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By Leigh Bardugo
Find a gateway to the underworld. Steal a soul out of hell. A simple plan, except people who make this particular journey rarely come back. But Galaxy "Alex" Stern is determined to break Darlington out of purgatory?even if it costs her a future at Lethe and at Yale. Forbidden from attempting a rescue, Alex and Dawes can't call on the Ninth House for help, so they assemble a team of dubious allies to save the gentleman of Lethe. Together, they will have to navigate a maze of Learn More
USUAL: RM65.90

NOW: RM 65.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.31 (-10%)

By  Thomas Hertog
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Stephen Hawking’s closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar’s final thoughts on the cosmos—a dramatic revision of the theory he put forward in A Brief History of Time. “This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos.”—Lord Martin Rees Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his e Learn More
USUAL: RM72.95

NOW: RM 72.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 65.66 (-10%)

Dr. STONE 新石纪 New World Season 3 JAP/ENG (E / C / M) With the ambitious Ryuusui Nanami on board, Senkuu Ishigami and his team are almost ready to sail the seas and reach the other side of the world—where the bizarre green light that petrified humanity originated. Thanks to the revival of a skillful chef, enough food is being prepared for the entire crew, and the incredible reinvention of the GPS promises to ensure safety on the open sea. Preparations for the upcomi Learn More
USUAL: RM49.90

NOW: RM 44.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 39.92 (-20%)

By  Professor Brian Cox
At the heart of the Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole 4 million times more massive than our Sun. A place where space and time are so warped that light is trapped if it ventures within 12 million km. According to Einstein, inside lies the end of time. According to 21st-century physics, the reality may be far more bizarre. Black holes lie where the most massive stars used to shine and at the edge of our current understanding. They are naturally occurring objects, the in Learn More
USUAL: RM69.95

NOW: RM 69.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.96 (-10%)

LEVEL 1 DAKEDO UNIQUE SKILL DE SAIKYOU DESU 雖然等級只有1級但固有技能是最強的 VOL.1-12 END (DVD) Sato Ryota, a salaryman working for an exploitative company, suddenly finds himself inside an unfamiliar dungeon in a strange world where monsters drop all sorts of items as loot. With the help of a girl he happens to run into named Emily, he's able to check his own stats... and finds that all of them, both physical and magical, are at rank F (the weakest)! What's Learn More
USUAL: RM39.90

NOW: RM 35.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 31.92 (-20%)

By Earth Defence Squad
The male lead, Adrian Miller, is a marine biologist who loves aquatic life. He protects and does research about marine life together with fellow marine biologist, Evelyn Brooks. Unintentionally, they get caught up in a bizzare event where a whale is ravaged by an unidentified sea creature. In order to find out the truth and prevent further destruction, they decide to dive into the cold, dark sea. What terrifying sea monster awaits them? Will they be able to escape alive? Learn More
USUAL: RM15.50

NOW: RM 15.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.95 (-10%)

OSHI NO KO 我推的孩子 JAP/ENG (E / C) “在演艺圈里,谎言就是武器。 ” INTRO1 在小城市工作的妇产科医生•吾郎,有一天他所推的偶像“B小町”出现在了他的面前。“B小町”有着一个禁忌的秘密。 如此这般的两人实现了最糟糕的相遇,从此命运的齿轮开始转动—— INTRO2 天才偶像•爱死了。留在世上的双胞胎妹妹露比憧憬着母亲而踏入了演艺圈。而哥哥阿库亚 Learn More
USUAL: RM29.90

NOW: RM 29.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 26.91 (-10%)

By 吳悅
  ◎我的公司在市場上不太有名,怎麼寫徵人廣告,才會吸引人來面試?   ◎解僱是老闆的決定,卻由人資(或主管)扮黑臉,怎麼做才不引起勞資爭議?   ◎面試時說自己一身本事,進公司後樣樣出事,這種人可以從履歷先判斷嗎?   ◎員工離職理由總是千奇百怪,如何旁敲側擊得知真正原因?   主管天天面對的大小事,幾乎都是「人」的事, Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 鄭建斌
  漢高祖劉邦有八個兒子,他怎麼選太子?   他就觀察,在野的賢人最常跟哪個兒子一起吃飯。   想成就大事的人,要明白「怎麼好好參與」飯局與聚會,   不浪費時間、不虛擲情感,把負面的事情變正面,收穫滿滿。   聚會,是建立「人情」最重要的關鍵。而成就好事的飯局,該怎麼吃?   如何讓重要的人記住你?越是敵人越要一起吃飯,為 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

Tonikaku Kawaii 总之就是很可爱(Season 1+2) JAP/ENG (E / C) Having grown up ridiculed for his bizarre name, Nasa Yuzaki strives to be remembered for something more. Fortunately, it seems he's on the right path, ranking first in the nation's mock exams and set to enter his high school of choice. However, everything changes in a single night when he notices a girl across the street on his way home. Enraptured by her overwhelming cuteness, it's love at first sight for N Learn More
USUAL: RM45.90

NOW: RM 45.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 41.31 (-10%)

Otonari ni Ginga 邻人似银河 JAP/ENG (E / C) Ichirou Kuga has suddenly found himself taking on the responsibility of caring for his two younger siblings after their father's untimely death. To make ends meet, Ichirou rents out rooms in the apartment complex he inherited and works full-time as a shoujo manga artist. However, his manga sales are low, his assistants have recently left, and deadlines are fast approaching. As stress threatens to overtake Ichirou, salvation Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 25.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 23.31 (-10%)

By 李海鎭
  ◎血糖監測市場有多大?只要準確度高1%,就能主宰125億美元的商機。   ◎測量阿茲海默症發病可能性的生物標記即將商業化,勝者將改變業界排名。   ◎黃斑部病變、視網膜下纖維化、禿頭無藥可解?美國已進入臨床一期。   ◎癌症的曙光?生技公司Arvinas已針對抗癌藥物的抗藥性取得臨床結果。        在全球首次公開募股(IPO)項目中 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By The 株鬼
  ◎別人逢低買進,我卻等股價創新高才進場。因為均線不斷創新高的股票賺最大。   ◎別人關心股價,我卻盯成交量。量大的股票才會漲。   ◎失手看錯行情就停損,連續停損三次,代表你亂了套,不如先回家睡覺。   ◎日線、週線、月線哪條線最準?25日均線,最快看出市場走向。   株,是日文的股票,株鬼,就是股票操作的專家。   作者T Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By 原田ひ香
  熱銷90萬本暢銷書《3千日圓的使用方法》   作者原田ひ香最新力作,上市5天立刻再版!   家庭主婦葉月美津穗,為了實踐旅行的夢想,盡可能節省生活開銷。   背著學貸的水野文夫,在居酒屋打工兼賣「外匯投資交易」課程教材。   在股市中慘賠的野田,欠了一屁股債,被迫離開畢業後的第一份穩定工作。   還有,擔任開運錢包顧問的善財 Learn More
USUAL: RM66.20

NOW: RM 66.20 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 59.58 (-10%)

By Dolly Alderton
What I learnt from sharing my most private pain with a semi-professional problem-solver was that the mere act of asking for help was, in itself, healing. It was as if I had crept down to the docks under cover of darkness and floated a message out in a bottle, imagining how it might be received. By writing it, I was acknowledging that someone might care about me; that they'd be able to say the right thing without knowing me. Because I was feeling something that other people ha Learn More
USUAL: RM62.95

NOW: RM 62.95 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 56.66 (-10%)

By 黃鼎翎
  專業公關到底在做啥?什麼樣的業主或個人需要公關服務?   公關、廣告、行銷到底哪裡不一樣?   如果我想進入這一行,哪些準備很重要?   60位行銷界意見領袖,首度聯合推薦   華人創意教父包益民封面策劃   ◎公關最高招,用議題就能改變消費者行為,不用花大錢買廣告。   ◎記者會怎麼開才有效?記者先生小姐不是你想請他就來 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 喬安娜·芭爾許
  ◎現在的工作就這麼做一輩子嗎?有方法能讓你找對志向!   ◎主管給我的考績不好,我該憤而離職還是找機會逆轉?   ◎上司要我改掉我熟悉的工作模式,他不信任我了嗎?該怎麼辦?   ◎我很不喜歡搞人際關係那一套,這樣能帶人當主管嗎?   ◎不必因為公司裡的討厭鬼們而辭職,有簡單方法對付。   任職麥肯錫超過30年的資深顧問告訴 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 杉森秀則
  ◎比稿這件事很殘酷,只有第一名才有報酬,所以勝率很重要。   ◎不是所有浮現腦海的思緒,都稱為點子。   ◎找大家一起腦力激盪?抱歉,想點子這件事,只能靠自己。   ◎光坐在家裡想,沒有用。先找一面白牆,當作你的第二大腦。   本書作者杉森秀則,曾在日本NHK擔任節目導演,   成為獨立接案的廣告導演後,比稿卻屢屢失敗,   Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 朴成得 , 姜鎬
  ◎不要任意打量人,憑此給人差別待遇的店家,客人不會來第二次。   ◎勤勞不代表有飯吃,你的動作還得比別人快兩倍,速度是種競爭力。   ◎選股票跟選工作一樣,升遷機會、薪水高低、穩定性,你通常無法兼得。   ◎大腦會騙人,身體不會。最好的學習法就是用身體記憶。   本書作者姜鎬,原是出版社編輯,任職14年後突然「被離職」, Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 奧利維耶·拉斯卡
  ◎火箭發射後可回收──馬斯克辦到了,還將火箭回收船取名「我還愛著你」。   ◎將特斯拉送上太空的影片,引爆熱議。他卻只在車子儀表板寫「免驚」。   ◎他曾說,火星殖民可在10年內展開;但前提得是:「你準備好要死了嗎!」   ◎如果你對他的創新嗤之以鼻,他會狠嗆你:「是哪條物理定律阻止我這樣做?」   他就是被眾多科學、 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By Peter Lee , Carey Goldberg , Isaac Kohane
AI is about to transform medicine. Here's what you need to know right now. ''The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the personal computer. It will change the way people work, learn, and communicate--and transform healthcare. But it must be managed carefully to ensure its benefits outweigh the risks. I'm encouraged to see this early exploration of the opportunities and responsibilities of AI in medicine.'' --Bill Gates Just months ago, millions of people Learn More
USUAL: RM138.21

NOW: RM 138.21 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 124.39 (-10%)

★最完整、最在地、最實用的電商專書★ 無論你要斜槓創業、數位轉型、轉單獲利…… 12大關鍵點 × 100道難題 × 35,000家實戰經驗, 一本在手,讓你成為電商高手!   ★ 一次解決100道經營電商一定會遇到的難題   ★ 台灣三大電商系統商CYBERBIZ資深開店顧問及行銷團隊親自傳授   ★ 電商人必備!實務上最完整的電商教戰守則,有技法更有思考   ★ 特 Learn More
USUAL: RM69.30

NOW: RM 69.30 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 62.37 (-10%)

By 駭客大學PESO
  上市就狂銷7萬冊,   自創YouTube頻道駭客大學(ハック大学)訂閱人數超過二十五萬。   其中一支「頭腦不好的人都在想什麼」,點閱率破百萬。   ◎把產品說明的再詳細,不如這一句「這東西對你的好處是……」。   ◎面對客戶抱怨,千萬別說「下次會改進」,聽起來就是在敷衍。   ◎資料不要順著念,講一半就好。好事壞事都要說,只是 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 田中靖浩
  ◎義大利人超愛記帳,逼得愛借錢又愛賴帳的達文西只能「跑路」。   ◎法國大革命如何引爆?國家財報一公開,豪奢的路易十六就上了斷頭臺!   ◎看財報找股票──價值投資並非巴菲特首創,19世紀鐵路狂就這樣選標的。   說到會計,一般都會從「簿記與財務報表的基礎」開始,   但這麼枯燥的談法,很多人根本看不下去。      本書 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.31 (-10%)

Forensic pathologist, Philip McGee, is fyn loving by nature. However, once hef gets to work,he becomes extremely professional. He assists female detective, Charity Taylor, in investigating a bizarre murder case. While doing the autopsies and laboratory tests, he finds human parts of unknown origin on each of the victims. Philip suspects that the murders are connected when he finds the victims all died in the same manner. Can Philip find the serial killer through the forensic Learn More
USUAL: RM15.50

NOW: RM 15.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 13.95 (-10%)

By 賈寧
  ◎公司的產品都大賣,年底時會計卻透露老闆沒錢發年終?   ◎一家公司是真獲利、或只是財報顯示獲利,你看得出來嗎?   ◎成本控制很重要,但過度控制,會削弱公司發展,看諾基亞的起落就知道。   ◎公司債臺高築,股東卻誇獎管理層很會賺,理由是?   1984年,35歲的張瑞敏接手海爾家電,當時的海爾是快倒閉的小工廠,   2016年,海 Learn More
USUAL: RM73.90

NOW: RM 73.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 66.51 (-10%)

By Ismim Putera
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, year: 1998. Seng Boo, 16, has a hard time adjusting to life in the squalor of the warehouse he shares with his family and relatives near the pig farms. The recurring nightmares of fires in the warehouse, coupled with other bizarre scenes continue to distress him. Meningitis, dengue fever, and Japanese encephalitis had all contributed to a sudden spike in cases of respiratory illness in the area. The incidence rates kept rising despite widespread Learn More
USUAL: RM38.00

NOW: RM 30.40 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 30.40 (-20%)

By Chow Ee-Tan
Chow Ee-Tan had her first onset of bipolar syndrome at 15. From then on, she had walked through peaks and valleys due to her mood swings, extraordinary and even bizarre experiences that she otherwise woud not have encountered: from dropping out of school to false and failed romances to twice-warded in psychiatric hospitals. Her first book `An Elated State of Mind: Memoir of a Bipolar Person’ is written with brutal honesty and forthrightness, as Ee-Tan shares her life journe Learn More
USUAL: RM25.00

NOW: RM 20.00 (-20%)

MEMBER: RM 20.00 (-20%)

By 藍白拖主力
  ◎哪種股票最好賺?電子、航運?獲利最穩的其實是吃喝玩樂股。   ◎想搶短線,請先搞懂撞球原理第一條:慣性。   ◎選股6字訣:你有、你能、你要,這6個字比看財報、看線圖更重要。   ◎想賺快錢,可以玩抽抽樂,成本只要20元;只想穩穩賺,就挑季季配。   本書作者郭靖新,大學時不論上課、吃飯、外出購物,   都是穿著一雙藍白拖 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 今井晶也
  日本亞馬遜排行榜第一名,出版三天馬上再版!   每年1萬5,000人搶著學,課程價值50萬日圓的業務技巧。   ◎被客戶拒絕時,別忙著沮喪,先分析他不買的理由。   ◎最強成交話術:「我沒記錯的話,誰誰誰也有這樣的困擾。」   ◎每次打電話過去,總回我:「抱歉,他不在公司」的總機,如何突破?   本書作者今井晶也,是日本最強代銷公 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 松浦彌太郎
  ◎39歲前,就算有錢也別放太多在戶頭。   ◎領高薪的關鍵不是努力,而是你能替多少人創造感動。   ◎如何讓金錢喜歡你?信用是本質,還有耐心,因為這事無法速成。   本書作者,松浦彌太郎,被譽為「全日本最懂生活的男人」,   他高中就輟學,在完全不會半句英文的情況下,隻身前往美國流浪。   回國後,他把在美國蒐集到的舊雜誌 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 石川和男
  日本最強時間管理大師,相關著作累積銷售突破30萬本!   ◎主管請你抄一份A4大小、約一千字的文件,怎麼處理才能最快完成?   ◎工作太複雜不知從何處下手?試試碎冰錐工作術,你會馬上想動手。   ◎本來排好的工作節奏,一直被主管、同事或電話打擾,怎麼避開?   ◎這工作到底歸緊急還是重要?主管的判斷跟我不一樣,怎麼區分才對 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 拉·烏盧·胡 , 鈴達·布乃爾
人類圖國際總部 Jovian Archive 唯一官方授權定本 認識人類圖最權威、最完整的一本書 人類圖祖師爺& 和國際人類圖學院(IHDS)院長合著 亞洲人類圖學院負責人喬宜思(Joyce Huang)翻譯、審定 解開你的基因密碼圖, 理解自己的設計,活出獨一無二的人生   「人類圖系統不是一個信仰體系。它不會要求你信奉什麼。它既不是故事,也不是哲學。它是具體 Learn More
USUAL: RM135.50

NOW: RM 135.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 121.95 (-10%)

By Yasunari Nagatoshi
Isamu and Zombie Boy once again find themselves in a bizarre world where anything is possible! Even zombies can catch colds! Follow Isamu and Zombie Boy as they enter a building full of traps, where a prize money awaits anyone brave and lucky enough to make it to the top! There is never a boring moment with our favourite Zombie Boy! Learn More
USUAL: RM43.70

NOW: RM 43.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 39.33 (-10%)

By 金範俊
  ◎一樣的學歷、一樣的努力,有人被認可,有人不受肯定,差別在於?   ◎你明明很有實力,同事卻不想跟你共事,公司也不想挽留,問題出在哪裡?   ◎某同事從不犯錯,另位同事出過一次大包,後者卻被重用,為什麼?   何謂工作的DNA?就是主管、同事對你的評價遠高於你真正的實力。   這種DNA是天生的嗎?當然不是。現在培養絕對來得及 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 黃安明 , 晏少峰
  ◎「元宇宙」是全新概念嗎?其實30年前科幻作品《潰雪》已有預言。   ◎元宇宙時代人人都有分身,一個真我、一個假我,哪個我說了算?   ◎元宇宙中有金錢交易,但財產被盜怎麼辦?可以在真實世界找對方要嗎?   ◎你聽過「造夢者」這職業嗎?以後將取代建築師,幫你在元宇宙蓋自己的家。   什麼是元宇宙(Metaverse)?   就是Meta( Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

息兰一族被人灭族,受到举族保护的息山神女万年后重生成天界低阶仙女小兰花,无意间复活了困于昊天塔的月尊东方青苍。为获得自由,东方青苍要牺牲小兰花的神女之魂解开身上咒术封印,在此过程中,断情绝爱的东方青苍却爱上了温顺可爱的小兰花。 The fearsome Lord Devil, Dong Fang Qing Cang once wrought utter chaos in the realm of gods, defeating entire clans and vanquishing all of h Learn More
USUAL: RM129.90

NOW: RM 129.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 116.91 (-10%)

By 瑪麗安·薩爾茲曼
  繼1982年美國作家約翰.奈思比的《大趨勢》、   2002年彼得 .杜拉克的《下一個社會》之後,   時隔20年最受重視的全球前瞻預測。   世界,會變成什麼模樣?   媒體追著印度神童,但,大企業悄悄的相信她。   ◎某種形式的加密貨幣,即將取代美元,成為全球儲備貨幣。   ◎下一個需要解決的生態問題,是水資源短缺,各國恐將為此 Learn More
USUAL: RM76.85

NOW: RM 76.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 69.17 (-10%)

By 草食系投資家LoK
  ◎朋友布局鋼鐵人概念、同事搶搭航運海盜船,我膽子小,都不敢碰,怎麼辦?   ◎定期定額、ETF、基金……投資商品很多,哪個適合心臟弱的我?   ◎通膨越來越嚴重,好想在薪水之外每月多賺點零用錢,賺兩、三萬就好。   作者草食系投資家LoK,曾在金融機構工作16年,之後成為專業投資人。   2000年開始投資股票,在經歷金融風暴後,一改 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By 王宏偉
  ◎「線上儲存你的照片」沒人理,改成「線上分享你的照片」半年用戶多5,300萬。   ◎麥當勞廣告「我就是喜歡」(I'm lovin' it),明明沒有「你」字,但你聽了會照做。   ◎同樣一道菜,菜名前加上「本店招牌」,銷量提高18%。   ◎早餐店的店員多問一句「1顆蛋還是2顆蛋?」,營業額竟然多2倍。   那些你本來沒興趣、錢不夠、不需要的商品或 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JOJO的奇妙冒险 JAP(LIVE MOVIE) E / C / M Late 19th century. Young, handsome and wealthy English noble-man Jonathan Joestar seems to have everything people crave for. His lowly-born adopted brother Dio Brando. brought into the family by Jonathan's father George, is particularly jealous of Jonathan. When Jonathan found out Dio's horrible secret, he tried to use an stone mask that looks like a torture instrument to kill Jonathan. who's into archae Learn More
USUAL: RM139.90

NOW: RM 125.91 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 111.92 (-20%)

By 喬·納瓦羅 , 東妮·斯艾拉·波茵特
《FBI教你讀心術》銷售排行榜冠軍、年度十大影響力好書, 國防大學、安泰人壽、永豐餘、三商美邦、彰師大輔諮系……指定必讀, 《聯合報》、《商業周刊》、《今周刊》、《壹週刊》專文報導。   作者納瓦羅曾親自來臺傳授FBI讀心術,連兩場大爆滿,   掀起臺港兩地讀心術系列風潮。   相關系列作《FBI套話術,讓他不知不覺說真話》、   《FBI Learn More
USUAL: RM61.45

NOW: RM 61.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.31 (-10%)

By 林義儐
  ◎想抓住有錢客戶,你得先懂吃,特別是清蒸魚。   ◎高資產客戶很敏銳,他們會觀察你如何待人。發現你不誠實,他們馬上走人。   ◎隱私至上,特別是富豪,你在社群媒體上要非常小心,不能透漏客戶訊息。   作者林義儐,曾在世界前幾大賭場,包括皇冠、星億,擔任業務副總裁,   他的工作,是向身價上億的高資產者,推銷博弈度假村活 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

Plurality is an action-packed whodunnit cyber thriller. After a bizarre bus accident, Ming Ze awakens from a coma to discover that his mind now shares the consciousness of four fellow passengers -- all of them dead; all of them suspects in a serial kidnapping and murder case. To prove his own innocence, Ming evades capture by the police and tries to track down the killer's only surviving victim. But in order to unmask the murderer's true identity, Ming must first fight the mo Learn More
USUAL: RM21.90

NOW: RM 21.90 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 19.71 (-10%)

By 本丸諒
  ◎用哪個關鍵字當書名比較能賣,統計可以幫你找答案。   ◎美國前總統歐巴馬2008年能勝選,就是將「隨機對照」搬到網路上測試。   ◎美國沃爾瑪發現,把啤酒放在嬰兒紙尿布旁,銷量會提升,就是靠統計分析。   ◎對全民進行PCR普篩,可以有效杜絕疫情嗎?統計學家算給你看。      提到統計學,商學院學生馬上會告訴你,天呀,這根本是 Learn More
USUAL: RM70.85

NOW: RM 70.85 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 63.77 (-10%)

By Air Team
Asked to Withdraw Themselves From The Bureau, But Why? Grappling with a cryptic request, our heroes scour the world in search of the secretive scientist's secluded sanctum! At a loss as to where to begin, Rain, Sean, Stone, and Jake ponder Director Michio's advice, wondering if an elusive truth lies at the core of the old man's words! Focusing on sites of bizarre biological breakthroughs, they boldly go where they've never been, to where an elusive mutant lies in wait! All t Learn More
USUAL: RM12.00

NOW: RM 12.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 10.80 (-10%)

By 印海旭
  全球ETF投資績效最好的前20名,ESG ETF竟然就占了10檔!   臺灣2021年定期定額排行榜中,前10名有3支ESG ETF上榜,   ESG到底是什麼?為什麼會這麼火紅?      臺灣標榜「ESG」的ETF有6檔,分別是:   富邦公司治理(00692)、元大臺灣ESG永續(00850)、   國泰永續高股息(00878)、永豐台灣ESG(00888)、   中信關鍵半導體(00891)、中信小資高價30 Learn More
USUAL: RM75.45

NOW: RM 75.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.91 (-10%)

By 藤野英人
  ◎這家公司的財報數字一直都很棒,怎麼會突然出現重大衰退?   ◎經營者經常上媒體接受訪問,很多名人政要朋友,這種公司是好標的嗎?   ◎為什麼老闆有自卑情結是好事,強勢發言反而要小心?   想知道一家公司的股票能不能買,除了一家一家看財報,還可以觀察什麼指標?   有沒有比讓人頭昏眼花的財報數字,更領先的判斷依據?   Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By 金政煥 , 金利晏
上市不到一年暢銷超過10萬冊, 榮登韓國各大書店排行榜第一名! YouTube累積觀看數高達6千萬次, 韓國散戶最信賴的投資導師第一名!   在韓國股市,小型個人投資者(散戶),被稱作「螞蟻」,   而在散戶之中,能滾出好幾億獲利的高手,叫做超級螞蟻,   本書作者金政煥,就是一個從理財小白開始,   在5年之內,將7000萬韓元(約160萬臺幣) Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By 金政煥 , 金利晏
上市不到一年暢銷超過10萬冊, 榮登韓國各大書店排行榜第一名! YouTube累積觀看數高達6千萬次, 韓國散戶最信賴的投資導師第一名!     在韓國股市,小型個人投資者(散戶),被稱作「螞蟻」,   而在散戶之中,能滾出好幾億獲利的高手,叫做超級螞蟻。   本書作者金政煥,就是一個從理財小白開始,   在5年之內,將7000萬韓元(約160萬臺幣) Learn More
USUAL: RM75.45

NOW: RM 75.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 67.91 (-10%)

Tribe Nine JAP/ENG (E / C) Fed up with society, youngsters all around Neo-Tokyo formed tribes to find their place in the world. However, group loyalty among them grew fierce and often led to violence. As a countermeasure, the government implemented the XB Law—stating that the tribe conflict is to be resolved through Extreme Baseball. From players using extendable bats to pitchers wearing special equipment, Extreme Baseball is a futuristic version of the sport with modifi Learn More
USUAL: RM25.90

NOW: RM 23.31 (-10%)

MEMBER: RM 20.72 (-20%)

By 股市隱者
  臉書粉專粉絲數2年內突破4萬人,   Apple Podcast及Spotify上線一週即榮登排行榜第1名。   ◎買股票像挖金礦,挖礦的工具很多,不必樣樣嫻熟,你要做的是挖對方向。   ◎毒品和槓桿都會讓人上癮,前者違法、後者合法,但後者的損害範圍往往更大!   ◎股息是自掏腰包,回購才是公司請客。(買回購股有哪五個關鍵?)   ◎好公司會照顧 Learn More
USUAL: RM64.70

NOW: RM 64.70 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 58.23 (-10%)

By 今井孝
  ◎網頁設計得很漂亮,但顧客還是不點擊、不想看、不下單。   ◎老闆不肯花錢在社群媒體買廣告,我這個一人行銷該怎麼辦?   ◎我是公司的唯一業務,到處跑展撒名片,但感覺都白忙,攬不到客人。   以上這些,是你經常發生的哀怨嗎?   這是一本針對一人公司、一人業務,或老闆不給預算的一人行銷,   最強的集客寶典,讓你不再因 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

By 鄭泰日
  ◎我的工作只要會說,不會寫其實沒關係──錯!不會寫的人在公司沒有競爭力。   ◎要寫什麼?光第一句就讓我想很久,腦中一片空白。作者有方法。   ◎一篇文章、一份報告就讓你脫穎而出!不是小說情節,必學11種體例幫你放大絕。   我常跟人說,我在公司負責寫作,   對方就會問:什麼?你不用工作嗎?   我說:寫作就是我的工作, Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By Sue Black
From the world's foremost forensic anthropologist and bestselling author of All That Remains, this book is an exploration - from skull to feet - of how our bones reveal all that happens to us in life. THE TIMES- BEST MEMOIRS OF THE YEAR. WINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER FOR NON-FICTION 'Gripping from the start, Written in Bone is superb' - Dr Richard Shepherd, author of Unnatural Causes 'No Scientist communicates better than Sue Black' - Val McDermid, author of Still Life Fro Learn More
USUAL: RM72.00

NOW: RM 72.00 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 64.80 (-10%)

By 菊原智明
  不出門跑業務,居然也能當超業?   20年前,大家還在用「腳」跑業務,   本書作者菊原智明就已懂得遠距銷售的策略。   他大學畢業後就去做土地住宅開發的業務,   但整整7年都達不到業績目標,本想就此放棄。   直到他將推廣業務的方法,從親自拜訪,改為先寄「行銷信」的遠距銷售,   業績反而衝高,連續4年榮登公司銷售冠軍,在 Learn More
USUAL: RM60.05

NOW: RM 60.05 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 54.05 (-10%)

By 桑原晃彌
  ◎蘋果創辦人賈伯斯挖角庫克,是因為他懂豐田,後來庫克成了賈伯斯的接班人。   ◎亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯,利用豐田的制度,整頓龐大物流。   ◎松下電器陷入危機時,松下幸之助不肯裁員,卻依舊度過難關,怎麼辦到?   就是靠豐田的進度管理系統。   這套系統為什麼這麼強?連蘋果、亞馬遜都要學?   因為它讓員工不白做、不閒晃、 Learn More
USUAL: RM58.50

NOW: RM 58.50 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 52.65 (-10%)

By 朴信榮
  ★韓國暢銷10萬本!   ★三星、LG、CJ集團、樂天等知名企業指定企劃教科書!   ★哥倫比亞大學、首爾大學、高麗大學、延世大學學生必聽的寫作課!   ◎我找了好多資料,要怎麼將50頁、上百頁濃縮成一頁?   ◎主管或教授要我寫報告,我從目次開始就不知從何說起。該怎麼架構?   ◎同事、同學曾笑你是「解釋蟲」嗎?意思就是你說 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 上本敏雅
  ◎美股一年配息4次,高達166家企業連續20年以上年年發股息。   ◎不想賺股息只想賺價差?你可以買現在的四騎士,還有未來的四騎士。   ◎看不懂英文也可以嗎?現在早就有全中文的交易軟體,連個股簡介也是中文。      作者上本敏雅,日本知名YouTuber,二十多歲就開始買美股,    2015年辭去IT工程師的工作,成為全職投資人,斜槓是攝影師 Learn More
USUAL: RM61.60

NOW: RM 61.60 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 55.44 (-10%)

By 山本大平
  ★日本亞馬遜排行榜暢銷書,銷售突破10萬本!   ◎豐田的品質怎麼來的?工廠老師傅的「歹看面」,光看就夠、不必說話。   ◎所有溝通都可在一分鐘內解決?因為豐田人有獨特口頭禪。   ◎豐田公司沒有例會這回事,開會更不准筆記,會後執行率超級高,怎麼辦到?   提到豐田,許多人會與即時管理系統(JIT)畫上等號。   JIT精準控管 Learn More
USUAL: RM55.45

NOW: RM 55.45 (-0%)

MEMBER: RM 49.91 (-10%)

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