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讲述一起长大的四个女孩,成年散落天南海北,但各自人生的一次转折让她们再度重聚成都。面对阔别多年的故乡,她们经历着从不适应到再熟悉的过程,在挫折中找到了事业的新方向,收获了友谊、亲人的抚慰和爱情的美好,最终她们发现,在故乡也能找到人生的无限可能的故事。 Zhang Pei, Gou Dan Dan, Dong Jia Xi and Wu Yun are four girls who grew up together. Zhang Pei is a stri Learn More
USUAL: RM129.90

NOW: RM 116.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 110.42 (-15%)

By Christopher R. Manske
A Wall Street insider draws back the curtain on how financial firms take advantage of individual investors―and delivers the information and insights you need to turn the tables Nationwide brokerage firms have perfected the secrets for how to legally fool the rest of us into giving them our hard-earned money. Written by a renowned leader and financial reform advocate who has seen every trick in the book firsthand, Outsmart the Money Magicians reveals how biased the financi Learn More
USUAL: RM95.00

NOW: RM 95.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 95.00 (-0%)

By 安迪‧史都華‧麥凱
為什麼讀廣告、學設計、 玩時尚、做藝術,一定要認識它? 不只Andy Warhol,普普怪咖如雲 20世紀最吸睛、最多人知道的藝術運動 現代藝術第一課 讀過這本,就像看過一場精心策劃的超級大展 拼貼|拍立得|二創|塗鴉|獨立音樂|龐克|變裝 因他們發揚光大 第一本同時教會你── 賞析必看名作|背後軼事&時代影響|認識今天仍愛玩的頂尖創意 漫威|電 Learn More
USUAL: RM92.25

NOW: RM 92.25 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 92.25 (-0%)

By 陳偉航
進入行銷的花花世界,你可能會迷失方向,摸不著頭緒, 但在這個充滿無限可能、多重創意的浩瀚宇宙中,永遠能發掘出一條全新的路徑! 精選剖析36個經典行銷實例,刺激你我的靈感與感官, 讓最大膽的創意點子從腦袋中迸發吧!   從元宇宙、NFT到AI人工智慧、ChatGPT,   科技為市場與行銷帶來驚奇,運用得當將成為強大利器。   Instagram、Faceboo Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.45 (-0%)

By 麥克·米卡洛維茲
經營事業不能什麼都做, 讓養分流向對的地方,你才能比人茁壯! Amazon類別暢銷第一,上萬讀者相見恨晚的神奇計畫   ★ 商業類傳奇經典!揭露時間與資源老是不夠的根本原因,以及解決之道   ★ 開店接案、大小主管、專業經理人必讀……在各行各業成為No.1的最強工具書   ▍做的事情變少了,業績卻變多了,這才是你要的生活   南瓜這一種古怪 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 64.70 (-0%)

By Kelly Yang
When the coronavirus hits Hong Kong, ten-year-old Knox Wei-Evans’s mom makes the last-minute decision to move him and his siblings back to California, where they think they will be safe. Suddenly, Knox has two days to prepare for an international move—and for leaving his dad, who has to stay for work. At his new school in California, Knox struggles with being the new kid. His classmates think that because he’s from Asia, he must have brought over the virus. At home, Mo Learn More
USUAL: RM49.50

NOW: RM 49.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.50 (-0%)

By Loral Langemeier , Kyle Boeckman
A Wall Street Journal Bestseller Vastly improve your child’s potential for becoming a millionaire by building their financial foundation and literacy—starting at infancy National bestselling author Loral Langemeier and coauthor Kyle Boeckman have been proving for years that it’s possible to raise kids who are smart about money?and that ultimate success is practically guaranteed if it’s done thoughtfully and consistently. Make Your Kids Millionaires lays out t Learn More
USUAL: RM112.50

NOW: RM 59.90 (-47%)

MEMBER: RM 59.90 (-47%)

By 王宏偉
  ◎「線上儲存你的照片」沒人理,改成「線上分享你的照片」半年用戶多5,300萬。   ◎麥當勞廣告「我就是喜歡」(I'm lovin' it),明明沒有「你」字,但你聽了會照做。   ◎同樣一道菜,菜名前加上「本店招牌」,銷量提高18%。   ◎早餐店的店員多問一句「1顆蛋還是2顆蛋?」,營業額竟然多2倍。   那些你本來沒興趣、錢不夠、不需要的商品或 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 70.85 (-0%)

By Xiao Jiangnan
Fires break out one after another in the unmanned warehouses of Plants City. Unmanned transport vehicles, industrial manipulators and other robots fall into chaos and land the city in crisis. Who is the culprit behind this? Is it Solar Flare who just obtains her fire-breathing ability? Or Fanilla who bought a huge-sum insurance policy? Or Bloomerang who disguises himself to enter the unmanned warehouses? Or the secretive Gentleman Zombie? Who is the real manipulator behind th Learn More
USUAL: RM17.50

NOW: RM 17.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 17.50 (-0%)

By 派翠克·范德皮爾 , 賈斯汀·羅奇茲 , 羅蘭·凡能
暢銷經典《獲利世代》顧問團隊最新力作 拆解商業模式核心要素,掌握有效創造新價值的途徑   6大轉型趨力 ╳ 60個商業模式 ╳ 39個個案   洞悉蘋果、BMW、SpaceX、星巴克擁抱趨勢、轉型創新的歷程   發現超越肉類、要塞英雄、Kickstarter抓住機會、提供新價值的方法   你發現顧客變了嗎?你覺得現在穩定的獲利模式可以持續多久?   為什麼新創企 Learn More
USUAL: RM107.65

NOW: RM 107.65 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 107.65 (-0%)

By 蔡恩全
凡購買本書,即可獲得蔡恩全線上課程 《管理實戰法則:CEO的16個私房管理工具與方法》 你是掉進管理苦海的主管嗎? 部屬陽奉陰違,老闆總是給批評不給資源? 每天為了工作精疲力竭,不僅人累心更累。 好不容易爬上主管位置,擔心陣亡的壓力卻像個新人。 這些難題,本書有解。即使沒有鐵血的天性, 用對工具、掌握方法,什麼環境都可以帶出高績效 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.60 (-0%)

By 李丞桓
是什麼,讓演唱會容得下7800萬名觀眾? 是什麼,讓Google、蘋果、Amazon、微軟爭相布局? 又是什麼,甚至讓馬克.祖克柏為公司改名! ――――答案是元宇宙――――   ★NVIDIA執行長黃仁勳:「元宇宙的經濟規模,終將大過實體世界。」   ★臉書創辦人祖克伯:「元宇宙是下一世代的網路。」   ★韓國政府集結三星、LG、KT等大企業成立元宇宙聯盟。 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 70.85 (-0%)

By 葉克飛
  提到德國,你一定知道:   .賓士、BMW、保時捷、愛迪達、RIMOWA行李箱、朗格錶……都是德國品牌;   .哲學家尼采、詩人歌德、音樂家貝多芬和巴哈都出生於德國;   .格林童話故事的故鄉(發源地)在這裡;   .足球隊曾奪得4次世界盃冠軍;   .德國啤酒好喝、豬腳美味、香腸種類超過1500種、做黑森林蛋糕得依照國家標準……    Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.45 (-0%)

By 蓓兒·帕瓦
  「大多數的慢性疾病都來自於體內分泌過多的壓力荷爾蒙。不斷練習呼吸技巧,透過正向的內在自我對話,才能啟動副交感神經,讓身心不再加速暴衝。」──帕瓦博士   「要對抗壓力,最有效的工具就是思想。所以我們要選擇健康的想法,放棄有害的念頭。」──美國心理學家威廉・詹姆斯(William James)   帕瓦博士是北美知名的女性醫學專家,卻 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-0%)

By 黃俊堯 , 黃呈豐 , 楊曙榮
韌性,是什麼? ✔面對瞬變,經營者能夠預測、準備、應對、適應的一種能力 ✔當突發的危機出現,組織能順利挺過風雨、持續成長的力量 ✔不論對社群、組織、個人都是能有效回應高度不確定的特質 韌性,為何重要? 過去企業管理的焦點是競爭策略,如何搶佔市場、打倒對手, 如今變化與挑戰不斷襲來,具備韌性的企業能「轉危為機」, 是現代企業突破 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 61.60 (-0%)

Support latest PD 3.0 Charging technology 4X faster compare to conventional 5V=1A USB Charger Charge from 0% to 50% only 30mins Built-it A Grade 10000mAh High-density Polymer Lithium Battery Support all android and iOS devices, support Nintendo Switch - Full Charge iPhone 11 about 2 times - Full Charge Huawei Mate30 about 1.8 times Simple, Compact ( 93 x 63mm ) and Elegant portable size, weight only 182g 2in1 Dual Fast Charge Mode : QuickCharge 3.0 & PD 3.0 Learn More
USUAL: RM79.90

NOW: RM 79.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 79.90 (-0%)

By Shantanu Nundy
A practical action plan for reinventing healthcare in a post-pandemic world-from a physician-entrepreneur who works with Fortune 500 companies. If the healthcare system were an emperor, Covid-19 tragically revealed that it had no clothes. Healthcare had to adapt, and quickly sparking a dramatic acceleration of virtual care, drive-through testing, and home-based services. In the process, old rules were rewritten and, perhaps surprisingly, largely in a good way for patients. T Learn More
USUAL: RM102.00

NOW: RM 102.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 102.00 (-0%)

By 布魯斯·特克爾
《富比士雜誌》年度十大商業書籍 品牌成功的重點是,當人們想到你的品牌時, 會感覺到幸福美好,認定你無可取代! 任何時刻、任何的身心感覺,都能幫助品牌定義顧客體驗與需求。 「雞皮疙瘩時刻」(goose bump moment), 能引發顧客更深層的享受、參與時的刺激感與臨場感, 雞皮疙瘩是一種催化劑,時刻提醒著顧客:這就是你要的!   在這個體驗即 Learn More
USUAL: RM66.20

NOW: RM 66.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.20 (-0%)

By 葛瑞格利·哈特萊 , 瑪莉安·卡琳屈
Google、臉書、SNS交友軟體,一直在操控人們大腦,你知道嗎?! 超級網紅、百萬元名牌包、蘋果手機,背後的秘密! 把你成功的願望,綁上別人的需求滿足,最容易實現! SERE軍事特種訓練學院、美國情報局、綠扁帽特戰隊都在用的「操控說服術」 14個單項練習+計畫行動方案 ►► 一部最完整的教戰手冊   ◎ 設定「行為基線」,誰在說謊、誰想隱瞞,一 Learn More
USUAL: RM53.90

NOW: RM 53.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 53.90 (-0%)

By 約翰·史德普
唐鳳大聲推崇的工作法 知名企業博世(Bosch)、德鐵、西門子、BMW活化再造 21世紀最具影響力、最適合數位世代的新工作術 一種開放、透明、互連的工作方式,協助個人建立有效人脈、開拓新領域   面對職涯或人生,你是否有以下煩惱:   現在的工作不是自己的志業,提不起勁   想要發展新事業,不知從何開始   渴望培養第二專長,卻沒有時間   Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-0%)

By 史考特·瑞肯斯
日日為五斗米折腰,何時才能財務自由、不被工作綁住? 多數人以為必須先存到千萬,才能退休, 但有一群人,有些甚至是低薪、負債、零存款、打零工…… 三、四十歲就能不為工作而活,擁有被動收入和時間,還在全球掀起一股風潮, 他們是──FIRE理財族!   ★ FIRE運動推手錢鬍子先生(Mr. Money Moustache)專文推薦   ★ 《財務自由,提早過你真正想 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.45 (-0%)

By 佛瑞蒙德·馬利克
  ★杜拉克最推崇的管理學大師   ★歐洲最具影響力的商業思想家最重要的著作   ★頂尖企業不斷修煉的共讀經典   資訊與複雜性大爆發,不斷挑戰極限,   有效與高效是每個人都必須具備的能力,   創造工作與人生的最大價值!   屹立不搖的組織都有相同的模式:有效管理,走在變革之前!   百戰百勝的專業人士的共同能耐:掌握複雜 Learn More
USUAL: RM95.50

NOW: RM 95.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 95.50 (-0%)

By 田中靖浩
  好價格,消費者感動、公司賺裡子;   壞價格,消費者冷漠、老闆沒面子。   電信業者推出「家人通話免費」,看似免費但其實是……   哈根達斯銷售小盒冰淇淋,真正原因是什麼?   吉列刮鬍刀、蘋果手機、美國航空、MBT球鞋、日本7-11超商等,   這些賺錢公司案例的背後,隱藏著高售價、高獲利的祕訣,   你只要學這9堂訂價科學, Learn More
USUAL: RM46.20

NOW: RM 46.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 46.20 (-0%)

By Julia Ayu
MULA-MULA Mr. Red block kereta Elena sampai Elena viral satu Malaysia. “Saya parking tak sampai lima minit. Takkan cik tak boleh tunggu sekejap?” Kali ke dua jumpa mamat tu, di syarikat kak long. Okey, ini salah Elena sebab dia pergi ambush pejabat kak long dan serang Emir Redza aka Mr. Red. “Semalam you tanya manners I, Sekarang I tanya you, mana manners you? Terjah ofis orang sesuka hati.” Kali ketiga jumpa.. Elena ‘dipaksa’ naik BMW yang dia pernah Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 25.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 25.00 (-0%)

By 西川有司
宇宙學大師史蒂芬•霍金最終預言: 人類的浩劫,百分之百降臨! 全球不時出現九級強震、巨大海嘯與極端天氣 毀天滅地的災難撲面而來之前, 我們能否阻止?還來得及嗎?   身處最易受災地區,台灣不可不知的科學真相──   ◆天災的發生,與地球的構造有何關聯?   ◆地球的碳循環系統,究竟出了什麼問題?   ◆氣候異常,真的源於人類的資 Learn More
USUAL: RM49.30

NOW: RM 49.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.30 (-0%)

By 約瑟夫·F·柯佛林
  國際頂尖MIT 年齡實驗室深入研究20年,首部官方調查報告   10億銀髮族 × 15兆美元商機=全球銀光大藍海   設計思考 × 創新思維 × 人本價值 = 美麗老世界   ➤BMW、克萊斯勒、隨選經濟、哈雷機車……何以得到銀髮族青睞?   ➤助聽器、長輩機、吃藥寵物、老人食品……為何不受歡迎?   老花眼鏡業績超越近視眼鏡,成人紙尿布領先嬰兒尿 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-0%)

By Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott
THE DEFINITIVE BOOK ON HOW THE TECHNOLOGY BEHIND BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY IS CHANGING THE WORLD -- MAJORLY EXPANDED WITH NEW MATERIAL ON CRYPTOASSETS, ICOs, SMART CONTRACTS, DIGITAL IDENTITY AND MORE. 'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times in technological, econom Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.95 (-0%)

By 楊寒
  ★ 聯合報繽紛版及FHM雜誌專欄作家,曾獲優秀青年詩人獎、創作領域橫跨輕小說、詩集、散文作家「楊寒」最新力作!   ★《看來你是外星人》、《注定遇見外星人》療癒人心繪師「細雨中」再創新高峰,精心封面繪製!      如果,你喜歡《古書堂事件手帖》、《咖啡館推理事件簿》、《回憶當舖》帶來的感動,那你一定別錯過輕鬆有趣的《小米 Learn More
USUAL: RM30.80

NOW: RM 30.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.80 (-0%)

By 楊寒
  ★ 聯合報繽紛版及FHM雜誌專欄作家,曾獲優秀青年詩人獎、創作領域橫跨輕小說、詩集、散文作家「楊寒」最新力作!   ★《看來你是外星人》、《注定遇見外星人》療癒人心繪師「細雨中」再創新高峰,精心封面繪製!   如果,你喜歡《古書堂事件手帖》、《咖啡館推理事件簿》、《回憶當舖》帶來的感動,那你一定別錯過輕鬆有趣的《小米鹿門 Learn More
USUAL: RM30.80

NOW: RM 30.80 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 30.80 (-0%)

  ☆《華爾街日報》、英國《金融時報》、《財星》、《富比士》、《公司雜誌》專文報導推薦   當代最有影響力的創新大師克里斯汀生最新著作   揭開破壞性創新未解決的關鍵:商機在哪裡?該如何創新?      顧客想要的不是你的產品或服務,而是解決他問題的方案   學會問對問題,改變思考視角,找出顧客真正購買的原因   31個給領導者 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.30 (-0%)

By Susan Williams
The true story of a love which defied family, Apartheid, and empire - the inspiration for the major new feature film A United Kingdom, starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike London, 1947. He was the heir to an African kingdom. She was a white English insurance clerk. When they met and fell in love, it would change the world. This is the inspiring true story of Seretse Khama and Ruth Williams, whose marriage sent shockwaves through the establishment, defied an empi Learn More
USUAL: RM54.95

NOW: RM 54.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.95 (-0%)

By Kathleen Glasgow
A Barnes & Noble Best Young Adult Books of 2016 , A New York Public Library Best Books for Teens in 2016, An Amazon Best YA Books of 2016 Charlie Davis is in pieces. At seventeen, she's already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she's learned how to forget it through cutting; the pain washes out the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. She doesn't have to think about her father or what happened under the bridge. Her best friend, Ellis, who is gone forev Learn More
USUAL: RM47.00

NOW: RM 37.50 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 37.50 (-20%)

By Edward Tse
In China's Disruptors, Edward Tse takes an unprecedented inside look at rapidly emerging Chinese entrepreneurs and their game-changing impact on both China and the world. In September 2014, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba raised $25 billion in the world's biggest ever initial public offering. Since then, millions of investors and managers worldwide have pondered a fundamental question: what's really going on with the new wave of China's disruptors? Over the past two de Learn More
USUAL: RM63.95

NOW: RM 63.95 (-0%)

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By 大岩俊之
  教你如何用一張紙做筆記、一眼抓住重點   讓心智圖幫你做整理,使閱讀變得快速、思考清晰,   增加理解與記憶、助於創新的想法,提升工作能力。      所有成功人士的共同點:大量閱讀     閱讀是如此的必要,想要成功,那就別再找捷徑了!從最簡單最重要的閱讀做起吧      最厲害的心智圖K書術,不用從頭看到尾,還能快速抓到 Learn More
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By Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott
'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft Corporation 'What a spectacular book. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity. It makes me think we're at one of those times in technological, economic and social history where the sky is the limit' Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer and Chief Scientist at Prima Data 'The Tapscotts have written the book, literally, on how to survive and th Learn More
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By 鄭華娟
  這裡有德國人的堅強,也有德國人的軟弱。   重要的是,能從錯誤中學習的意志。      第一手的觀察,懇切剖析   「因為了解人性弱點才得以強大」的「德式意志」!      旅居德國20多年,鄭華娟總是能在看似平常的生活中,發掘出意想不到的小故事,細膩的觀察與幽默的筆調,讓人彷彿親臨現場。在《溫柔的心,強大的力量》一書中 Learn More
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By Jeffrey Gitomer
The Sales Bible softbound NEW EDITION WITH SOCIAL MEDIA ANSWERS Global sales authority Jeffrey Gitomer's bestselling classic, The Sales Bible, has been updated and appended in this new edition, offering you the ultimate sales methods and strategies that really work every day, in real-world selling situations. With over 200,000 copies of the previous editions sold, The Sales Bible was listed as one of "The Ten Books Every Salesperson Should Own and Read" by the Dale Carnegie S Learn More
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By 傑佛瑞.摩爾
  全球頂尖的高科技策略大師摩爾   繼暢銷著作《龍捲風暴》、《跨越鴻溝》後最新力作   市場轉型不等人!   不等你的顧客,不等你的合作夥伴,不等你的競爭對手。不等你。   時間一到,若你還沒轉換到正確的軌道,   就像被留在沒有終點的末班車上。   企業要不被變動的市場淘汰,必須適時的開發、轉換成長軌道,   換軌,需要眼 Learn More
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By 克里佛.納斯 , 嚴碩麗
各方名家熱情推薦,本書當然值得你搶先閱讀!   你不能不知道,電腦已取代狗兒,成為人類最好的朋友,電腦更是我們成功發展人際關係與社交網絡的最佳學習對象!   搞好人際關係很簡單,如果連電腦都辦得到,你肯定也沒問題!   透過研究寶馬汽車(BMW)的全球定位系統、微軟公司的「Clippy」小幫手(史上最被痛恨的漫畫角色),以及讓人對著 Learn More
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By Stephen J. Dubner , Steven D. Levitt
Steven Levitt, the original rogue economist, and Stephen Dubner have spent four years uncovering the hidden side of even more controversial subjects, from terrorism to shark attacks, cable TV to hurricanes. The result is Superfreakonomics. It reveals, among other things: - Why you are more likely to be killed walking drunk than driving drunk - How a prostitute is more likely to sleep with a policeman than be arrested by one - Why terrorists might be easier to track dow Learn More
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By Michael Gill
A candid, moving and inspirational memoir about a high-flying business man who is forced to re-evaluate his life and values when he suddenly loses everything and goes to work in Starbucks. Michael Gill had it made. He was educated, wealthy and well-connected. He had a creative and lucrative advertising job, which he loved and which he was good at, and a model family and home life. Then he loses it all. He is fired by a young exec whom he had mentored. He Learn More
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By Haruki Murakami
A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami's international reputation. It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company's advertisement. What he doesn't realise is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has Learn More
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