND THRILLER 2023 As he continues showing me their incredible penthouse apartment, I have a terrible feeling about the woman behind closed doors. But I can't risk losing this job - not if I want to keep my darkest secret safe . . . It's hard to find an employer who doesn't ask too many questions about my past. So I thank my lucky stars that the Garricks miraculously give me a job, cleaning their stunning penthouse with views acr Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

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By 愼盾揆
「我們肉眼看到的80%都是無用的, 唯有用心才能『看見』珍貴的事物!」 華爾街首位盲人證券分析師所傳達的人生奇蹟 ★ 韓國五星書評感人盛讚!★ ──以3年的時間用點字電腦一字一字刻畫…… 重新認識你的人生意義──   他是一名九歲時澈底失去視力的視障者,   為了學習鋼琴獨自前往美國留學,   卻改變未來志向,進入哈佛、麻省理工學院就 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 60.05 (-0%)

By Marcus du Sautoy
How do you remember more and forget less? How can you earn more and become more creative just by moving house? And how do you pack a car boot most efficiently? This is your shortcut to the art of the shortcut. Mathematics is full of better ways of thinking, and with over 2,000 years of knowledge to draw on, Oxford mathematician Marcus du Sautoy interrogates his passion for shortcuts in this fresh and fascinating guide. After all, shortcuts have enabled so mu Learn More
USUAL: RM65.00

NOW: RM 65.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.00 (-0%)

By Freida McFadden
“Welcome to the family,” Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I’ll soon learn that the Winchesters’ secrets are far more dangerous than my own… Every day I clean the Winchesters’ beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

NOW: RM 62.95 (-0%)

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By 潔琪·莫理斯
寫給做夢之人 開卷展夢,讓靈魂鬆弛, 被大自然的愛圍繞。 ────────跨越夢境與現實界限、向自然致敬的枕頭書───────   ★入圍2021年凱特格林威(Kate Greenaway)大獎決選名單。圖像與想像力皆豐富的枕邊書,英國得獎插畫家潔奇‧莫理斯用心之作,鼓勵夢與創意。   ★這本圖文創作,部分發想自日本安平時代女作家青少納言的作品 Learn More
USUAL: RM76.85

NOW: RM 76.85 (-0%)

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By Sophie Cousens
2020's most perfect pick-me-up. Refreshingly romantic and certain to hold a special place in your heart, This Time Next Year is essential reading for fans of Jojo Moyes, Josie Silver and Lucy Diamond. ____________________ 'Heart-warming and unashamedly romantic' RUTH JONES 'Sparkling and uplifting' MHAIRI MCFARLANE 'Every page of this book is perfect' CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN 'Swooningly romantic...I didn't want to put it down' KIRSTY GREENWOOD 'I absolutely loved This Time Next Y Learn More
USUAL: RM59.90

NOW: RM 59.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.90 (-0%)

By Rachel Clarke
What a remarkable book this is; tender, funny, brave, heartfelt, radiant with love and life. It brought me often to laughter and - several times - to tears. It sings with joy and kindness' Robert Macfarlane From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Your Life in My Hands comes this vibrant, tender and deeply personal memoir that finds light and love in the darkest of places. As a specialist in palliative medicine, Dr Rachel Clarke chooses to inhabit a place many people wou Learn More
USUAL: RM74.90

NOW: RM 74.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 74.90 (-0%)

By 高野八重子 , 高野賢治
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USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 73.90 (-0%)

By 亞歷山大‧潘佐夫 , 梁思文
全球獨家一刀未剪中文版 最具權威性毛澤東傳記! 披露首次解密的蘇聯檔案,撥開神化與醜化的迷霧 再現毛澤東作為革命者的激情與權謀, 作為獨裁者的殘暴與盲目, 以及身為丈夫與父親的複雜人性 從青年重視農民運動的革命者,到老年將全中國捲入鬥爭的掌權者 香港科技大學丁學良教授專文導讀推薦 本書特色: ‧透過蘇聯解密檔案,獨家解讀毛澤東與 Learn More
USUAL: RM114.30

NOW: RM 114.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 114.30 (-0%)

By 白亨利(白嗣亨)
前進中國,台灣只剩最後5年的優勢!   想要瞭解中國,你必須先認清台灣優勢!   好好研究服貿協定、ECFA,賺錢的祕密就藏在裡面!   《人民幣來了,新台幣跑了:兩岸達人教你大賺人民幣》   獨家傳授─大賺人民幣的23個潛規則。   讓你掌握大中華未來趨勢,搶得致富先機!   ■ 瞭解台灣優勢,善用本書傳授的23個潛規則,去中國發展就有 Learn More
USUAL: RM35.60

NOW: RM 35.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 35.60 (-0%)

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